SHOCKING Leaked DHS Drill: Military, Veterans, Capitalists Are The Enemy

lol x 100 = he means the photoshopped drama picture in his article, where they superimposed a big red "top secret" across the entire page. Hah hah hhahahaha.


Two things, you colossal dumbfuck:

1. When you look at the exact same page as this in the actual document (also in your link) do you see the big red top secret thing? Hint = nope.

2. Do you really believe a top secret document is stamped with a giant 8x11 stamp like this? Some guy has a giant red inkpad and just goes to town covering the entire thing.

My god you're stupid, and it really says a lot about the conspiracy theory gang in general. Bunch of retards.

And under that stamp "...for Trusted Agents Only and should be handled, transmitted, and stored in accordance with appropriate security directives. Reproduction of this document........Management Agency is prohibited" ?

And since I haven't handled any Top Secret document in 45 years, when they were stamped in blue or black "TOP SECRET", I wouldn't know!
A shocking DHS document, leaked on March 24, 2014 by InfoWars, reveals who Barack Obama’s real enemy is: the military, veterans, the National Guard, and those who eschew Obama’s brand of democratic socialism. The 160-page document describes a drill going on this very minute, dubbed “Capstone Exercise 2014: Scenario Ground Truth,” whereby a fictitious anti-government group—whose stated ideology happens to match exactly that of the Tea Party—wages a cyber attack against the U.S. government after martial law has been declared in the wake of a massive earthquake and tsunami. Conspiring with this group—named Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny—are elements of the military, veterans, and the National Guard.

The top secret document, mandated to be locked up and only seen by DHS agents—marked on every single one of its 160 pages that it should be seen by “Trusted Agents Only”—is a blueprint for what Obama is planning: Martial law and a declaration of war on the American people.

The two key passages are the following. Read this carefully, watch Western Center for Journalism’s exclusive video, and get to work impeaching the enemy of America, Barack Hussein Obama....

SHOCKING Leaked DHS Drill: Military, Veterans, Capitalists Are The Enemy

Let's get back to the original OP. What part of this do you have an issue with? The fact that the DHS is running this kind of scenario?

The 160-page document describes a drill going on this very minute, dubbed “Capstone Exercise 2014: Scenario Ground Truth,” whereby a fictitious anti-government group—whose stated ideology happens to match exactly that of the Tea Party—wages a cyber attack against the U.S. government after martial law has been declared in the wake of a massive earthquake and tsunami. Conspiring with this group—named Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny—are elements of the military, veterans, and the National Guard.

But that wouldn't bother you to think our gov't would deliberately pick out military, veterans, and N.G as terrorists?
A shocking DHS document, leaked on March 24, 2014 by InfoWars, reveals who Barack Obama’s real enemy is: the military, veterans, the National Guard, and those who eschew Obama’s brand of democratic socialism. The 160-page document describes a drill going on this very minute, dubbed “Capstone Exercise 2014: Scenario Ground Truth,” whereby a fictitious anti-government group—whose stated ideology happens to match exactly that of the Tea Party—wages a cyber attack against the U.S. government after martial law has been declared in the wake of a massive earthquake and tsunami. Conspiring with this group—named Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny—are elements of the military, veterans, and the National Guard.

The top secret document, mandated to be locked up and only seen by DHS agents—marked on every single one of its 160 pages that it should be seen by “Trusted Agents Only”—is a blueprint for what Obama is planning: Martial law and a declaration of war on the American people.

The two key passages are the following. Read this carefully, watch Western Center for Journalism’s exclusive video, and get to work impeaching the enemy of America, Barack Hussein Obama....

SHOCKING Leaked DHS Drill: Military, Veterans, Capitalists Are The Enemy

Let's get back to the original OP. What part of this do you have an issue with? The fact that the DHS is running this kind of scenario?

The 160-page document describes a drill going on this very minute, dubbed “Capstone Exercise 2014: Scenario Ground Truth,” whereby a fictitious anti-government group—whose stated ideology happens to match exactly that of the Tea Party—wages a cyber attack against the U.S. government after martial law has been declared in the wake of a massive earthquake and tsunami. Conspiring with this group—named Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny—are elements of the military, veterans, and the National Guard.

