SHOCKING Leaked DHS Drill: Military, Veterans, Capitalists Are The Enemy

was that in this country?

And why does that matter?


You idiot. Because most if not all the posters on this message board live in the United States of America. And it is/was the USA that was being discussed.

Hope that reason isn't to far above your ability to comprehend.

So of course, history shows that those who have gone before pay the price.

It's just we will not...

That's why we will not be disarmed

But wait- The radical loons who want to compare us to other countries all the time? Especially gun control?

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Why would any POTUS from this time forward bother to declare Martial Law?

The FEDS have already given themselves all the rights they need to repress anyone who steps out of line.

Hell they've been slwly but surely granting themselves these rights since NIXXON took office.

What the hell do ya'll think the WAR ON DRUGS was for?

To rid this nation of drugs?

Ya'll cannot be THAT stupid!
Yep, and they will be crawling down the street seeking refuge from those who are/were prepared. I will shun them

when all this shit implodes, these assholes will be the first running to the government for c-ration handouts and powered water, their heads spinning like tops as they walk like zombies to lick the boots.
This has been going on on message boards forever guys. People who fantasize of some post-apocalyptic scenario where their accumulation of guns will finally put them in a position where they are in control and command respect, instead of their current real life status as losers who are usually regarded as gum under others' shoe.

Not only is your Max Max fantasy unlikely, even if it happened your guns wouldn't help you since people on the bottom rung have a way of finding their way back.

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