Shiva-Deformer: TrumpUSA Idealism Dressage


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here is a symbolic mock-dialogue between Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and a fictional/hypothetical 'metaphysics-adversary' named the Deformer (a demon representing dystopian ugliness) about TrumpUSA idealism.

Is there such a thing as TrumpUSA idealism?


SHIVA: Why do you seem to despise the logistics/logic of the capitalism matrix?
DEFORMER: I simply do not favor a system that caters to natural devastating competitiveness...
SHIVA: Do you believe that TrumpUSA is somehow naturally counter-productive?
DEFORMER: I think that a Starbucks-Facebook 'culture' is indicative of gluttony.
SHIVA: The Trump Administration has expressed interested in dealing with serious global issues.
DEFORMER: I'm sure Trump cares about Sunni-Shia problems in Syria/Iran, but does he understand Libya?
SHIVA: Any elected U.S. President is required to understand and evaluate Middle East hot-zones!
DEFORMER: Why do Americans idolize anti-terrorism comic book characters such as Captain America?
SHIVA: Americans are perceptive of the reach of capitalism and are therefore sensitive about idealism.
DEFORMER: Americans have elected two celebrities now as its President (Reagan and Trump).
SHIVA: Reaganomics may be replaced by an equally-flawed Trumponomics, but nothing is certain.
DEFORMER: Americans like horror films and fantasy-characters, since they deify bravado...
SHIVA: Americans have faith in teamwork, which is why they celebrate films such as The Avengers.
DEFORMER: Hobbes' politics-treatise Leviathan suggests any competitive system generates resistance.
SHIVA: While it is natural to cater to defiance, teamwork inspires equal creative-thinking.
DEFORMER: Why then do Americans circulate pornography, racism, and monopolies?
SHIVA: A multicultural society such as America will naturally face ethics challenges (e.g., race-riots).
DEFORMER: Do you think TrumpUSA represents 'convenient politics'?
SHIVA: If consumerism-culture facilitates networking, then TrumpUSA can be productive.
DEFORMER: We'll see if manufacturers and craftsmen agree with your sense of 'economic idealism.'



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