Ships return to dock as Syria chemical weapons deadline missed


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I honestly thought this was already a done deal.

Ships return to dock as Syria chemical weapons deadline missed

Norwegian frigate and Danish warship deployed to escort chemical weapons to be destroyed ordered back to port after acceptance that deadline for removal of Syrian arsenal will not be met

12:33AM GMT 31 Dec 2013

Disarmament teams returned Scandinavian escort vessels to port on Monday as they accepted an end-of-year deadline for the removal of Syrian chemical weapons could no longer be met, a Norwegian spokesman said.

Norwegian frigate HNoMS Helge Ingstad was ordered back to port in the nearby island of Cyprus along with a Danish warship that had been deployed to escort the dangerous cargo to destruction under international supervision, spokesman Lars Hovtun said.

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Ships return to dock as Syria chemical weapons deadline missed - Telegraph
"Under an internationally agreed plan, the chemicals will be taken to a port in Italy where they are to be transported to a US Navy ship specially fitted with equipment to destroy the weapons at sea.

"Washington said Monday that it was 'the Assad regime's responsibility to transport the chemicals to the port safely, to facilitate their removal.'

"'We expect them to meet that obligation," stressed State Department deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf.

"But she also recognised that it was 'a complicated process ... as long as we see forward progress that what's most important here.'

"The US-Russia deal for Syria to surrender more than 1,000 tonnes of chemical agents averted US-led military strikes after a chemical weapons attack on August 21 near Damascus that the United States says killed 1,400 people.

"Harf highlighted how much had been achieved since the chemical arms deal was struck in September including 'the functional disablement of all Syria's declared production, mixing and filling equipment'.

"'Which basically means they can't take the chemicals they have and weaponise them.'
And she stressed the international effort was still operating under an 'ambitious timeline' which should see the stockpile completely destroyed by June 30."

Ships return to dock as Syria chemical weapons deadline missed - Telegraph
"Under an internationally agreed plan, the chemicals will be taken to a port in Italy where they are to be transported to a US Navy ship specially fitted with equipment to destroy the weapons at sea.

"Washington said Monday that it was 'the Assad regime's responsibility to transport the chemicals to the port safely, to facilitate their removal.'

"'We expect them to meet that obligation," stressed State Department deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf.

"But she also recognised that it was 'a complicated process ... as long as we see forward progress that what's most important here.'

"The US-Russia deal for Syria to surrender more than 1,000 tonnes of chemical agents averted US-led military strikes after a chemical weapons attack on August 21 near Damascus that the United States says killed 1,400 people.

"Harf highlighted how much had been achieved since the chemical arms deal was struck in September including 'the functional disablement of all Syria's declared production, mixing and filling equipment'.

"'Which basically means they can't take the chemicals they have and weaponise them.'
And she stressed the international effort was still operating under an 'ambitious timeline' which should see the stockpile completely destroyed by June 30."

Ships return to dock as Syria chemical weapons deadline missed - Telegraph

Wow, the King of Cut and Pastes has finally given the readers something that hasn't to do with the U.S. or Israel. Meanwhile, I hope the King of Cut and Pastes gives us another of his Cuts and Pastes to apprise us when this matter is finally settled.
"Under an internationally agreed plan, the chemicals will be taken to a port in Italy where they are to be transported to a US Navy ship specially fitted with equipment to destroy the weapons at sea.

"Washington said Monday that it was 'the Assad regime's responsibility to transport the chemicals to the port safely, to facilitate their removal.'

"'We expect them to meet that obligation," stressed State Department deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf.

"But she also recognised that it was 'a complicated process ... as long as we see forward progress that what's most important here.'

"The US-Russia deal for Syria to surrender more than 1,000 tonnes of chemical agents averted US-led military strikes after a chemical weapons attack on August 21 near Damascus that the United States says killed 1,400 people.

"Harf highlighted how much had been achieved since the chemical arms deal was struck in September including 'the functional disablement of all Syria's declared production, mixing and filling equipment'.

"'Which basically means they can't take the chemicals they have and weaponise them.'
And she stressed the international effort was still operating under an 'ambitious timeline' which should see the stockpile completely destroyed by June 30."

Ships return to dock as Syria chemical weapons deadline missed - Telegraph

Wow, the King of Cut and Pastes has finally given the readers something that hasn't to do with the U.S. or Israel. Meanwhile, I hope the King of Cut and Pastes gives us another of his Cuts and Pastes to apprise us when this matter is finally settled.
Did you miss the part about a US Navy ship responsible for disposing of the precursors? Obviously you're still in denial about the ratio of civilian deaths caused by Syria's government and those caused by your own. (assuming your not Israeli, that is)
"Under an internationally agreed plan, the chemicals will be taken to a port in Italy where they are to be transported to a US Navy ship specially fitted with equipment to destroy the weapons at sea.

"Washington said Monday that it was 'the Assad regime's responsibility to transport the chemicals to the port safely, to facilitate their removal.'

"'We expect them to meet that obligation," stressed State Department deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf.

"But she also recognised that it was 'a complicated process ... as long as we see forward progress that what's most important here.'

"The US-Russia deal for Syria to surrender more than 1,000 tonnes of chemical agents averted US-led military strikes after a chemical weapons attack on August 21 near Damascus that the United States says killed 1,400 people.

