Shocking images from CA of Left Wingers assaulting Trump rally attendees

You can't assume they are left wingers. Many Hispanics and blacks are conservative would wouldn't vote Republican because the GOP is ignorant, racist and as the last three GOP presidents proved beyond a doubt, only have failed policies.

The bernie brownshirts are left wingers......conservatives aren't out there attacking bernie brownshirts or police....twit.
Call them what they are Bernie Brown Shirts.......fascists of the modern era....
If the wetbacks love their country so much? Why don't they shag ass back over there and protest???
Yes they should start moving now, so they could stop at the border and put in an application for a job building a wall, Mexico will probably need the cheap labor to save a little on cost of the wall.

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If the wetbacks love their country so much? Why don't they shag ass back over there and protest???
Yes they should start moving now, so they could stop at the border and put in an application for a job building a wall, Mexico will probably need the cheap labor to save a little on cost of the wall.

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I hope the protesters got a few good shots in

Of course you do.......Bernie Brown shirts are low life of course you support them.
They must be considerate, friendly brown shirts since they are not using guns. Like the Europeans you love to regale is about.

You can't read either....are you illiterate or just stupid?

For him? I would say about half and half......
I hope the protesters got a few good shots in

Of course you do.......Bernie Brown shirts are low life of course you support them.
They must be considerate, friendly brown shirts since they are not using guns. Like the Europeans you love to regale is about.

You can't read either....are you illiterate or just stupid?

For him? I would say about half and half......

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