Shocking! WSJ Defends President Against MSM Smears!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Lol, yeah, I cant believe it either!

Wall Street Journal Column Condemns Charlottesville 'Fine People' Hoax | Breitbart

Mayor Emanuel on the radio Thursday, for some reason trying to discourage the feds from investigating the Chicago miscarriage, threw in a familiar slur about President Trumpā€™s remarks after the Charlottesville riot. Never mind that Mr. Trumpā€™s plain words have now found their way even into Wikipediaā€™s account. When he spoke of ā€œfine peopleā€ on both sides of the argument about Confederate statues, he explicitly said, ā€œIā€™m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.ā€

In an environment where even the media doesnā€™t always seem to care about truth, why shouldnā€™t Jussie Smollett, his family and his apparently broad support network hope his lie can prevail too?​
Lol, yeah, I cant believe it either!

Mayor Emanuel on the radio Thursday, for some reason trying to discourage the feds from investigating the Chicago miscarriage, threw in a familiar slur about President Trumpā€™s remarks after the Charlottesville riot. Never mind that Mr. Trumpā€™s plain words have now found their way even into Wikipediaā€™s account. When he spoke of ā€œfine peopleā€ on both sides of the argument about Confederate statues, he explicitly said, ā€œIā€™m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.ā€

In an environment where even the media doesnā€™t always seem to care about truth, why shouldnā€™t Jussie Smollett, his family and his apparently broad support network hope his lie can prevail too?​
First off, Wall Street Journal is owned by Murdoch, who owns Fox and the NY Post. They are paid to defend Trump. That is their mission.

Second off, the dishonest article is cherry picking facts- Trump did eventually condemn neo-nazis and white nationalists, 2 days AFTER HE SAID THERE WERE FINE PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES....and only then because of negative reaction for his defense of the indefensible. A woman was killed by some goon associated with these nazis, before Trump said fine people on both sides, and to this day he has not reached out to the family of the young woman. Compare that to how fast he reaches out to the victims if the killer is not white, and not associated with nazis.

Here is a picture of some of those nazis he called fine people showing how fine they are-
nazi torch2.jpg
nazi torch2.jpg
Lol, yeah, I cant believe it either!

Mayor Emanuel on the radio Thursday, for some reason trying to discourage the feds from investigating the Chicago miscarriage, threw in a familiar slur about President Trumpā€™s remarks after the Charlottesville riot. Never mind that Mr. Trumpā€™s plain words have now found their way even into Wikipediaā€™s account. When he spoke of ā€œfine peopleā€ on both sides of the argument about Confederate statues, he explicitly said, ā€œIā€™m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.ā€

In an environment where even the media doesnā€™t always seem to care about truth, why shouldnā€™t Jussie Smollett, his family and his apparently broad support network hope his lie can prevail too?​
First off, Wall Street Journal is owned by Murdoch, who owns Fox and the NY Post. They are paid to defend Trump. That is their mission.

Second off, the dishonest article is cherry picking facts- Trump did eventually condemn neo-nazis and white nationalists, 2 days AFTER HE SAID THERE WERE FINE PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES....and only then because of negative reaction for his defense of the indefensible. A woman was killed by some goon associated with these nazis, before Trump said fine people on both sides, and to this day he has not reached out to the family of the young woman. Compare that to how fast he reaches out to the victims if the killer is not white, and not associated with nazis.

Here is a picture of some of those nazis he called fine people showing how fine they are-View attachment 253391 View attachment 253391
He specifically exempted racists and neoNazis from his comment about fine people jack ass.

Welcome to my ignore list, you ignorant liar.
Lol, yeah, I cant believe it either!

Mayor Emanuel on the radio Thursday, for some reason trying to discourage the feds from investigating the Chicago miscarriage, threw in a familiar slur about President Trumpā€™s remarks after the Charlottesville riot. Never mind that Mr. Trumpā€™s plain words have now found their way even into Wikipediaā€™s account. When he spoke of ā€œfine peopleā€ on both sides of the argument about Confederate statues, he explicitly said, ā€œIā€™m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.ā€

In an environment where even the media doesnā€™t always seem to care about truth, why shouldnā€™t Jussie Smollett, his family and his apparently broad support network hope his lie can prevail too?​
First off, Wall Street Journal is owned by Murdoch, who owns Fox and the NY Post. They are paid to defend Trump. That is their mission.

Second off, the dishonest article is cherry picking facts- Trump did eventually condemn neo-nazis and white nationalists, 2 days AFTER HE SAID THERE WERE FINE PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES....and only then because of negative reaction for his defense of the indefensible. A woman was killed by some goon associated with these nazis, before Trump said fine people on both sides, and to this day he has not reached out to the family of the young woman. Compare that to how fast he reaches out to the victims if the killer is not white, and not associated with nazis.

Here is a picture of some of those nazis he called fine people showing how fine they are-View attachment 253391 View attachment 253391
He specifically exempted racists and neoNazis from his comment about fine people jack ass.

Welcome to my ignore list, you ignorant liar.
liar. not in his first something not biased.

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