"Harf highlighted how much had been achieved since the chemical arms deal was struck in September including 'the functional disablement of all Syria's declared production, mixing and filling equipment'.

"'Which basically means they can't take the chemicals they have and weaponise them.'
And she stressed the international effort was still operating under an 'ambitious timeline' which should see the stockpile completely destroyed by June 30."

Ships return to dock as Syria chemical weapons deadline missed - Telegraph

Wow, the King of Cut and Pastes has finally given the readers something that hasn't to do with the U.S. or Israel. Meanwhile, I hope the King of Cut and Pastes gives us another of his Cuts and Pastes to apprise us when this matter is finally settled

Did you miss the part about a US Navy ship responsible for disposing of the precursors? Obviously you're still in denial about the ratio of civilian deaths caused by Syria's government and those caused by your own. (assuming your not Israeli, that is)

Just give us another one of your Cut and Pastes when this operation is over. Evidently it is quite ovvious that Mr. George is in denial of the millions and millions of deaths committed by Muslims since Islam first appeared on the scene. It really doesn't even seem to bother him when Muslims are murdering other innocent Muslims because of the sect they belong to. That's OK if he feels happy about overlooking this and feels good about himself constantly whining how bad the U.S. and Israel is while sitting warm and comfortable in his little apartment as others are anxiously awaiting their turn to live in this country from all over the world. I would suggest that Mr. George visit the building where new citizens are being sworn in and see how happy they are to finally become a citizen of this country. Maybe Mr. Georgie can even borrow one of the little American flags that they are waving to show that once in a while even he is happy to be living here. I honestly don't think Mr. George would be willing to trade his little apartment for a place in North Korea even though the communist system seems to be more palatable to him.
Half the population displaced or refugee, 1/8 have been killed. With mass graves the figure could be higher.
Too many suffering or dead.
I honestly thought this was already a done deal.

Ships return to dock as Syria chemical weapons deadline missed

Norwegian frigate and Danish warship deployed to escort chemical weapons to be destroyed ordered back to port after acceptance that deadline for removal of Syrian arsenal will not be met

12:33AM GMT 31 Dec 2013

Disarmament teams returned Scandinavian escort vessels to port on Monday as they accepted an end-of-year deadline for the removal of Syrian chemical weapons could no longer be met, a Norwegian spokesman said.

Norwegian frigate HNoMS Helge Ingstad was ordered back to port in the nearby island of Cyprus along with a Danish warship that had been deployed to escort the dangerous cargo to destruction under international supervision, spokesman Lars Hovtun said.

Continue reading at:

Ships return to dock as Syria chemical weapons deadline missed - Telegraph
Another Obama fuckup! What a disaster this president is. Everything he touches or gets involved in, always turns into a big mess. Has he made a single correct decision ever since he took office? I wonder.
So, if the Syrians have missed the deadline, what happens now?

Will Obumble mobilize the Sixth Fleet for action?
Obama will draw another red line with his famous invisible ink for the Syrians to calmly step over while picking their noses.
So, if the Syrians have missed the deadline, what happens now?

Will Obumble mobilize the Sixth Fleet for action?
Obama will draw another red line with his famous invisible ink for the Syrians to calmly step over while picking their noses.
"If you like your chemical weapons, you can keep your chemical weapons. Period. End of story".

~~Obama to Assad
So, if the Syrians have missed the deadline, what happens now?

Will Obumble mobilize the Sixth Fleet for action?
Obama will draw another red line with his famous invisible ink for the Syrians to calmly step over while picking their noses.
"If you like your chemical weapons, you can keep your chemical weapons. Period. End of story".

~~Obama to Assad

< snicker >
Half the population displaced or refugee, 1/8 have been killed. With mass graves the figure could be higher.
Too many suffering or dead.
When are you planning to provide links for your claims?
If only Georgie read WSJ instead of Wikidedia....................
What's the population of Syria according to the WSJ?
What's wrong, Hossie, are you running out of hasbara hacks to drag onto USMB?
Last edited:
When are you planning to provide links for your claims?
If only Georgie read WSJ instead of Wikidedia...................

What's the population of Syria according to the WSJ?
What's wrong, Hossie, are you running out of hasbara hacks to drag onto USMB?

And here I thought one of the pimps for the Islamic terrorists (since no one has ever seen a word from him condemning them for what they do to innocent people) was getting ready for the big New Year's Eve party in downtown L.A. He will be like Cinderella attending a ball, what with Mr. George dancing the night away until the midnight hour. He will not be arriving via stagecoach magically changed from a pumpkin nor will he have a stagecoach on the way home (unless he puts on a gigolo act and picks up some woman who has a Jag). By the way, bus fares are on the house tonight in case Mr. George lives near a bus line that can take him to the celebration so he wouldn't have to hoof it.

L.A. hopes Grand Park puts some 'wow' into city's New Year's Eve -
So, if the Syrians have missed the deadline, what happens now?

Will Obumble mobilize the Sixth Fleet for action?
Obama will draw another red line with his famous invisible ink for the Syrians to calmly step over while picking their noses.
"If you like your chemical weapons, you can keep your chemical weapons. Period. End of story".

~~Obama to Assad
:lmao: :clap:

Even Obama is laughing at that one.


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