But that wouldn't bother you to think our gov't would deliberately pick out military, veterans, and N.G as terrorists?

I am quite sure they have a scenario for every conceivable threat, even little old ladies with a Social Security grudge. It is what they do. I am also not surprised that that particular scenario was leaked rather than the pensioners revolt. There is an agenda behind this one. But you already knew that, didn't you? ;)
Let's get back to the original OP. What part of this do you have an issue with? The fact that the DHS is running this kind of scenario?

The 160-page document describes a drill going on this very minute, dubbed “Capstone Exercise 2014: Scenario Ground Truth,” whereby a fictitious anti-government group—whose stated ideology happens to match exactly that of the Tea Party—wages a cyber attack against the U.S. government after martial law has been declared in the wake of a massive earthquake and tsunami. Conspiring with this group—named Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny—are elements of the military, veterans, and the National Guard.

But that wouldn't bother you to think our gov't would deliberately pick out military, veterans, and N.G as terrorists?

I am quite sure they have a scenario for every conceivable threat, even little old ladies with a Social Security grudge. It is what they do. I am also not surprised that that particular scenario was leaked rather than the pensioners revolt. There is an agenda behind this one. But you already knew that, didn't you? ;)

That agenda is a big part of the problem, for many veterans!
The 160-page document describes a drill going on this very minute, dubbed “Capstone Exercise 2014: Scenario Ground Truth,” whereby a fictitious anti-government group—whose stated ideology happens to match exactly that of the Tea Party—wages a cyber attack against the U.S. government after martial law has been declared in the wake of a massive earthquake and tsunami. Conspiring with this group—named Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny—are elements of the military, veterans, and the National Guard.

But that wouldn't bother you to think our gov't would deliberately pick out military, veterans, and N.G as terrorists?

I am quite sure they have a scenario for every conceivable threat, even little old ladies with a Social Security grudge. It is what they do. I am also not surprised that that particular scenario was leaked rather than the pensioners revolt. There is an agenda behind this one. But you already knew that, didn't you? ;)

That agenda is a big part of the problem, for many veterans!

If you are talking about cutting veteran's benefits you will have to speak with the Republicans on that one.
I am quite sure they have a scenario for every conceivable threat, even little old ladies with a Social Security grudge. It is what they do. I am also not surprised that that particular scenario was leaked rather than the pensioners revolt. There is an agenda behind this one. But you already knew that, didn't you? ;)

That agenda is a big part of the problem, for many veterans!

If you are talking about cutting veteran's benefits you will have to speak with the Republicans on that one.

The stupid is strong with this subversive....

Senate Democrats voted to cut a staggering $6 billion in veteran benefits, but will allow illegal immigrants to continue receiving their full benefits.

Military veterans are having their pensions cut so that the money can be spent on welfare for illegal immigrants. Senate Democrats voted to cut a staggering $6 billion in veteran benefits, but will allow illegal immigrants to continue receiving their full benefits. Senate Republicans attempted to stop the military cuts, but Democrats blocked the vote on the amendment to prevent it from happening.

Democrats Cut Military Veteran Pensions, Keep Welfare Funds For Illegal Aliens |
That agenda is a big part of the problem, for many veterans!

If you are talking about cutting veteran's benefits you will have to speak with the Republicans on that one.

The stupid is strong with this subversive....

Senate Democrats voted to cut a staggering $6 billion in veteran benefits, but will allow illegal immigrants to continue receiving their full benefits.

Military veterans are having their pensions cut so that the money can be spent on welfare for illegal immigrants. Senate Democrats voted to cut a staggering $6 billion in veteran benefits, but will allow illegal immigrants to continue receiving their full benefits. Senate Republicans attempted to stop the military cuts, but Democrats blocked the vote on the amendment to prevent it from happening.

Democrats Cut Military Veteran Pensions, Keep Welfare Funds For Illegal Aliens |

Don't you feel dirty from all this lying?

RNC says Wasserman Schultz voted to cut off veterans benefits | PolitiFact

And if you don't believe that I'll give you a quote from Erick Erickson at Red State.

brw...This was the cut of 1% from future COLA increases.
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If you are talking about cutting veteran's benefits you will have to speak with the Republicans on that one.

