Analysis: Rigging of voters’ minds on 2024 election has already begun

Don't you ever understand anything you read? I am opposed to never ending elections. I suppose you are in favor of no deadline at all. There is no benefit to extending counting deadlines. We have an election DAY, not week, month or year. Maybe we should just seat any demented moron in the WH---Oh wait.
We did that in 2016.
Why should anyone just accept a coup where even the government admits it was rigged for Biden?

Why not? The last one worked, and this one might too.

Only thing that might be destructive is another "funny" election where all the laws are changed, bent or broken in every swing state again so that the deep state can eek out another miraculous 11th hour win for their sock-puppet-baby leaving half the nation outraged again.

Color it this way:
  • Harris has NO record to run on other than a very BAD one.
  • She hasn't done jack. What she HAS done has all turned to SHIT.
  • She talks gibberish like an idiot (when she isn't giggling).
  • She was so unpopular in 2020 that she was the first to drop out of the primary.
  • In 2020, she opposed everything Biden was for, which is to say, everything she now stands for.
  • Her main redeeming qualities for the Left are that she's a black, she's a woman, and she's NOT JOE BIDEN.
The guy we were told just four years ago was America's Most Popular President ever.

Trump can certainly pull in 75-80 million votes or more.

Do you actually expect this ball-sucking hoser-pretender Marxist to get 80-85 million LEGITIMATE votes?
Totally False. Only an idiot believes the last election was flawed enough to change the results. Trump's own people told him he lost. He is just a sore lose, unable to admit he got his has beat. Then the piece of shit tried to overthrow the election at the states, in the courts and even sent his mob to the Capital to fight for him. He lost, and they lost. He even sicked them on his own Vice President, because he would not participate in the Trump election overthrow attempt, his mob shouting to have him hanged. It is BS like that, is why of the 49 cabinet and executive position he staffed, 75% do not support him, many want nothing to do with him. He was a lousy crooked President, who hates this country as a whole and over half the people in it, as they refused to vote for him. You don't even see his family putting themselves out front much, this time. The knew he lost last time.

Running against that America hating Trump POS, Harris will win, hands down. And, this time, the Capital will be ready for his attack force.
Totally False. Only an idiot believes the last election was flawed enough to change the results.
Really? He only lost be a few tens of thousands of votes or less in three states. Only about 10,000 votes in one of them. There are still 380,000 dubious votes in GA alone that remain potentially illegal--- good thing all their (legally required) records are lost. Then in PA, election laws were changed at the last minute by someone without the legal authority to change them!

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Trump's own people told him he lost.
Oh, you mean the people who otherwise are repeatedly claimed by you to all be unreliable and criminals, who all wanted Trump out of office anyway?

He is just a sore lose, unable to admit he got his has beat.
Odd, NONE of the data from 2020 indicates that Trump should have lost. All the data indicates he should have killed it. Trump, the first incumbent ever to have a great economy, secure borders, low crime and no wars who GAINED 10 million votes! And STILL lost. Yep. Sore loser. :71:


Then the piece of shit tried to overthrow the election at the states, in the courts
You mean rightly contest the election he believed he should have won like Al Gore did in Florida with 800 lawyers?

and even sent his mob to the Capital to fight for him.
There is ZERO evidence he "sent" anyone shitstain and you KNOW it. Don't even try to fly that bullshit with me.

He was a lousy crooked President, who hates this country
That is crazy. You are obviously an unhinged, media-driven loon divorced from reality.

Harris will win, hands down.
Who can say. But won't it be funny if she loses? I will laugh my ass off at you.
Really? He only lost be a few tens of thousands of votes or less in three states. Only about 10,000 votes in one of them. There are still 380,000 dubious votes in GA alone that remain potentially illegal--- good thing all their (legally required) records are lost. Then in PA, election laws were changed at the last minute by someone without the legal authority to change them!

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Oh, you mean the people who otherwise are repeatedly claimed by you to all be unreliable and criminals, who all wanted Trump out of office anyway?

