Shinzo Abe Shot During Speech and Rushed to Hospital

He got what he deserved.

He - and his Abenomics just made the Japanese economy even more of a debt mess.
Plus, he refused to acknowledge Japanese atrocities during WW2.
In fact, he tried to get those atrocities erased from Japanese history.

He caused huge, macroeconomic damage to Japan's future and his attitude about Japan's conduct during WW2 was disgusting.
The former is forgivable.
The latter is not.
I'm not done with the idea that the shooter has some chinese connection. My first guess...and then my list of the other bad actors.

Abe Shot: An Open Source Investigation​

This link has an open source investigation, and this guy lives in Japan.

"Ex-Japanese Prime Minister has been shot in Nara, Japan. Little is known beyond that at this point, as this story is still developing.

I will be preparing a report on this for this weekend's subscriber newlsetter. Corbett Report members are invited to log in and post links to specific information regarding this event."

The Abe Assassination​

". . . On Friday, July 8, 2022, Shinzo Abe was in Nara, delivering a stump speech ahead of Japan's upper house election, which is due to take place on Sunday.

Abe's speech was interrupted by two loud booms coming from the street behind the politician, accompanied by large puffs of smoke. The alleged assailant was then wrestled to the ground and taken away by security.

Various videos show the incident in whole or in part. The clearest view to emerge so far shows Abe quickly stepping off the stump and dropping to his knees as the second shot is fired and it also shows security rushing to tackle the shooter about five to ten metres behind him.

Abe was then transported by helicopter to Nara Medical University Hospital in the city of Kashihara where he was pronounced dead. The official autopsy asserts that "the bullet went through Abe's upper left arm and damaged a blood vessel under his collarbone" and lists the official cause of death as "loss of blood."

The assailant, 41-year-old Tetsuya Yamagami, did not attempt to escape. He was arrested and has been interrogated by police. . . . "



". . . There is still much we do not know about the incident:

  • Who is Yamagami? A patsy? A decoy? A lone gunman? A wingnut? An agent of a dark agenda?
  • Was Abe's death politically motivated, or was it—as reports of Yamagami's testimony now indicate—religiously motivated? Neither of the above?
  • Was there deep state complicity in this event or was it the work of a single individual?
  • What effect will this have on the course of Japanese politics? On domestic security laws?
Although we are unlikely to receive believable answers to these questions from the police and the establishment media any time soon, the answers to these questions will become clear in the coming days and weeks. As James Evan Pilato often observes, the real action of potentially world-changing events like this one is in the reaction.

Thankfully, the idea that this event will be blamed on some foreign power and used as a pretext for war seems unlikely at this point (although reports indicate that the Chinese government has had to step in to "tamp down" the cries of celebration from certain corners of Chinese social media). But there are other agendas that this assassination could serve.

Media reports about Yamagami's homemade arsenal, for example, could be played up to warn of the dangers of lone nuts ordering parts off the internet and any number of security laws could be implemented on the back of this incident. The political reorganization that may take place in the LDP and the changes in Japanese government policy that may result from that reorganization also remain open questions for now, but ones that, when answered, could provide clues as to the real meaning of this assassination.

Time will tell. In the meantime, Corbett Report members are urged to continue the open source investigation as information continues to come out on the incident."
I know. So much for the efficacy of gun bans. So who benefited the most from his death? China.
Sooner or later, find China's fingerprints on this.
Sooner or later, find China's fingerprints on this.
Just what influence did Abe have over the current policies in Japan? It's not like he was the Prime Minister any more. He was delivering a speech in support of some other candidates. Why didn't the shooter go after those candidates instead?

The whole thing is fucky.

I don't think this has anything to do with China or Geo-Politics. We, being a political forum, naturally jump to the conclusion. Abe was only tangled up with international relgious leaders, which swindled poor or middle class Japanese, and just happened to not be in the right place at the right time. This looks to be the best working hypothesis so far.

I am thinking, that Yamagami was not even there, to initially target Abe.

He was there for some religious leader, that did not show up. He then, may have just chosen the next best target to take out his rage.

Suspect behind ex-PM Abe's shooting says he planned to target religious group exec​

I don't think this has anything to do with China or Geo-Politics. We, being a political forum, naturally jump to the conclusion. Abe was only tangled up with international relgious leaders, which swindled poor or middle class Japanese, and just happened to not be in the right place at the right time. This looks to be the best working hypothesis so far.

I am thinking, that Yamagami was not even there, to initially target Abe.

He was there for some religious leader, that did not show up. He then, may have just chosen the next best target to take out his rage.

Suspect behind ex-PM Abe's shooting says he planned to target religious group exec​

I have heard that theory too. Guess we'll just have to wait until the news tells us what they want us to hear.
I don't think this has anything to do with China or Geo-Politics. We, being a political forum, naturally jump to the conclusion. Abe was only tangled up with international relgious leaders, which swindled poor or middle class Japanese, and just happened to not be in the right place at the right time. This looks to be the best working hypothesis so far.

I am thinking, that Yamagami was not even there, to initially target Abe.

He was there for some religious leader, that did not show up. He then, may have just chosen the next best target to take out his rage.

Suspect behind ex-PM Abe's shooting says he planned to target religious group exec​

Perhaps. Clearly, their security was pretty sucky. But Abe was a good friend to the West and his loss will weaken any future dealings should China now decide to take military action on Taiwan, the reason why I wonder if China was behind this.
:( I liked him......the news say he was gravely injured, I hope he will live!

Crazy people everywhere!
Didn't know anything about him, but he seemed in character and demeanor when in Public that he was a good guy. If he liked Trump, then he was a good guy. :)

PS. Skye - has your cell phone ever posted or delivered a text emoticon without your knowledge to a contact ??? I picked up my phone, and my text was open, so I thought someone had sent me something in which triggered it to open. But when I looked it said delivered... I thought what in the heck ?
Perhaps. Clearly, their security was pretty sucky. But Abe was a good friend to the West and his loss will weaken any future dealings should China now decide to take military action on Taiwan, the reason why I wonder if China was behind this.
I don't care.

He was a globalist, that makes him an enemy of free people everywhere.

Anyone that was on board with the "plandemic," the "New Normal," and the "Great Reset?"

Is no friend of mine, or the people of this nation. My condolences to his family.

but? When you make an enemy of creation, and ally with the devil, you play with fire.
Didn't know anything about him, but he seemed in character and demeanor when in Public that he was a good guy. If he liked Trump, then he was a good guy. :)

PS. Skye - has your cell phone ever posted or delivered a text emoticon without your knowledge to a contact ??? I picked up my phone, and my text was open, so I thought someone had sent me something in which triggered it to open. But when I looked it said delivered... I thought what in the heck ?

No, my cell phone has never done that.

And yes, Shinzo Abe was a great person and Public figure, it's very sad that this happened to him.:(
No, my cell phone has never done that.

And yes, Shinzo Abe was a great person and Public figure, it's very sad that this happened to him.:(
Don't wish that on anyone... Agree.... The cell phone thing was mysterious, but I do carry the thing in my pocket a lot, so who knows really.. Technology, always a damned two edged sword... LOL
If they caught the shooter alive. He will be hung.
The Japanese are not much on porn so if he IS hung we'll probably never know it and our LGBT contingent will cry salty tears. Now if he's hanged....that could be different so our necropheliacs will be dancing.
No your a arrogant douchebag who thinks he’s a He man outdoorsman yet you vote like an Oriental ( Asian) Liberal Irvine California soccer mom...
What the hell are you talking about?
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