The stupid is strong with this subversive....

Senate Democrats voted to cut a staggering $6 billion in veteran benefits, but will allow illegal immigrants to continue receiving their full benefits.

Military veterans are having their pensions cut so that the money can be spent on welfare for illegal immigrants. Senate Democrats voted to cut a staggering $6 billion in veteran benefits, but will allow illegal immigrants to continue receiving their full benefits. Senate Republicans attempted to stop the military cuts, but Democrats blocked the vote on the amendment to prevent it from happening.

Democrats Cut Military Veteran Pensions, Keep Welfare Funds For Illegal Aliens |

Don't you feel dirty from all this lying?

RNC says Wasserman Schultz voted to cut off veterans benefits | PolitiFact

And if you don't believe that I'll give you a quote from Erick Erickson at Red State.

brw...This was the cut of 1% from future COLA increases.

WOW ...ONE (1) Democrat didn't! I can't breathe, I'm :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: so hard!

And it was $6 BILLION DOLLARS!!!!! You should be ashamed of those unpatriotic Democrats that want to punish our military!
The stupid is strong with this subversive....

Senate Democrats voted to cut a staggering $6 billion in veteran benefits, but will allow illegal immigrants to continue receiving their full benefits.

Military veterans are having their pensions cut so that the money can be spent on welfare for illegal immigrants. Senate Democrats voted to cut a staggering $6 billion in veteran benefits, but will allow illegal immigrants to continue receiving their full benefits. Senate Republicans attempted to stop the military cuts, but Democrats blocked the vote on the amendment to prevent it from happening.

Democrats Cut Military Veteran Pensions, Keep Welfare Funds For Illegal Aliens |

Don't you feel dirty from all this lying?

RNC says Wasserman Schultz voted to cut off veterans benefits | PolitiFact

And if you don't believe that I'll give you a quote from Erick Erickson at Red State.

brw...This was the cut of 1% from future COLA increases.

WOW ...ONE (1) Democrat didn't! I can't breathe, I'm :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: so hard!

And it was $6 BILLION DOLLARS!!!!! You should be ashamed of those unpatriotic Democrats that want to punish our military!

Which totalled 6 billion over many years.

And you do know this was Paul Ryans idea, right?
Don't you feel dirty from all this lying?

RNC says Wasserman Schultz voted to cut off veterans benefits | PolitiFact

And if you don't believe that I'll give you a quote from Erick Erickson at Red State.

brw...This was the cut of 1% from future COLA increases.

WOW ...ONE (1) Democrat didn't! I can't breathe, I'm :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: so hard!

And it was $6 BILLION DOLLARS!!!!! You should be ashamed of those unpatriotic Democrats that want to punish our military!

Which totalled 6 billion over many years.

And you do know this was Paul Ryans idea, right?

Caught you lying again Howdy! It wasn't Ryan's idea, it was a DEAL!

Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan brokered the budget deal, which will cut military pensions by $600 million each year for the next 10 years.

Ryans a RINO that needs to be replaced, along with "BONER"!!!

Damn, you subversives are lying like the RATS you are tonight, you, Pogo stick, BirD Poop! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
If you are talking about cutting veteran's benefits you will have to speak with the Republicans on that one.

The stupid is strong with this subversive....

Senate Democrats voted to cut a staggering $6 billion in veteran benefits, but will allow illegal immigrants to continue receiving their full benefits.

Military veterans are having their pensions cut so that the money can be spent on welfare for illegal immigrants. Senate Democrats voted to cut a staggering $6 billion in veteran benefits, but will allow illegal immigrants to continue receiving their full benefits. Senate Republicans attempted to stop the military cuts, but Democrats blocked the vote on the amendment to prevent it from happening.

Democrats Cut Military Veteran Pensions, Keep Welfare Funds For Illegal Aliens |

Don't you feel dirty from all this lying?

RNC says Wasserman Schultz voted to cut off veterans benefits | PolitiFact

And if you don't believe that I'll give you a quote from Erick Erickson at Red State.

brw...This was the cut of 1% from future COLA increases.

