Shelbye in the Matrix


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I love modern Orwellian tales of congested urban living and Metropolitan tedious labors. New age films such as I, Robot and The Matrix speak to these modern 'paranoia' sentiments and differ from the angst of our forefathers (who had nightmares of headless horsemen and bandits --- not giant evil machines/robots!).

As I wrote this, I started getting goosebumps, since I realized that our consumerism-obsessed American society had elected a casino-owner as its President (Donald Trump!).

I might be wary now of any woman named Shelbye...

Please read on and tell me what you think!


Evans always enjoyed a cup of Starbucks coffee on his way to work. Evans worked at a stock brokerage in Manhattan for over two years, and he loved the city and what New York had to offer to the diligent bureaucrat concerned about productivity and the vitality of commerce. Evans was courting a young woman at the office named Shelbye who was very beautiful and reminded him of his youth and motivated him to think about retiring someday to Fiji. One night, Evans had a very strange dream while napping.

In the nap-dream, Evans discovered he was in a world completely mechanized and controlled by machines! Humans were now cyborgs serving as slaves to the 'machine-gods,' and even Shelbye was a blue-colored cyborg. Evans found himself untangled from the mass of wires and cables that tied down all the other human-cyborg slaves and began to run across a field of battery-powered 'brain-harvesting' super-robots (fully metal!). Evans ran across the field and came across what seemed to be a giant fortress, and at the top of the fortress was a giant Starbucks logo!

When Evans awoke, he realized he dreamt about the claustrophobia of living in Manhattan and working in a tedious and laborious position at a stock brokerage. He thought deeply about the daily cup of Starbucks coffee which boosted his energy every morning before work. Evans realized that he was sort of a 'slave' to the 'paragon' of Metropolis, and he hurried to work to talk to Shelbye. Shelbye tried to comfort him, telling him he merely had a dream that reflected natural human anxieties about the congestion of the modern city and Wall Street. It was then that Evans realized that Shelbye had blue eyes...



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