Shock Poll: GOP Now Leads On Generic Ballot


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Read it and weep, snowflakes. Your antics since the election aren't fooling anyone. The voters are getting wise to the fact that the Democrat Party is utterly corrupt and is selling them out.

Shock poll: GOP now leads on generic ballot - Hot Air

Fully 39 percent of registered voters say they would support the GOP candidate for Congress in their district, while 38 percent would back the Democratic candidate. Nearly a quarter of voters, 23 percent, are undecided.

Voters are split almost evenly along party lines. Democratic voters break for their party, 85 percent to 5 percent, while Republicans similarly favor the GOP, 84 percent to 8 percent. Among independent voters, 26 percent would vote for the Democrat, 25 percent for the Republican and nearly half, 49 percent, are undecided.

The GOP’s 1-point advantage comes after three months of tracking in which Democrats maintained a lead ranging between 2 and 10 points on the generic ballot.
Tends to happen when you tell people their money belongs to politicians not you, illegals are more worthy of their time than you are and you’re racist.

"Fake news" means news that isn't true, not news that snowflake dumbasses find unpleasant.
Then Newsweek isn’t fake news since you’re a dumb ass snowflake and find their reporting unpleasant.
Polls mean nothing. He just has to get out there and deliver his message, the economy is doing well, and if the first quarter grows at 5% and he can maintain it, and he delivers on NAFTA (or walks away, which I presume would be MUCH better politically tbh), then I can a major boom.
“The only poll that matters was on electi— wait what? Oh polls matter again. MAGA!”
Read it and weep, snowflakes. Your antics since the election aren't fooling anyone. The voters are getting wise to the fact that the Democrat Party is utterly corrupt and is selling them out.

Shock poll: GOP now leads on generic ballot - Hot Air

Fully 39 percent of registered voters say they would support the GOP candidate for Congress in their district, while 38 percent would back the Democratic candidate. Nearly a quarter of voters, 23 percent, are undecided.

Voters are split almost evenly along party lines. Democratic voters break for their party, 85 percent to 5 percent, while Republicans similarly favor the GOP, 84 percent to 8 percent. Among independent voters, 26 percent would vote for the Democrat, 25 percent for the Republican and nearly half, 49 percent, are undecided.

The GOP’s 1-point advantage comes after three months of tracking in which Democrats maintained a lead ranging between 2 and 10 points on the generic ballot.
That’s it!
I can’t take it anymore!
I’m tired of all the winning!

Trump warned us this would happen!

"Fake news" means news that isn't true, not news that snowflake dumbasses find unpleasant.
Then Newsweek isn’t fake news since you’re a dumb ass snowflake and find their reporting unpleasant.

Your "logic" is stunning!
Wow, who'd uv thunk it, right after people get their bigger paychecks and bonuses and realize that Pelosi, Schumer, "Lieawatha," et. al. are liars and can't be trusted with the reins of power. Go figure!
The only thing that matters is he is putting money back in the pockets of

Nobody is gonna vote against their own paycheck...NOBODY!

The dems need an economic policy that is roughly 25,000 miles
away from Obama's. The GOP is going to hold the House and
gonna run wild in the Senate.
Read it and weep, snowflakes. Your antics since the election aren't fooling anyone. The voters are getting wise to the fact that the Democrat Party is utterly corrupt and is selling them out.

Shock poll: GOP now leads on generic ballot - Hot Air

Fully 39 percent of registered voters say they would support the GOP candidate for Congress in their district, while 38 percent would back the Democratic candidate. Nearly a quarter of voters, 23 percent, are undecided.

Voters are split almost evenly along party lines. Democratic voters break for their party, 85 percent to 5 percent, while Republicans similarly favor the GOP, 84 percent to 8 percent. Among independent voters, 26 percent would vote for the Democrat, 25 percent for the Republican and nearly half, 49 percent, are undecided.

The GOP’s 1-point advantage comes after three months of tracking in which Democrats maintained a lead ranging between 2 and 10 points on the generic ballot.

Midterms are a long way off. But if Americans do decide that they want Republicans to stay in control of congress, then Americans can expect to have every last social safety net budget slashed to pieces. Just as the bulk of boomers are going to be needing those exact services in old age.

"Fake news" means news that isn't true, not news that snowflake dumbasses find unpleasant.
Then Newsweek isn’t fake news since you’re a dumb ass snowflake and find their reporting unpleasant.

Your "logic" is stunning!
Yep. Just using your own logic against you. As silly as it is

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