Ships return to dock as Syria chemical weapons deadline missed

I think George's hometown paper would be Nation Of Islam Times. Heh heh.
So, if the Syrians have missed the deadline, what happens now?

Will Obumble mobilize the Sixth Fleet for action?
In order to add to the total of dead civilians (again)?

That's exactly what would happen but with a sprinkling of dead Americans.
Of course, if you invade, your men would be killed by terrorists, allowing you to take revenge on even more people.

The stupidity is beyond comprehension.
So, if the Syrians have missed the deadline, what happens now?

Will Obumble mobilize the Sixth Fleet for action?
In order to add to the total of dead civilians (again)?

That's exactly what would happen but with a sprinkling of dead Americans.
Of course, if you invade, your men would be killed by terrorists, allowing you to take revenge on even more people.

The stupidity is beyond comprehension.

The sense of victimization expressed by freddie is truly "stupidity beyond
comprehension" well------actually it is kinda typical JIHADO ------it reflects the
party line "EVERYONE IS TRYING TO DESTROY ISLAAAAAAM' ------really---I will
explain Freddie is theorizing that the PRIME DIRECTIVE of crusader USA ---
is "KILL MUSLIMS" so tricky yanks are attempting to do a SET UP on the noble
followers of the rapist pig. I learned all about this mindset from muslims from
Southeast Asia-----as far back as 46 years ago and since
In order to add to the total of dead civilians (again)?

That's exactly what would happen but with a sprinkling of dead Americans.
Of course, if you invade, your men would be killed by terrorists, allowing you to take revenge on even more people.

The stupidity is beyond comprehension.

The sense of victimization expressed by freddie is truly "stupidity beyond
comprehension" well------actually it is kinda typical JIHADO ------it reflects the
party line "EVERYONE IS TRYING TO DESTROY ISLAAAAAAM' ------really---I will
explain Freddie is theorizing that the PRIME DIRECTIVE of crusader USA ---
is "KILL MUSLIMS" so tricky yanks are attempting to do a SET UP on the noble
followers of the rapist pig. I learned all about this mindset from muslims from
Southeast Asia-----as far back as 46 years ago and since
It's all part of a long-rehearsed and long-practiced 'set piece' that is routinely utilized by Blogging Islam and their Arab Butt-Boy fellow travelers and sympathizers around here.
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Anybody that actually expected them to honor their agreement is a Fool.

They are testing the resolve of the agreement by the delay.

Eventually, they will over tokens of arms to be destroyed, but they will never give all of it up as agreed.

This delay is a Pravda strike on Obama, to test his resolve, drink vodka, and laugh at him.
I simply don't care about Syria. You have a dictator, who supports terrorism fighting against the Muslim Brotherhood. A single tyrant versus a group of Tyrants............

Let them kill each other. I simply don't care. As long as they are busy with each other, at least they aren't busy creating more terrorist attacks around the globe.
In order to add to the total of dead civilians (again)?

That's exactly what would happen but with a sprinkling of dead Americans.
Of course, if you invade, your men would be killed by terrorists, allowing you to take revenge on even more people.

The stupidity is beyond comprehension.

The sense of victimization expressed by freddie is truly "stupidity beyond
comprehension" well------actually it is kinda typical JIHADO ------it reflects the
party line "EVERYONE IS TRYING TO DESTROY ISLAAAAAAM' ------really---I will
explain Freddie is theorizing that the PRIME DIRECTIVE of crusader USA ---
is "KILL MUSLIMS" so tricky yanks are attempting to do a SET UP on the noble
followers of the rapist pig. I learned all about this mindset from muslims from
Southeast Asia-----as far back as 46 years ago and since

As is common for you, you're talking total bollocks.
The population of Syria, to answer the question from earlier in the thread, is roughly 22 million people.
The government forces have about 200,000 men whilst the opposition total about 100,000.
The opposition is made of of political idealists, those pissed off with the government's mass murder and, most importantly, several bunches of total bastards, with no aim except installing the most radical version of Islam they can.
Dangerous isn't even close but silly buggers, including the American government, are allowing them to get well armed.
Fucking stupid.

To sum up, we have 300,000 or so armed men, backed up by several governments, destroying the lives of 22 million people.

The flow of arms and support to all sides must stop immediately and a multi national force covering borders to stop any further arms getting in. That way, the weapons will dry up and the idiots will be forced to stop fighting.
Instead, a mix of political ideas and greedy bastard arms dealers are loving the murder and maiming, applauded by fucking idiots like you.

Frankly, you should be fucking ashamed of yourself.
"...Let them kill each other. I simply don't care. As long as they are busy with each other, at least they aren't busy creating more terrorist attacks around the globe."
It IS rather difficult to escape the conclusion that the Muslims are their own worst enemy...

One merely need whisper 'Shia' into a Sunni ear, and 'Sunni' into a Shia ear, and then sit back and watch the fun...
So, if the Syrians have missed the deadline, what happens now?

Will Obumble mobilize the Sixth Fleet for action?
In order to add to the total of dead civilians (again)?

