Shooting tracker lies about mass shootings to inflate numbers....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here is a story that shows another group of anti gunners who have to lie in order to push their agenda...I have discussed this with some posters here and pointed out the is an article on the scam....

Media Attempts To Redefine "Mass Shooting" In Order To Inflate Number Of Attacks - Bearing Arms - Anti-Gun Hysteria, propaganda,

The long-accepted definition of a mass shooting is, “four people or more people killed in a single event.” Others have further refined the definition to exclude gang-related activity, familicide, or terrorist attacks. Like the famous Supreme Court definition of pornography, it’s tough to create a catch-all to describe every possible kind of mass shooting, “but you know it when you see it.”

As Tamara Keel dryly noted this morning, propaganda outlets are attempting to radically change that definition.

Remember: New definition of “mass shooting” is “four or more people hit by bullets”. Remember that when they trot the totals out. If JJ shoots Pookie, Ice Dog, and Ray-Ray, and one of them manages to wing him back with return fire, that’s a “mass shooting”.

The left wing media is using grotesquely manipulated data from a site called in order grossly inflate the number of mass shootings in the country, at least doubling them, in an effort to create the false impression that the number of shootings is going up in order to create a political environment to call for more gun control laws.
You have to show mass shootings are not than four injuries with at least one death.

209 of the last 336 days, there have such shootings that have left at least one dead among the injures.

The truth will get you guys, the public will catch on that you are scum, then it will deal with you accordingly.
You have to show mass shootings are not than four injuries with at least one death.

209 of the last 336 days, there have such shootings that have left at least one dead among the injures.

The truth will get you guys, the public will catch on that you are scum, then it will deal with you accordingly.

The list the OP wants to use doesn't count unless 4 people die. If you shoot 100 people, but only three die, he doesn't think that should be counted as a mass shooting.
I never count gang-banger against gang-banger shootings as "mass shootings," rather, I call it "culling the herd" or, crap getting rid of crap.
You have to show mass shootings are not than four injuries with at least one death.

209 of the last 336 days, there have such shootings that have left at least one dead among the injures.

The truth will get you guys, the public will catch on that you are scum, then it will deal with you accordingly.

The list the OP wants to use doesn't count unless 4 people die. If you shoot 100 people, but only three die, he doesn't think that should be counted as a mass shooting.

No..both of you are wrong..intentionally.....normal people understand that a mass shooting is when an individual goes to a public space and shoots people......or...he tries to shoot many people...

shooting tracker uses any shooting...including gang parties where they get drunk and high and shoot each other over a dice game....and in another thread I went through shooting tracker "mass shootings" and found exactly that example...and several others and there were more....

gang bangers shooting each other is not a mass shooting as anyone recognizes a mass shooting....but to increase the numbers to push their agenda, shooting tracker has to add every shooting they can find, otherwise they end up with the Mother Jones mass shooting list where there were only 2 for 2014 under the actually understood definition of a mass shooting..
You have to show mass shootings are not than four injuries with at least one death.

209 of the last 336 days, there have such shootings that have left at least one dead among the injures.

The truth will get you guys, the public will catch on that you are scum, then it will deal with you accordingly.

Most of those are gang bangers and other criminals targeting other criminals....not even close to what the average person understands a mass shooting to be...San Bernadino is a mass shooting not because of the body count...but because the shooters went to a public space to shoot innocent people.....

the gang banger parties I listed in the other thread, taken from shooting tracker, are not "mass shootings"
Mass shootings includes any incident with at least one death and three other injuries: a minimum of four victims. 2aguy does not like the definition. That include terrorism, family violence, gang incidents, whatever. They all count. 2aguy's opinion does not matter.

We have had 207 incidents in the last 337 days.
And from National Review online another look at how shooting tracker lies about mass shootings….and why you should never trust anti gun extremists…

The Media’s Inflated ‘Mass Shootings’ Count Is Wildly Misleading

The source of the much-publicized data is the “Mass Shooting Tracker” at, a crowdsourced page that defines a “mass shooting” as any in which “four or more people are shot in one event, or related series of events, likely without a cooling off period.” Victims might include the gunman; the data is based on news reports. There are obvious problems, one identified by the FBI in a 2014 report on active-shooter situations, which couches its own statistics by noting:

A handful of those identified as “wounded” were not injured by gunfire but rather suffered injuries incidental to the event, such as being hit by flying objects/shattered glass or falling while running.

It may be for this reason, among others, that the FBI does not define “mass shootings,” only “mass killings.”

The latter are those incidents with at least three dead, a metric based on the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012, which passed into law in 2013 and grants the U.S. attorney general authority to aid in the investigation of “mass killings and attempted mass killings at the request of an appropriate law enforcement official of a state or political subdivision.”

Under this definition, there have been 67 “mass killings” this year.


This disaggregation of the data makes clear the problem with the Mass Shooting Tracker’s chronicle: It fails to distinguish between the various types of mass shootings, of which some are more amenable to public-policy responses than others.

Under the Tracker’s broad definition, crimes are lumped together that have nothing in common — except for the use of firearms, and a certain number of victims.

Consider the mass shooting that took place in Platte, S.D., on September 17, and left six people dead. It is, by death toll, one of the eight deadliest shootings of 2015. Why, then, did few people hear about it? Because the victims were the wife and four children of Scott Westerhuis, who police believed murdered them, then committed suicide.

This was a tragedy. But it was also a wildly different circumstance than what transpired in Aurora, Colo., or Newtown, Conn. Likewise, the mass shooting that caused the most injuries this year was the gunfight that took place between two biker gangs in Waco, Texas, in May. That was a heinous crime.

But, again, it was very different from the targeted assault on Virginia Tech in 2007.

It is not even necessary to drill down into the data to recognize that the Mass Shooting Tracker’s catalogue is misleading.

A quick glance shows that mass shootings, using the Tracker’s definition, are concentrated exactly where one might expect — in large urban areas, many of them notorious for poverty, gang violence, municipal mismanagement, etc.

Seven of this year’s “mass shootings” were in New Orleans, ten were in Baltimore, and 14 were in Chicago; there were six in both Detroit and Indianapolis, and five apiece in St. Louis, Philadelphia, Miami, Houston, and Cincinnati. Concentrations of violence in metropolises suggest to any clear-thinking observer that we’re talking about something different than the type of violence on display in Roseburg, Ore., in Octobe


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