While the GOP leadership apparently opposed, one lone Senator voting for that bill is an outlier, not a norm.

But you will run with it so you can claim it is bipartisan, shameless whore you are.
A shocking DHS document, leaked on March 24, 2014

Here's the SHOCKING DOCUMENT!, readily available on the internet.

Fucking crazy nutcases. lol.

The Capstone Exercise, formerly titled the National Level Exercise (NLE), is conducted
every two years as the final component of each NEP progressive exercise cycle. The
Capstone Exercise 2014 will examine the Nation’s collective ability to coordinate and
conduct risk assessments, and implement National Frameworks and associated plans to
deliver core capabilities.
Further the Capstone Exercise 2014 will:
• Assess the Nation’s performance against the 2013-14 NEP Principals’ Objectives;
• Evaluate the readiness of local, state, territorial, tribal, and federal officials to prevent, protect
against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from catastrophic incidents in a coordinated and
unified manner; and
• Satisfy the requirements for a national level exercise as described in the Post Katrina
Emergency Management Reform Act.

Lol, why did you leave out the truly interesting parts, about Americans being the enemy of the government, veterans being rounded up, etc?

Oh, that doesn't look so clean and tidy, does it.

You lying sack of shit.

Folks this is just another example; when the fascists need someone to stuff more people into the ovens, there will always be those among us who will do it for just an extra slice of potato.
whereby a fictitious anti-government group—whose stated ideology happens to match exactly that of the Tea Party—wages a cyber attack against the U.S. government after martial law has been declared in the wake of a massive earthquake and tsunami.
We can only conclude Obama is planning on creating a massive earthquake and tsunami with the secret HAARP machine, so he can declare martial law and make wage war against the American people.
That is as silly a question as asking; 'When will the next major earthquake happen along the San Andreas Fault?'
Hah hah, get back to me when the San Andreas Fault has term limits that expire in 2016.

The answer has to be: When it does.
Yep, right out of the infowars tin hat playbook. Just keep making silly predictions and watch suckers like you lap it up.

When Obama's term ends and we have yet another peaceful transfer of executive power without him instigating martial law you'll just slink away just like all the gullible retards who buy this stuff do, only to return at end of next president's term.

Shit.....the boot lickers ^^ are the most dangerous mofu's out there because they are so deep into the matrix its dizzying.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
The 160-page document describes a drill going on this very minute, dubbed “Capstone Exercise 2014: Scenario Ground Truth,” whereby a fictitious anti-government group—whose stated ideology happens to match exactly that of the Tea Party—wages a cyber attack against the U.S. government after martial law has been declared in the wake of a massive earthquake and tsunami. Conspiring with this group—named Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny—are elements of the military, veterans, and the National Guard.
The description of this simulated group is in section 6.1, all it says about their ideology is that they are an anti-government organization who spread their word via social media.

That is hardly some specific matching ideology of Tea Party movement. Tea Party is most commonly associated with a campaign for smaller government, less taxes, and less spending but none of those attributes are mentioned in the document and they certainly aren't anti-U.S. What you are doing is finding patterns in noise, taking a very generic description of a simulated enemy then intentionally exaggerating its likeness to the Tea Party movement.

Also = you keep mentioning a state of martial law, maybe I missed it but when skimming I saw mainly references to simulated damage and casualty stuff, no mention of martial law. A quick search on the term "martial" turned up nothing. Can you point out where in the document it says martial law was declared? Thanks.

But that wouldn't bother you to think our gov't would deliberately pick out military, veterans, and N.G as terrorists?
Did you even read it? The gist of the cyber terrorism part of the exercise was insider threat, as in current and former military who worked with and have knowledge of the satellite networks, military command and control, etc. that are sympathetic to the anti-gov group's cause.

It sure wouldn't make much sense to have an insider threat to the military without former military would it?
Remember, under the cover of darkness on a Friday night after all have left Washington Obama signs NDAA modifying its scope to include detaining Americans in the US during peace time.

Obama is dangerous and must be obstructed by all means legal

We are winning when we keep him awake at night dreaming of the boogey man.

What a little beeatch Obama is



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