"Closing the border even dumber than building a wall

I provided pics of hundreds of miles of Trumpā€™s border wall in Texas, Moron.

None of it in the river.
It might be a good idea to educate yourself a bit on the subject because it is painfully clear you have absolutely NO fucking idea what you are talking about. That means you'll have to uh....READ.
You can do that right?
For starters no, you didn't provide pics "of hundreds of miles of Trump's border wall in Texas." That would have been impossible because that doesn't exist.
The only "border wall" that has so far been attempted on The Rio Grande in Texas is just a few miles of experimental garbage that is already falling apart.
Know why?
And as for the few miles of fence that have actually been built on the TX border....Mexico didn't pay for one inch of it. It was privately funded.
Aren't you getting tired of arguing about shit you don't even really understand and then being bitch-slapped into oblivion by the facts.
You ARE a glutton for punishment aren't you?
In my OP for this thread I stated that most of you MAGAt cultroaches who THINK you have an opinion on border issues are full of shit because you haven't even ever seen the actual border and don't even understand what you're even talking about.
Thanks for proving my point perfectly.

Tommy Fisher billed his new privately funded border wall as the future of deterrence, a quick-to-build steel fortress that spans 3 miles in one of the busiest Border Patrol sectors.

Unlike a generation of wall builders before him, he said he figured out how to build a structure directly on the banks of the Rio Grande, a risky but potentially game-changing step when it came to the nationā€™s border wall system.

Fisher has leveraged his self-described ā€œLamborghiniā€ of walls to win more than $1.7 billion worth of federal contracts in Arizona

But his showcase piece is showing signs of runoff erosion and, if itā€™s not fixed, could be in danger of falling into the Rio Grande, according to engineers and hydrologists who reviewed photos of the wall for ProPublica and The Texas Tribune. It never should have been built so close to the river, they say.

Just months after going up, they said, photos reveal a series of gashes and gullies at various points along the structure where rainwater runoff has scoured the sandy loam beneath the foundation.

  • Trumpā€™s administration built 52 miles of new primary border barriers ā€” the first impediment people encounter if theyā€™re trying to cross the southern border with Mexico, that can block access either for people on foot or for vehicles ā€” where there were none before.
  • The administration built 458 total miles of primary and secondary border barriers, U.S. Customs and Border Protection data shows. The majority were replacements of smaller, dilapidated barriers.
  • Replacement barriers and secondary barriers that are behind primary barriers donā€™t add additional miles to the southern borderā€™s total coverage.

There is no simple answer or solution to our southern border humanitarian crisis.
Any politician who tries to tell you there is is lying to you. The issue is just too complex for political soundbytes.
When Trump speaks about stupid (non) solutions like building his ridiculous "wall" or "closing the border" he's just pandering to his clueless fan base spread out around the country, many of whom live nowhere near the southern border and don't really understand how it works.
It becomes a tribal thing for these people, often racial, and it just adds to the non-productive noise.
There MAY yet be a working solution to this issue. Some thoughtful, insigtful method of making our southern border more secure and stemming the flow of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. from the south, but it is PROBABLY not going to come from a bellicose, loud-mouthed, hatred-stoking, non-thinker like Donald Trump.

LĆ³pez Obradorā€™s letter emphasised the economic integration between the two countries and the damage to ā€œpeople, industry and commerceā€ that closing the border would bring.

California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, together with the six border states in Mexico, ā€œrepresent the fourth biggest economy in the worldā€, while 1 million people and 300,000 vehicles cross the border every day, wrote the Mexican leader popularly known as Amlo.

Many of those vehicles carry cargo as part of the USMCA free trade agreement among the US, Mexico and Canada, which LĆ³pez Obrador defended as making goods cheaper for US consumers and being ā€œthe only way to successfully confront the competition brought by the economic and commercial advance of Chinaā€.
LĆ³pez Obrador also asked Trump to bear in mind that almost 40 million Mexicans live in the US, that seven of every 10 agricultural workers in the US are Mexican, and that Mexicans contributed $325bn to the US economy last year.
But, he added: ā€œI understand that you are campaigning and that you are not ā€“ as some believe ā€“ obstinateā€.

Pour some ice water over your head and cool down

Trump intends to close the border to illegal aliens, drug smugglers, terrorists and other unsavory characters

People with valid visas will still come and go as usual
There is no simple answer or solution to our southern border humanitarian crisis.
Any politician who tries to tell you there is is lying to you. The issue is just too complex for political soundbytes.
When Trump speaks about stupid (non) solutions like building his ridiculous "wall" or "closing the border" he's just pandering to his clueless fan base spread out around the country, many of whom live nowhere near the southern border and don't really understand how it works.
It becomes a tribal thing for these people, often racial, and it just adds to the non-productive noise.
There MAY yet be a working solution to this issue. Some thoughtful, insigtful method of making our southern border more secure and stemming the flow of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. from the south, but it is PROBABLY not going to come from a bellicose, loud-mouthed, hatred-stoking, non-thinker like Donald Trump.

LĆ³pez Obradorā€™s letter emphasised the economic integration between the two countries and the damage to ā€œpeople, industry and commerceā€ that closing the border would bring.

California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, together with the six border states in Mexico, ā€œrepresent the fourth biggest economy in the worldā€, while 1 million people and 300,000 vehicles cross the border every day, wrote the Mexican leader popularly known as Amlo.