Odd, NONE of the data from 2020 indicates that Trump should have lost. All the data indicates he should have killed it. Trump, the first incumbent ever to have a great economy, secure borders, low crime and no wars who GAINED 10 million votes! And STILL lost. Yep. Sore loser. :71:

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You mean rightly contest the election he believed he should have won like Al Gore did in Florida with 800 lawyers?

There is ZERO evidence he "sent" anyone shitstain and you KNOW it. Don't even try to fly that bullshit with me.

That is crazy. You are obviously an unhinged, media-driven loon divorced from reality.

Who can say. But won't it be funny if she loses? I will laugh my ass off at you.
All BS

NomineeJoe BidenDonald Trump
Home stateDelawareFlorida[c]
Running mateKamala HarrisMike Pence
Electoral vote306232
States carried25 + DC + NE-0225 + ME-02
Popular vote81,283,501[1]74,223,975[1]
Rant away, unhinged crackpot. I bet you tape MSNBC and Steven Colbert too.
I don't even DVR it for either of those. What century are you from? You still tape things? Getting a little long in the tooth, are you? You are probably voting for the old crazy felon guy, right? His loss this time will probably be even more decisive than last time.
Just sayin... :rolleyes:
You still tape things? Getting a little long in the tooth, are you?
Yea, I tape it on my reel to reel, jackass. Tape is obviously just a leftover jardon in the vernacular, like so many other common terms. Damn, I have to explain that to you? Or are you just deliberately trying to gaslight as usual?

You are probably voting for the old crazy felon guy, right?
You would have voted for 'Shuffles' Biden, and he is a LOT older, both physically and mentally. And the crazy felon bit-- oh yeah, because his accountant recorded legal payments to his attorney as a "legal expenses?" Guess that makes him Bonny & Clyde. Mind you, all that occurred in early 2017 after the election because the Porn Star WAITED decades until Trump was running for office to USE it then. Now you are 0-3. Wanna try for 0-4?

His loss this time will probably be even more decisive than last time.
Anything is possible, W6. I would not bank on it though. You really think Trump is going to get creamed by a do-nothing crazy suck-fuck bitch Marxist who presided over the worst 4 years of my lifetime and is lucky Joe didn't drop her for a new VP had he followed through on his promise that he was "absolutely running?"

Wow. :cuckoo:
Stay home, die at home. Don’t let them get you on a ventilator or give you shots. Exception: BoardStain can play ball with the deep state. That’s a WIN for the planet//
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Yea, I tape it on my reel to reel, jackass. Tape is obviously just a leftover jardon in the vernacular, like so many other common terms. Damn, I have to explain that to you? Or are you just deliberately trying to gaslight as usual?

You would have voted for 'Shuffles' Biden, and he is a LOT older, both physically and mentally. And the crazy felon bit-- oh yeah, because his attorney recorded legal payments to his attorney as a "legal expense?" Guess that makes him Bonny & Clyde. Mind you, all that occurred in early 2017 after the election because the Porn Star WAITED decades until Trump was running for office to USE it then. Now you are 0-3. Wanna try for 0-4?

Anything is possible, W6. I would not bank on it though. You really think Trump is going to get creamed by a do-nothing crazy suck-fuck bitch Marxist who presided over the worst 4 years of my lifetime and is lucky Joe didn't drop her for a new VP had he followed through on his promise that he was "absolutely running?"

Wow. :cuckoo:
Trump is the oldest party candidate to ever run for the presidency.
He's a felon because he was found guilty of 34 felonies.
So, it's just a matter of time before you are required to present your credible evidence. Better get going. TIK TOK - TIC TOK
Trump will present all the evidence needed when he takes office again. Why do you think they are trying to kill him?
Yea, I tape it on my reel to reel, jackass. Tape is obviously just a leftover jardon in the vernacular, like so many other common terms. Damn, I have to explain that to you? Or are you just deliberately trying to gaslight as usual?

You would have voted for 'Shuffles' Biden, and he is a LOT older, both physically and mentally. And the crazy felon bit-- oh yeah, because his accountant recorded legal payments to his attorney as a "legal expenses?" Guess that makes him Bonny & Clyde. Mind you, all that occurred in early 2017 after the election because the Porn Star WAITED decades until Trump was running for office to USE it then. Now you are 0-3. Wanna try for 0-4?

