US says Syria appears to be planning another chemical weapons attack

I call the US Empire the MICE ...Military Industrial Complex Empire ..........This cheese eating MICE is coming for your benefits ...your social safety will never have enough of the Nation's wants a submissive population, look at how sub the Trump supporters are , no matter how much he lies and humiliates them with broken promises and lies and word games they are always there ready to fetch...sad weak

The MICE wants you frightened lol that is easy here in the US which is far from being the home of the Brave ...only home of the Braves in the US is Atlanta Fulton stadium ...
...and the D Party and the DNC media are 100% behind this effort...

As is the R Party....but only by 99%.
Let's kill the man

^^^^^ the ideal option and MISSED over and over and over.
the assad dynastry should have been ABORTED in 1971.

short list of Baathist scum that the USA neglected to abort>>>
1) mufti al husseini
2) gamal abdel Nasser
3) Idi Amin
4) Saddam Hussein
5) hafez assad

Let's see now....

...a little history lesson is in order.

Has the US ruling class been successful with regime change ANYWHERE in the Middle East?
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I call the US Empire the MICE ...Military Industrial Complex Empire ..........This cheese eating MICE is coming for your benefits ...your social safety will never have enough of the Nation's wants a submissive population, look at how sub the Trump supporters are , no matter how much he lies and humiliates them with broken promises and lies and word games they are always there ready to fetch...sad weak

The MICE wants you frightened lol that is easy here in the US which is far from being the home of the Brave ...only home of the Braves in the US is Atlanta Fulton stadium ...
...and the D Party and the DNC media are 100% behind this effort...

As is the R Party....but only by 99%.
Yeah the GOP is well known for its anti war activity bwuaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Let's kill the man

^^^^^ the ideal option and MISSED over and over and over.
the assad dynastry should have been ABORTED in 1971.

short list of Baathist scum that the USA neglected to abort>>>
1) mufti al husseini
2) gamal abdel Nasser
3) Idi Amin
4) Saddam Hussein
5) hafez assad

Let's see now....

...a little history lesson is in order.

Has the US ruling class been successful with regime ANYWHERE in the Middle East?

the US?? ------the US has been controlling the Middle east for the past 1400 years?. Sadly the US hasneglected the middle east and just sat around WAITING for disaster.------just as the US sat
around waiting for disaster in the late 1920s------and failed to abort your hero ADOLF. It should
have been DONE in 1930
There will be a War and it will be another WW. The money people want it.
There will be a War and it will be another WW. The money people want it.

the "money people"?

Yup. The Money people. The International Banking Cartels. It's the reason all Wars are fought. Just ask General Smedley Butler.

"“WAR is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one
international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the
losses in lives.”
Smedley D. Butler, War Is a Racket
From the CNBC report, Trump's WH has made it clear that al-Assad is in the bulls eye if there is such an attack.

Let's kill the man and bring our troops home and let the locals settle their own dispute without American blood.
US says Syria appears to be planning another chemical weapons attack

There is no legal basis to murder the sitting Internationally recognized leader of Syria are calling for a Mafia style rub out..

U.S. Retreats From Al-Tanf - Gives Up On Occupying South East Syria
By Moon Of Alabama
The U.S

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