Shinzo Abe Shot During Speech and Rushed to Hospital

It’s sad for Japan and no one expected the former prime minister to be executed like that
It really become dangerous for everyone yesterday in Grenoble in France two men on motorcycles came to shoot at the crowd and the police were there and killed them otherwise it would have been another massacre.
It’s sad for Japan and no one expected the former prime minister to be executed like that
It really become dangerous for everyone yesterday in Grenoble in France two men on motorcycles came to shoot at the crowd and the police were there and killed them otherwise it would have been another massacre.
Islamists of Color no doubt
What is not being reported is Shinzo was popular with the Japanese. A nationalist, and a vehement opponent of china. He was also Trumps friend.
Does Xiden remember where he was while the alleged (impossible because Japan HAS ultra-strong gun laws)crime took place. Can anyone testify to his whereabouts at the time? Daughters claiming they were sharing a shower with him at the time don't count.
Sooner or later, find China's fingerprints on this.
Yep , Shooter could actually be Chinese spy with Japanese ancestry (Rape of Nanking ) ( WW2 Japanese Great Grandfather ...) or have been chosen due to Ethnic Japanese genetic traits and his Japanese Military background strengthens premise that he was inserted as a sleeper spy
Yep , Shooter could actually be Chinese spy with Japanese ancestry (Rape of Nanking ) ( WW2 Japanese Great Grandfather ...) or have been chosen due to Ethnic Japanese genetic traits and his Japanese Military background strengthens premise that he was inserted as a sleeper spy

Just what influence did Abe have over the current policies in Japan? It's not like he was the Prime Minister any more. He was delivering a speech in support of some other candidates. Why didn't the shooter go after those candidates instead?

The whole thing is fucky.
Just what influence did Abe have over the current policies in Japan? It's not like he was the Prime Minister any more. He was delivering a speech in support of some other candidates. Why didn't the shooter go after those candidates instead?

The whole thing is fucky.
He was running as a candidate ( Campaign event )
Yes, But it is hide

Yes , but the French media prefer to not said only when they are white.

Same here. The news media doesn't want to piss of the brown people my mentioning the color, race, ethnicity, and religion of the person that committed the crime. They're afraid they'll get protested, looted, and burned out.
Most likely. They were applauding the murder.
Abe had been working for some time to amend the Japanese constitution to allow for the development of nuclear weapons, for obvious reasons. A lower level politician working on the same issue was killed under suspicious circumstances a decade or so prior to this.
Abe had been working for some time to amend the Japanese constitution to allow for the development of nuclear weapons, for obvious reasons. A lower level politician working on the same issue was killed under suspicious circumstances a decade or so prior to this.
You don’t buy into the Chinese Sleeper agent shooter idea ?
Just what influence did Abe have over the current policies in Japan? It's not like he was the Prime Minister any more. He was delivering a speech in support of some other candidates. Why didn't the shooter go after those candidates instead?

The whole thing is fucky.
He was very influential in a political party much more conservative than that of the current PM, despite the fact that they were personal friends.

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