Anything is possible, W6. I would not bank on it though. You really think Trump is going to get creamed by a do-nothing crazy suck-fuck bitch Marxist who presided over the worst 4 years of my lifetime and is lucky Joe didn't drop her for a new VP had he followed through on his promise that he was "absolutely running?"

Wow. :cuckoo:
It just makes you sound dated and old, like your candidate, this year. Do you use VHS or Beta? I do remember those things, I just didn't keep any for nostalgia value.
Maybe he will admit defeat gracefully and endorse peaceful transfer of power, like all others in our history. What do you think?
It just makes you sound dated and old
Actually, most everyone says they taped something when they record it, especially when they have nearly FIFTY YEARS in the A/V industry working in both pro and amateur capacities. What do you say when you record on your DVR, that you're creating a new data file on your OTA DVR SS HDD?

Do you use VHS or Beta?
Actually, I use SVHS, CDR+, reel-to-reel, metal C-tape w/Dolby S, SS HDD, DVDR, MPEG, FITS, MP3, 24-bit WAV files, and many more formats. My house is literally FILLED with digital and analog audio and video recording gear.

Maybe he will admit defeat gracefully and endorse peaceful transfer of power, like all others in our history. What do you think?
I'm sure he will if the election is held normally, up and up with no strange, sudden millions of votes found at 4AM in the morning reversing what had otherwise been a victory for him the past 12 hours.
Actually, most everyone says they taped something when they record it, especially when they have nearly FIFTY YEARS in the A/V industry working in both pro and amateur capacities. What do you say when you record on your DVR, that you're creating a new data file on your OTA DVR SS HDD?

Actually, I use SVHS, CDR+, reel-to-reel, metal C-tape w/Dolby S, SS HDD, DVDR, MPEG, FITS, MP3, 24-bit WAV files, and many more formats. My house is literally FILLED with digital and analog audio and video recording gear.

I'm sure he will if the election is held normally, up and up with no strange, sudden millions of votes found at 4AM in the morning reversing what had otherwise been a victory for him the past 12 hours.
I say we have it on DVR. I have very little of that type equipment, and other than the old fashioned VHS and Betat, did not even know there was such a thing as real to reel to reel video recording, as I have never seen one in my life.

I guess toobfreak is an appropriate name. Got a decent tube amp for your sound system?
I quit fooling with tubes, in my teens or twenties.

I doubt if many people record much off the 24 hour news/infotainment networks. We do have the DVR set to record 10PM local news, so we can have the local weather, if we miss it. Around here, weather is the important news.
I say we have it on DVR. I have very little of that type equipment, and other than the old fashioned VHS and Betat, did not even know there was such a thing as real to reel to reel video recording, as I have never seen one in my life.
That's too bad. I've worked in pro audio, designed music systems for concert halls, designed call systems for hospitals, I have ties to the music industry, and have had a huge audio and video editing system at home most of my life. I make some of my own pro-quality stereo equipment. I still have a professional, portable Ampex field tape deck capable of making 2 track recordings good enough to make a metal master from, and even a Sony ES cassette recorder (worth about $1300 today adjusted for inflation) that can make a cassette recording that you would be VERY hard pressed to tell from the original CD (except maybe if you listened very closely at high volume for a tiny bit of tape hiss in very quiet moments).

I guess toobfreak is an appropriate name. Got a decent tube amp for your sound system?
Actually I design tube amps. A friend and I have advanced the state of the art of music playback developing new technology to bring one closer to the original live music. I have a custom built tube preamp, modified stereo tube power amp, twin mono chassis tubed power amps, a pair of modified solid state mono chassis power amps, and a Class H solid state power amp that all collectively together power my 3,000 watt music system along with many other pieces of gear (crossovers, etc), into a 5 cabinet 5-way speaker system. Here's an old picture of a small part of it:


Takes 17 steps just to turn it on. You'd think you died and went to heaven. Better than live. Knock you right off the back of the chair that you'd think your heart stopped with flat frequency response down to 12 cycles. :SMILEW~130:

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