Shiva & Goblin: Capitalism Dial-Up


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-dialogue between Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and Gray Goblin (fictional Marvel Comics 'super-villain' who represents anarchy).



GRAY GOBLIN: The power of hell is found in mischief-imagination!
SHIVA: Mischief is for juveniles; I prefer regular comedy as an art-form.
GRAY GOBLIN: I like comedians too (e.g., the Three Stooges, The Marx Brothers, etc.).
SHIVA: Stand-up comedians are terrific too (e.g., Andy Kaufman, Richard Pryor, etc.).
GRAY GOBLIN: Well, comedy is 'high-brow' discourse, but mischief
SHIVA: You can't abandon ethics in the name of 'fun.'
GRAY GOBLIN: Wall Street is all about gambling. How is that 'ethical'?
SHIVA: Shared-risk in an entire economic 'system' creates obedience.
GRAY GOBLIN: Alright, so the Great Depression was felt by all Americans...
SHIVA: Yes, and it was during the Depression that we glorified Bonnie and Clyde!
GRAY GOBLIN: Bank-robbery has always been 'exciting' (i.e., anti-federalism).
SHIVA: Bureaucracy can be purely frustrating.
GRAY GOBLIN: If there's a World War III, it will be between competing markets.
SHIVA: Yeah, I can see America competing with China...over steel and fossil-fuels.
GRAY GOBLIN: Maybe President Donald Trump can soothe the 'capitalist beast.'
SHIVA: There's long as Trump entreats Americans' sense of pageantry!



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