She's Got To Be Stopped: CNBC's Cramer Says Wall St. Freaking Out Over Possible Warren Victory


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Translation: Wall Street has been allowed to siphon wealth from our economy for four decades with impunity, and if Warren wins, that bullshit ends.

I can’t share this graph enough:


'She's gotta be stopped!' CNBC's Cramer says Wall Street freaking out over possible Warren victory

The people that have been fooled by these parasites for years are catching on.
A predicted 'landslide' by any other name is still a predicted 'landslide'...the Socialist Democrats, their propaganda-pushing media, and snowflakes are repeating their humiliating 2016 feat ... while avoiding using the term 'landslide'.

After 2016, it is hilarious to see them try to 'rinse and repeat' the tactic. It failed so miserably NO ONE is buying all these claims that have been taken out of 2016 Box, dusted off, and are being pushed again.


The only people that do better under democrat socialism are the elected and appointed class and the people that investigate and report on them the media loves socialism...makes them feel better as they suck the freedom out from under us....
I am just amazed at the number of sado-masochistic snowflakes so willing to follow this lying, heritage/race-stealing professional political liar and con artist who did what she did for personal benefit....

Rest assured, snowflakes, every time she lies to you and screws you in the future it will be for personal political benefit.

When it happens, don't try to act shocked, as if you didn't see it coming, as if she had not done it before...
Translation: Wall Street has been allowed to siphon wealth from our economy for four decades with impunity, and if Warren wins, that bullshit ends.

I can’t share this graph enough:


'She's gotta be stopped!' CNBC's Cramer says Wall Street freaking out over possible Warren victory

The people that have been fooled by these parasites for years are catching on.
Pocahontas' strength comes from the fact that the other Dem candidates are also worthless, but she is a fringer in the Party and a completely unprincipled grifter so even if by some miracle she should win, even the Democrats are not crazy enough to allow her to implement her schemes.
How does one support an admitted con artist who openly tells them she will TAKE their money and give it to criminal illegal invaders, to rob them and ransom their future in order to give the foreign criminals health care, education, housing, food, etc...while ignoring homeless, hungry Americans who have no health care...?
I wish I could believe it would end with Warren in there.

With Joe Biden steadily losing ground to his more progressive rivals, the fight for the Democratic presidential nomination is increasingly shaping up into a contest between competing theories of change. As Bernie Sanders continues his ongoing battle with the party establishment, looking to “transform” the party from outside, Elizabeth Warren is reportedly attempting to win over party elites. The New York Times’ Jonathan Martin reports that she is telling party leaders that “far from wanting to stage a ‘political revolution’ in the fashion of Mr. Sanders, she wants to revive the beleaguered Democratic National Committee and help recapture the Senate while retaining the House in 2020.” And on Saturday, NBC News reported that Warren has been speaking with 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton since announcing her campaign, though little is known about their communications due to the “political sensitivity” involved.

Elizabeth Warren Is Making a Mistake By Trying to Win Over Democratic Party Elites

In 2016 people were begging her to back Sanders. At least in words they were alike. She refused but then quickly jumped on board with Hillary....

Now here she is again courting Hillary and the corporate wing of the party. I wish I could but I simply do not trust her to be anything more than Hillary and Obama were.
How does one support an admitted con artist who openly tells them she will TAKE their money and give it to criminal illegal invaders, to rob them and ransom their future in order to give the foreign criminals health care, education, housing, food, etc...while ignoring homeless, hungry Americans who have no health care...?
The democrat Party hates America
I am just amazed at the number of sado-masochistic snowflakes so willing to follow this lying, heritage/race-stealing professional political liar and con artist who did what she did for personal benefit....

Rest assured, snowflakes, every time she lies to you and screws you in the future it will be for personal political benefit.

When it happens, don't try to act shocked, as if you didn't see it coming, as if she had not done it before...

Those sniveling pieces of shit won't even acknowledge it happened.
Translation: Wall Street has been allowed to siphon wealth from our economy for four decades with impunity, and if Warren wins, that bullshit ends.

I can’t share this graph enough:


'She's gotta be stopped!' CNBC's Cramer says Wall Street freaking out over possible Warren victory

The people that have been fooled by these parasites for years are catching on.

If Warren wins, that bullshit does not end. She played up her cheek bones to eek out a 1/1024 Cherokee Indian so that she could charge $400 per the one class she showed up for to teach. Contrast that vs. Trump giving up $400K to serve. You are being played by her.
The only people that do better under democrat socialism are the elected and appointed class and the people that investigate and report on them the media loves socialism...makes them feel better as they suck the freedom out from under us....
Democrats invest in America's competition then use their power in American government to punish America's businesses and help America's competition succeed.
Translation: Wall Street has been allowed to siphon wealth from our economy for four decades with impunity, and if Warren wins, that bullshit ends.

I can’t share this graph enough:


'She's gotta be stopped!' CNBC's Cramer says Wall Street freaking out over possible Warren victory

The people that have been fooled by these parasites for years are catching on.

You can't help but show a proven false graph? Ok. Keep showing. Still wrong, but that's never stopped a left-winger before.

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