That's exactly what would happen but with a sprinkling of dead Americans.
Of course, if you invade, your men would be killed by terrorists, allowing you to take revenge on even more people.

The stupidity is beyond comprehension.
Possibly you misspelled $tupidity?
It should be clear to any rational person how the borders of the Middle East are being withdrawn $tarting with Iraq in 2003, Lebanon in 2006, Libya in 2011, and the current quagmire in $yria.

Jew-firster$, however, have never been rational about such thing$...
That's exactly what would happen but with a sprinkling of dead Americans.
Of course, if you invade, your men would be killed by terrorists, allowing you to take revenge on even more people.

The stupidity is beyond comprehension.

The sense of victimization expressed by freddie is truly "stupidity beyond
comprehension" well------actually it is kinda typical JIHADO ------it reflects the
party line "EVERYONE IS TRYING TO DESTROY ISLAAAAAAM' ------really---I will
explain Freddie is theorizing that the PRIME DIRECTIVE of crusader USA ---
is "KILL MUSLIMS" so tricky yanks are attempting to do a SET UP on the noble
followers of the rapist pig. I learned all about this mindset from muslims from
Southeast Asia-----as far back as 46 years ago and since

As is common for you, you're talking total bollocks.
The population of Syria, to answer the question from earlier in the thread, is roughly 22 million people.
The government forces have about 200,000 men whilst the opposition total about 100,000.
The opposition is made of of political idealists, those pissed off with the government's mass murder and, most importantly, several bunches of total bastards, with no aim except installing the most radical version of Islam they can.
Dangerous isn't even close but silly buggers, including the American government, are allowing them to get well armed.
Fucking stupid.

To sum up, we have 300,000 or so armed men, backed up by several governments, destroying the lives of 22 million people.

The flow of arms and support to all sides must stop immediately and a multi national force covering borders to stop any further arms getting in. That way, the weapons will dry up and the idiots will be forced to stop fighting.
Instead, a mix of political ideas and greedy bastard arms dealers are loving the murder and maiming, applauded by fucking idiots like you.

Frankly, you should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

Frankly, your idea of a multinational force is a total joke.

There are only so many jihad fronts that the relevant first world can act as babysitters for.

The jihad in Syria is not going to be calmed by putting multinational forces on the firing line. Aside from the risk to lives of those representing a multinational force, there are considerations of the cost and maintenance of those forces.

Why is the relevant first world required to act as a global police force and nanny to Islamic third world’ers who have been slamming away at each other for 1,400 years and have no intention of stopping now?
In order to add to the total of dead civilians (again)?

That's exactly what would happen but with a sprinkling of dead Americans.
Of course, if you invade, your men would be killed by terrorists, allowing you to take revenge on even more people.

The stupidity is beyond comprehension.
Possibly you misspelled $tupidity?
It should be clear to any rational person how the borders of the Middle East are being withdrawn $tarting with Iraq in 2003, Lebanon in 2006, Libya in 2011, and the current quagmire in $yria.

Jew-firster$, however, have never been rational about such thing$...

Why is it always the hippies and conspiracy theorists that pop out with the “Jew-firsters” nonsense while the people with an understanding of history, a working knowledge and familiarity with conditions on the ground and experience dealing with them sit on the sides and shake their heads?
I honestly thought this was already a done deal.

Ships return to dock as Syria chemical weapons deadline missed

Norwegian frigate and Danish warship deployed to escort chemical weapons to be destroyed ordered back to port after acceptance that deadline for removal of Syrian arsenal will not be met

12:33AM GMT 31 Dec 2013

Disarmament teams returned Scandinavian escort vessels to port on Monday as they accepted an end-of-year deadline for the removal of Syrian chemical weapons could no longer be met, a Norwegian spokesman said.

Norwegian frigate HNoMS Helge Ingstad was ordered back to port in the nearby island of Cyprus along with a Danish warship that had been deployed to escort the dangerous cargo to destruction under international supervision, spokesman Lars Hovtun said.

Continue reading at:

Ships return to dock as Syria chemical weapons deadline missed - Telegraph

Simple and obvious explanation: Bashar al-Assad is not to be trusted. Trusting him is like trusting Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Muammar al-Gaddafi, and the like.
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"...Simple and obvious explanation: Bashar al-Assad is not to be trusted. Trusting him is like trusting Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and the like."
A blind man coulda seen this one comin' a mile away...
Future history.
America supplies the opposition.
They win but are soon taken over by extremist elements, the more moderate ones, executed as traitors to Islam or whatever excuse comes to mind.

The American supplied weapons (anti tank and anti aircraft missiles included) are soon in the hands of forces intent on seeing as many dead Israelis as possible.
Bye bye a few IDF jets, bulldozers and tanks but no real damage as they are far weaker than the IDF. Perhaps they'll be a few suicide bombs but that'll be about that.
Israel needs to replace the lost aircraft, tanks and also needs to increase forces in an attempt to stop terrorism.
These are all supplied, free of charge, by America's arms industry, well, by American taxpayers.

Guess who's happy?

