Shiva's Edicts for TrumpUSA: A Cartoon!


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a modern ethics-tale about Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) descending on Earth and offering his advice to TrumpUSA!


Lord Shiva descended upon Earth to discuss matters with humanity, since he noticed that civilization had become very obsessed with profiteerism, TrumpUSA, and even moral apathy. He was especially concerned that the modern culture of media and celebrity made people very unwilling to listen to the cries of pity towards the handicapped --- those who simply were not photogenic or artistically talented. He noticed that American movie super-star Tom Cruise was basically doing anything he wished and that a terrible ISIS terrorist was distributing anti-Western images of himself (masked!) on the Internet. He also noticed that Americans were becoming too cynical about everyday etiquette and that the quality of jokes on comedy-shows such as Saturday Night Live was questionable (for kids!).

Cruise explained to Shiva that kids on Earth don't watch Saturday Night Live, so it wasn't considered an offense to market low-brow humor on such shows. Cruise also explained that the Trump Administration was making strides in Syria and Iran to resolve Sunni-Shia differences and bring an end to anti-Western terrorism. Finally, Cruise told Shiva that Americans liked to dress and behave outlandishly and celebrate Halloween, transgender art, and populism revelry, simply because America was a land of 'cherished confetti.' Shiva was still worried that superstars and media-celebrities were 'diplomats' of democracy and that America elected a casino-owner as its President, but he believed Cruise's sincerity that humans were not 'odd,' simply 'eccentric.' Shiva then gave Cruise his prescriptive advice for better living on Earth.

1. Don't ostracise Satanists
2. Don't neglect the value of parental-control switches on modern cable TV boxes
3. Don't enforce school uniforms in schools where students seem genuinely unhappy wearing school uniforms
4. Do encourage marketing of the arts that is less critical of the 'intelligence' of the audience members
4. Do celebrate peace-promoting international sports events such as the Olympics
5. Do support the UN and the USA in its efforts to bring an end to global terrorism
6. Do buy Lucky Charms breakfast cereal and encourage kids to think imaginatively about consumerism





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