Shoot Me Down Like Michael Brown (video)


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
Must suck having to deal with these type of "people"

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That officer showed EXTREME restraint. That idiot should've been tazed way before it came to all that.

Im sure its the white cop's fault somehow though.

That officer showed EXTREME restraint. That idiot should've been tazed way before it came to all that.

Im sure its the white cop's fault somehow though.

The guy's driving was fine, the officer decided to manhandle him! What restraint? The officer wanted to write some tickets(.) What did the young man but argue about being pulled over for -0-? What happened to HIS first Amendment rights, he obviously posed no danger.
1. The officer trolled this guy. Police officers shouldn't be hounding cars like this. A cop did this to me a couple months back, making every turn for a couple miles. There's no excuse for treating the common citizen like a criminal.
2. Why does the police officer get to demand that the guy remain in the car (without cause)? Who died and made him king?
3. The guy even made a reasonable reply to the officer, "okay, you tell me what I'm stopping you from doing? (by being out of the car); and the officer only insisted on barking orders. No decorum whatsoever.
4. The cop continued to tell the man to turn around and put his hands behind his back? Why? The guy has committed no crime at that point. The officer should not be treating him like a criminal.
5. The cop starts wrestling with the man rather than engage in a dialogue.
6. The cop sees the child there and wants to put his father in handcuffs that easily? Cops need to stop using these emasculating tactics.
7. We're at the three minute and a half mark, and as the cop is being physical with the man, he is pleading for an explanation for the umpteenth time. And the cop is being as completely non-compliant.
8. The only thing the cop says for the longest time is 'stop it.' What kind of shit police work is that?
9. Oh, and btw this was all because the man was allegedly driving without his seatbelt? WTF? This guy is being put through the ringer with no courtesy or due process because he wasn't wearing his seatbelt? We want to pay judges and police officers to fuck with people this badly?
10. I'd be just as f'ing pissed as that guy. This guy's a fucking hero as far as I'm concerned. You don't put up with some guy's shit just because some municipality hands a a guy a golden badge and a pension.
11. Then, the cops start searching his trunk and car because they 'legally' can. They create a situation and then compound it by invading a man's personal possessions?
12. In the 15th fucking minute, the guy makes the point that the cop has still not told him why he was pulled over. WTF?
Sorry, but that cop was a jerk. Enough of this bullying shit. I woulda got out of the car too. I would have gotten back in, though, then after getting the ticket or whatever, fought it in court. Cops do NOT have the right to infringe on others rights just because he has a fucking badge. Just watching that pissed me off.
He could have broken away from Pip Squeek at any time, but he didn't. That was totally uncalled for. TOTALLY.

That officer showed EXTREME restraint. That idiot should've been tazed way before it came to all that.

Im sure its the white cop's fault somehow though.

The guy's driving was fine, the officer decided to manhandle him! What restraint? The officer wanted to write some tickets(.) What did the young man but argue about being pulled over for -0-? What happened to HIS first Amendment rights, he obviously posed no danger.
He didn't pull him over for his driving which shows you didn't watch the video. You just reactionary posted like everyone else in forum threads.

That officer showed EXTREME restraint. That idiot should've been tazed way before it came to all that.

Im sure its the white cop's fault somehow though.

The guy's driving was fine, the officer decided to manhandle him! What restraint? The officer wanted to write some tickets(.) What did the young man but argue about being pulled over for -0-? What happened to HIS first Amendment rights, he obviously posed no danger.
He didn't pull him over for his driving which shows you didn't watch the video. You just reactionary posted like everyone else in forum threads.


It didn't look to me like he even pulled him over. I never heard sirens. I never saw flashing lights or their reflection. And a seat belt infraction is not enough to justify the gestapo bullshit.
I have been pulled over before...not knowing I was being pulled over. I got out of my car, too. I was never told to get back in, either. Then again, I ain't black.
I find it a bit odd that the first 22s of the video is muted. Is that the part where the officer was informed the vehicle was stolen or matched a vehicle at a crime scene (as perp or witness,) or maybe the officer was informed this vehicle had been driving erratically? Why is that first 22s muted?

The driver is confrontational and clearly not in a rational emotional state, the officer attempts to reason with him but he has no interest in anything but ranting and raving about the officer talking to him.

What would you have the officer do in this situation? Sit in his car and let the guy rant and rave? Drive away?

It didn't look to me like he even pulled him over. I never heard sirens. I never saw flashing lights or their reflection. And a seat belt infraction is not enough to justify the gestapo bullshit.

Audio doesn't turn on in police cars until the lights are hit. Unless you know how something works keep your bullshit to yourself.
Well that answers why it was muted, though not why the officer was pulling the car over.

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