Shock waves in Swedish gangs...women are not supposed to be shot...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Different culture....changing culture.....

In Sweden, the gangs know that shooting women and children is is taboo......and yet, a woman was shot in the presence of her child, and another woman was shot to death in an apartment....

Woman shot dead in Stockholm suburb

Police were called out at around 1.30am on Wednesday after witnesses reported hearing what sounded like gunshots. A car was also reported as leaving the area in connection with the shooting.

A woman, aged around 18, was found injured on the scene, inside an apartment, and was taken to hospital by ambulance. But at 7.19am police said she had died from her injuries.

The suspected crime scene was cordoned off for a forensic investigation, and police were set to spend the morning knocking on doors in the area to collect witness statements and more information.

Swedish king shares 'worry' over daylight shootings

Experts and even members of the city's criminal gangs have said the killing of a woman and mother of a young child goes against usual taboos within gang culture.

"This could set new rules for the game," warned one of a group of known gang criminals interviewed by the Kvällsposten newspaper, "...or it could be the beginning of something new: that there won't even be any rules in the future."

Different criminal groups have different rules and cultures..........this is something anti-gunners don't understand.......
You radically change a nation's demographics, not all the changes will be good.

That is why you should seriously and honestly discuss the likely results of such policies.

But, instead in the west, any attempt at that was just shouted down by screams of "racism!"

And now, we will pay the price forever.

Good job, libs.
You radically change a nation's demographics, not all the changes will be good.
That is why you should seriously and honestly discuss the likely results of such policies.
But, instead in the west, any attempt at that was just shouted down by screams of "racism!"
And now, we will pay the price forever.
Good job, libs.

Yet, they don't see it that way. And when I hear many of these radicalized Leftist millennials speak, they speak from positions of arrogance and staunch ignorance. it's clear they are lacking something fundamental. As if an entire generation has become mentally ill.
Somehow they've been convinced (at some point, in some way) that America is simply a very bad place that needs "fixing" via dismantling.

On 'some" points I agree there are problems, however. Communication companies for example have established a stranglehold on certain services such as internet and cellular.
They are able to keep prices artificially high and service abysmally poor if not downright hostile towards consumers.

Also, a clear and distinct privileged upper class has developed that seems to be immune to the laws, or at least more favored than those of us not in that class are subject to.
Corrupt, political figures receiving shocking passes to their criminal activity.

However, the changes they are fighting for are guaranteed to sharply downgrade their standard of living for themselves and everyone else. They seem oblivious.

And yes, the damage is already done and at this point it's only a matter of how many degrees of worse it will get.
Seems certain we're all in for decidedly more violent times regardless and can expect diminishing living conditions over time.

If there was an agenda to divide and conquer America, it seems to be working.

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