Many of those vehicles carry cargo as part of the USMCA free trade agreement among the US, Mexico and Canada, which LĆ³pez Obrador defended as making goods cheaper for US consumers and being ā€œthe only way to successfully confront the competition brought by the economic and commercial advance of Chinaā€.
LĆ³pez Obrador also asked Trump to bear in mind that almost 40 million Mexicans live in the US, that seven of every 10 agricultural workers in the US are Mexican, and that Mexicans contributed $325bn to the US economy last year.
But, he added: ā€œI understand that you are campaigning and that you are not ā€“ as some believe ā€“ obstinateā€.

President Eisenhower sent 3 million brown cockroaches home to Mexico in the 1950ā€™sā€¦He did it with a personnel of only 750. We could easily hunt down and send 50 million home today with modern technology and our massive agencies. Itā€™s going to happen, itā€™s just a matter of whenā€¦this wetback shit isnā€™t sustainable.

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And, when you look at the chart above, you can see where border wall projects are pending. Texas, which boasts the most U.S. Border Patrol sectors along the US/Mexico border, has the least amount of border wall completed and the most pending.
CBP confirms that so far, $15 billion in federal funding from the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense and the Treasury Forfeiture Fund will cover the costs of more than 700 miles of border security construction, as approved by the Trump Administration.
Mexico hasnā€™t paid a penny.
So, we can confirm The Trump Administration has completed about 450 miles of border security construction, but we can only VERIFY that claim with the context that not all of the border wall system was built from scratch, nor is an actual wall.

MagicMike didnt even know Trump built hundreds of miles of border wall in Texas. When I pointed out that fact he asked for proof. :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
And you support your government stealing private land?
You see idiot, the actual international boundary is in the center of the flowing river channel. Therefore the ONLY way to ever build any type of physical boundary on this stretch (the majority) of the U.S./Mexico border is to steal land from ranchers and farmers (and a national park) on the U.S. side and build the "wall" north of the river....effectively cutting the U.S. off from the Rio Grande and ceding it and the irrigation rights, (and the seized property) back to Mexico.
You see that's how it works on an international boundary you idiot.
Everything on the OTHER side of the wall belongs to the OTHER country.
Are you beginning to comprende now simp?

As government prepares to seize more land for a border wall, some Texas landowners prepare to fight

EL PASO ā€” When David Acevedo attended a meeting with officials from the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers in Webb County last month, he thought he would come away with more information about the Trump administrationā€™s border security plans.
But Acevedo, whose family owns 180 acres of land near the Rio Grande in south Laredo, said the meeting only produced more questions about how the administration was going to move forward with plans it had for the swath of land thatā€™s been in his family for generations.
ā€œThey didnā€™t tell us that they were doing a physical barrier,ā€ he said. ā€œThey said, ā€˜It may be a wall, it may be that we just need lights, weā€™re going to put lighting up, it may be we just need a road.ā€™ā€
The only thing he knew for sure was the administration wanted access to his land to conduct surveys and site samples for border security purposes. And in a letter dated Oct. 15, the government asked him to grant access for 18 months.

The governmentā€™s actions in Webb County are similar to the sporadic but hurried moves the administration is taking in the Rio Grande Valley as it fast-tracks construction of a border barrier ahead of the 2020 election. The administration moved ahead recently with construction of new barriers in the Rio Grande Valley, and NBC news reported last week that the administration is preparing court filings to seize more land in the area before the end of the month ā€” without first telling landowners how much it will offer for their land.

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Poor Mike. Claims there is no border wall cuz you canā€™t build it in the middle of a river.

Then brings links showing the hundreds of miles of border wall that has been built. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Poor Mike. Claims there is no border wall cuz you canā€™t build it in the middle of a river.

Then brings links showing the hundreds of miles of border wall that has been built. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
You are lying again Nostril.
Where did I post any link showing "hundreds of miles of border wall" in the middle of a river?
It doesn't exist.
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Pour some ice water over your head and cool down

Trump intends to close the border to illegal aliens, drug smugglers, terrorists and other unsavory characters

People with valid visas will still come and go as usual
Trump won't ever get another crack at the border.
You are lyimg again Nostril.
Where did I post any link showing "hundreds of miles of border wall" in the middle of a river?
It doesn't exist.
You are the liar. I said nothing about you bringing links to a wall in a river. You are flailing bigly, Simp. :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
You are the liar. I said nothing about you bringing links to a wall in a river. You are flailing bigly, Simp. :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
Here are your words liar.

Poor Mike. Claims there is no border wall cuz you canā€™t build it in the middle of a river.

Then brings links showing the hundreds of miles of border wall that has been built. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Aaaaaaaaaan he just keeps getting dumber. :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
So Nostril, it looks like you are really a closet Socialist huh?
Tell me....how much land do you think is acceptable for the government to take from private landowners along the Rio Grande and nationalize?
Trump won't ever get another crack at the border.
Maybe not

My lib know-it-all crystal ball window to the future is in the shop for repairs

I hope trump wins

But weā€™re going against the Big Three - dems, the lib media, and the Deep State, and thats a pretty tall order
Maybe not

My lib know-it-all crystal ball window to the future is in the shop for repairs

I hope trump wins

But weā€™re going against the Big Three - dems, the lib media, and the Deep State, and thats a pretty tall order
No. You are running a sexual predator and convicted con-man felon against a much stronger, cleaner candidate. It's a recipe for disaster.
No. You are running a sexual predator and convicted con-man felon against a much stronger, cleaner candidate. It's a recipe for disaster.
Save the blarney for next St Patricks Day

Trump is only about average as the upper crust in New York and Washington goes

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