Everyone assumes the loss of influence in Egypt was a massive mistake, no way; as Egypt get Russian arms, America will keep up Israel's superiority by supplying even more to the Jewish state.
All a massive con.
I honestly thought this was already a done deal.

Ships return to dock as Syria chemical weapons deadline missed

Norwegian frigate and Danish warship deployed to escort chemical weapons to be destroyed ordered back to port after acceptance that deadline for removal of Syrian arsenal will not be met

12:33AM GMT 31 Dec 2013

Disarmament teams returned Scandinavian escort vessels to port on Monday as they accepted an end-of-year deadline for the removal of Syrian chemical weapons could no longer be met, a Norwegian spokesman said.

Norwegian frigate HNoMS Helge Ingstad was ordered back to port in the nearby island of Cyprus along with a Danish warship that had been deployed to escort the dangerous cargo to destruction under international supervision, spokesman Lars Hovtun said.

Continue reading at:

Ships return to dock as Syria chemical weapons deadline missed - Telegraph

Simple and obvious explanation: Bashar al-Assad is not to be trusted. Trusting him is like trusting Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Muammar al-Gaddafi, and the like.

Dude, it's a war zone and the Russian convoy was delayed by fighting in the area.
Assad can't be trusted, he's a bastard, but I don't believe this was his doing.
The sense of victimization expressed by freddie is truly "stupidity beyond
comprehension" well------actually it is kinda typical JIHADO ------it reflects the
party line "EVERYONE IS TRYING TO DESTROY ISLAAAAAAM' ------really---I will
explain Freddie is theorizing that the PRIME DIRECTIVE of crusader USA ---
is "KILL MUSLIMS" so tricky yanks are attempting to do a SET UP on the noble
followers of the rapist pig. I learned all about this mindset from muslims from
Southeast Asia-----as far back as 46 years ago and since

As is common for you, you're talking total bollocks.
The population of Syria, to answer the question from earlier in the thread, is roughly 22 million people.
The government forces have about 200,000 men whilst the opposition total about 100,000.
The opposition is made of of political idealists, those pissed off with the government's mass murder and, most importantly, several bunches of total bastards, with no aim except installing the most radical version of Islam they can.
Dangerous isn't even close but silly buggers, including the American government, are allowing them to get well armed.
Fucking stupid.

To sum up, we have 300,000 or so armed men, backed up by several governments, destroying the lives of 22 million people.

The flow of arms and support to all sides must stop immediately and a multi national force covering borders to stop any further arms getting in. That way, the weapons will dry up and the idiots will be forced to stop fighting.
Instead, a mix of political ideas and greedy bastard arms dealers are loving the murder and maiming, applauded by fucking idiots like you.

Frankly, you should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

Frankly, your idea of a multinational force is a total joke.

There are only so many jihad fronts that the relevant first world can act as babysitters for.

The jihad in Syria is not going to be calmed by putting multinational forces on the firing line. Aside from the risk to lives of those representing a multinational force, there are considerations of the cost and maintenance of those forces.

Why is the relevant first world required to act as a global police force and nanny to Islamic third world’ers who have been slamming away at each other for 1,400 years and have no intention of stopping now?
How many "Islamic third world'ers" were killing each other in Iraq prior to March 2003?
That's exactly what would happen but with a sprinkling of dead Americans.
Of course, if you invade, your men would be killed by terrorists, allowing you to take revenge on even more people.

The stupidity is beyond comprehension.
Possibly you misspelled $tupidity?
It should be clear to any rational person how the borders of the Middle East are being withdrawn $tarting with Iraq in 2003, Lebanon in 2006, Libya in 2011, and the current quagmire in $yria.

Jew-firster$, however, have never been rational about such thing$...

Why is it always the hippies and conspiracy theorists that pop out with the “Jew-firsters” nonsense while the people with an understanding of history, a working knowledge and familiarity with conditions on the ground and experience dealing with them sit on the sides and shake their heads?
Why is hasbara always the first to apologize for every crime Jews commit? Maybe they should get closer to the "conditions on the ground" before scratching their heads (or whatever)?
Possibly you misspelled $tupidity?
It should be clear to any rational person how the borders of the Middle East are being withdrawn $tarting with Iraq in 2003, Lebanon in 2006, Libya in 2011, and the current quagmire in $yria.

Jew-firster$, however, have never been rational about such thing$...

Why is it always the hippies and conspiracy theorists that pop out with the “Jew-firsters” nonsense while the people with an understanding of history, a working knowledge and familiarity with conditions on the ground and experience dealing with them sit on the sides and shake their heads?
Why is hasbara always the first to apologize for every crime Jews commit? Maybe they should get closer to the "conditions on the ground" before scratching their heads (or whatever)?

Of course, you've provided no proof of any crime committed by Jews in the matter of the Syrian civil war or the wider "Arab Spring" violence. You've simply done what you and your ilk always do ... click your heels, raise your hand and shout "the Joooo did it!"
The Israeli air force has attacked targets inside Syria 2 or 3 times in the last few months.

But according to zionist juden logic that doesn't count as a crime but just business as usual. .... :cuckoo:

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