Shiva-Newborn: Capitalism Bowery (TrumpUSA)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a mock-dialogue between Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and the Xenomorph-Newborn (fictional diabolical predatory creature from the Alien sci-fi horror franchise film Alien Resurrection).

I've referred to the 'Newborn' here simply as 'Xeno' (abbreviation for 'Xenomorph').

The dialogue concerns capitalism-relevant imagination and is inspired by the capitalism-dystopian film Swimming with Sharks.

I made this dialogue (my last one) to commemorate 'TrumpUSA' (optimistically of course)!

Signing off,



SHIVA: Since you're a 'predator,' we should talk about menacing 'figures.'
XENO: Sure! How about Carnage and Hobgoblin (Marvel Comics)?
SHIVA: Yes, those two 'figures' are very appealing to youngsters...
XENO: Carnage represents malice, and Hobgoblin represents mischief.
SHIVA: Yes, malicious mischief is a terrible combination!
XENO: I conjecture that Carnage and Hobgoblin are 'gate-keepers.'
SHIVA: That's probably true; they stand in front of the gates of hell...
XENO: Carnage is obviously evil, but is Hobgoblin clearly dangerous?
SHIVA: Well, Hobgoblin throws pumpkin-bombs (like a terrorist)!
XENO: True; perhaps malicious mischief is a 'standard' of psychosis.
SHIVA: It probably is, and certainly it's a well-known concept to lawyers.
XENO: Many cases involve attempted prosecution of 'malicious mischief.'
SHIVA: That's because malicious mischief clearly indicates dangerous intent.
XENO: Intent that disturbs the peace or creates mayhem in some way.
SHIVA: Correct; it can be much worse than vandalism...
XENO: Yes, vandalism may simply be harmless mischief.
SHIVA: Stockbrokers care about the ramifications of malicious mischief.
XENO: Was the Enron finance scandal a paragon of 'malicious mischief?
SHIVA: Tomorrow's archaeologists will assess the 'values' of capitalism theory.



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