'Shelter in place,' U.S. Embassy warns citizens as fighting rages in Sudan

Which has nothing to do with Trump or Biden. The conflict in Sudan is between two generals.
of course it has nothing to do with trump. Sudan was at peace when he was president .

the world is in chaos due to power vacuum created by xiden’s failure
Yeah, we know your penis is hard, hoping that US diplomats and other personnel die so you can have another episode of Bengazi Theater, but maybe wait and see how this plays out.
wow…that reminds me how americans just aren’t safe overseas when the dembots are in the white house
Oh I get it, you're a MAGAbot.

Wind up MAGAbot and listen to him talk!

<twist! twist!>

"Stop the Steal!"

<twist! twist!>

"Hunter's laptop!"

<twist! twist!>

"Hillary's e-mails!

<twist! twist!>

"Hah! Hah! I farted!"
apparently you farted when you pulled your custom built hand cranked talking dildo out of your ass !
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of course it has nothing to do with trump. Sudan was at peace when he was president .

the world is in chaos due to power vacuum created by xiden’s failure
Biden failed Sudan? You are bereft of current events.
One thing that can be said for certain, Trump brought Peace to the Middle East.

The U.S. Embassy in Sudan issued a security alert Saturday, warning American citizens to “shelter in place until further notice,” hours after the country's military said it had agreed to guarantee evacuation requests made by the United States, Britain, France and China.

“It is not currently safe to undertake a U.S. government co-ordinated evacuation of private U.S. citizens,” the alert said, as fighting continued between the Sudanese army and it’s partner turned rival, the Rapid Support Forces paramilitary group in the capital Khartoum and other parts of the west African nation.

Trump brought peace to the middle east, my ass.
Do you have any fucking proof that Biden did anything to trigger the outbreak of violence in Sudan, beyond the fact that this happened on his watch?

Another question: can you find Sudan on a map?

Gee, I wonder why the Biden Regime would want to see the current government and military leaders gone:

Earlier this year Russia finalized a deal with Sudan’s military leaders to build a naval base on the country’s Red Sea coast, where it would keep up to four ships, including nuclear-powered ones, and up to 300 troops.

Dating back to 2021, the deal was waiting to be ratified by the incoming Sudanese civilian government — an outcome that now looks increasingly unlikely


Same reason they wanted regime change in Syria. They were allies with Russia and that is not permitted.
I hope Biden does not have another "Afghanistan Moment" and get a bunch more people killed on his watch.....
American citizens to “shelter in place until further notice”
he oversaw a historic peace agreement called the Abraham accords .
How these people forget the facts is unbelievable. As I said

One thing that can be said for certain, Trump brought Peace to the Middle East.
I hope Biden does not have another "Afghanistan Moment" and get a bunch more people killed on his watch.....
American citizens to “shelter in place until further notice”
Yet another instance of Trump surrendering to the terrorist.
War in Syria occurred all through Trump's presidency with US troops present.
They still exist.
the caliphate doesnt ... you remember that dont you ... it threatened the middle east for yrs durring the Obama ,Biden admin and was destroyed in a few months when Trump became CIC !
the caliphate doesnt ... you remember that dont you ... it threatened the middle east for yrs durring the Obama ,Biden admin and was destroyed in a few months when Trump became CIC !
Yeah, Trump got in on the end of the action.

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