Shinzo Abe Shot During Speech and Rushed to Hospital

I can report this post too probably believe the lie, huh?


I mean you being a, Democrat, and all.
There is no correlation between those that worship Trump and those that love their country.

There is an actual cortellation between people who hate their country and members of the democrat party....
Obviously FAKE NEWS as we all know there are NO GUNS in Japan, that gun control works and that everyone is safe there becasuse of it. :smoke:
Maybe you shot get a HEARING AID 🦻 or a IQ test. Fox News reported it was a Home Made Gun
There is an actual cortellation between people who hate their country and members of the democrat party....

There is an actual correlation between people who hate their country and members of the either side of the duopoly...
Maybe you shot get a HEARING AID 🦻 or a IQ test. Fox News reported it was a Home Made Gun
Maybe you SHOULD get
Not shot get

Unless English is not your first language
Then I apologize
There is an actual correlation between people who hate their country and members of the either side of the duopoly...
Maybe you SHOULD get
Not shot
Maybe you SHOULD get
Not shot get

Unless English is not your first language
Then I apologize

Maybe you SHOULD get
Not shot get

Unless English is not your first language
Then I apologize

I understand! It’s HIS fault he got shot. He had some nerve being out in public making a Speech. Another DEMOCRATIC MORON 🤗
Have you ever noticed that folks too cowardly or lazy to investigate the two sides, pretend that both sides are the same? are one of those.

Yep........that is because they want to put themselves as over the other is an ego thing with those types of idiots....
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was attacked by a man from behind while he was making a stump speech on a street in Nara on Abe Lincoln



The death-cultists at CBS already smearing Abe because he was cordial with Trump:

Have you ever noticed that folks too cowardly or lazy to investigate the two sides, pretend that both sides are the same? are one of those.

They are basically the same. Not on the ground level, but once they get into national power they are basically the same outside of a few social wedge issues they use to keep us divided
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