Shootings That Are Not About The 2nd Amendment.

You know who the VAST majority of deaths are taking?
DEMOCRATS in DEMOCRAT run areas. Anyone surprised? Darwins by the thousands per day.

Hey look, Democrat policies are making ALL Americans feel less safe.
This really should come as no surprise. Not saying it's right....but Democrats are also to blame here.
I'm a Canadian and I don't buy into the idea of shooting a person for defense of property. In nearly all cases we prefer to sacrifice the property over taking a life.
And fwiw, our laws don't buy into excuses for having to take a life either!
Don't be offended! The facts are better to be known than not.

Civilization is based on a principle of an ability to gather and use those things you need or want.
Allowing those who live by taking from those who gained through hard work is not conducive of civilization and societies.

Your scenario will see the demise and destruction of an entire society and it is unfortunate but if defending property by any means was lawfully normal, there would be far less of it occurring. But the attitude you have means that it will escalate until you no longer have civilization.

Perhaps if everything you own, work for and need to survive were stolen from you every day your POV would quickly change.
Sad fact of the human condition. People with your thinking are causing untold suffering of innocent people because you are inadvertently defending criminals. In communist and many Arabic countries thieves are dealt with FAR more harshly. And in those countries theft is far less of a problem.
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Especially when assholes are around..

are around and allowed own firearms, while pretending to be normal. When I carried I was in danger a few times and never drew my weapon. No critical mass of threats real vs imagines transpired. Fears should never drive people when armed. Fears can be and often are imagined.
As a certified firearms instructor and range officer I practice and preach safe and responsible firearms ownership.

However, the last thing I want is for the Liberals in this country to get a vote in who can have firearms and who can't. Because they will always be batshit crazy.

For instance, shortly after the Worthless Negro became President his administration put out a Justice Department paper that said veterans that are religious and own firearms are potential terrorists. That is how frigging idiotic Liberals are when it come to firearms.
I'm a Canadian and I don't buy into the idea of shooting a person for defense of property. In nearly all cases we prefer to sacrifice the property over taking a life.

And fwiw, our laws don't buy into excuses for having to take a life either!

Don't be offended! The facts are better to be known than not.
Shooting, not trying to kill. I've known gun owners who pulled on thieves on their property and held them at gunpoint until Law Enforcement arrived.
As a certified firearms instructor and range officer I practice and preach safe and responsible firearms ownership.

However, the last thing I want is for the Liberals in this country to get a vote in who can have firearms and who can't. Because they will always be batshit crazy.

For instance, shortly after the Worthless Negro became President his administration put out a Justice Department paper that said veterans that are religious and own firearms are potential terrorists. That is how frigging idiotic Liberals are when it come to firearms.
You do know that liberals like myself support gun ownership?

Then you get into the race shit. You're an embarrassment to people other than liberals.

That stands out as especially worth mention. It deserves more clarification as to your intent.
Of course I must let you know that it's my opinion that white America never did let go of their bad feeling over losing the right to keep slaves, and it's festered through generations.
I essentially agree with most of the rest.
Most white Americans did not own slaves during the time frame when it was legal.

Slaveholding, 1860
Non-slaveholders76.1 percent
1-9 slaves17.2 percent
10-996.6 percent
over 1000.1 percent
That stands out as especially worth mention. It deserves more clarification as to your intent.
Of course I must let you know that it's my opinion that white America never did let go of their bad feeling over losing the right to keep slaves, and it's festered through generations.
I essentially agree with most of the rest.

No sane American gives a shit what a subject/slave of Canaduh thinks about how we should run our country. Your shithole of a country was founded in groveling and cowering before the same tyrant against whom we Americans violently rebelled to win our independence and sovereignty.
You do know that liberals like myself support gun ownership?

Then you get into the race shit. You're an embarrassment to people other than liberals.


A Liberal firearm owner?


Is this you

The Stand your ground laws are a big mistake for which only Americans themselves will pay dearly.

These laws could be the factor that finally released the terror throughout America that's brewing on account of political differences.

It may have already started.
Those cases were not stand your ground cases. That is the reason they are being charged and or denied bail, as they represent a continuing threat to their community.

If somebody shoots at me, I will shoot back and most likely on target with a clear conscience, even moving and maneuvering for the best shot to neutralize accurately identified threat.
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Those cases were not stand your ground cases. That is the reason they are being charged and or denied bail, as they represent a continuing threat to their community.

If somebody shoots at me, I will shoot back and most likely on target with a clear conscience, even moving and maneuvering for the best shot to neutralize accurately identified threat.
gawd, you people live in a frightening world: "even moving and maneuvering"

Yopu're prepared for such horrible situations that would most likely, never, ever appear.
If somebody shoots at me, I will shoot back and most likely on target with a clear conscience, even moving and maneuvering for the best shot to neutralize accurately identified threat.
If somebody shoots at me:

1. run for cover or run away as far as I can from the shooter.

2. Not feel any need to make a statement on needing to kill a person.

3. Call the police.
If somebody shoots at me:

1. run for cover or run away as far as I can from the shooter.

2. Not feel any need to make a statement on needing to kill a person.

3. Call the police.
Good luck to you. He who is threatened or attacked and runs away, sometimes lives to run away another day, to be threatened or attacked again, maybe by the same person, though sometimes they don't live to be attacked and run away to another day, as few are faster than a speeding bullet and you definitely don't seem like the superman type.
It's a legal thing. Americans are shooting purposefully innocent people. The fact the shooters claim after being arrested and charged, that they did not know the victims they shot were innocent (that word again), is an issues people should be very concerned with. In my mind it makes it a most terrible crime.

quotes: Hundreds of miles apart, the two men stood in courtrooms, accused of shooting at someone who had made a wrong turn.

In a courthouse in Fort Edward, N.Y., Kevin Monahan, 65, was denied bail on Wednesday in a case where prosecutors say he fatally shot Kaylin Gillis, 20, after she and a group of friends mistakenly drove up his driveway while looking for another friend’s house.

In a small courtroom in Liberty, Mo., Andrew D. Lester, 84, carried a cane as he pleaded not guilty on Wednesday in the shooting of Ralph Yarl, 16, who had come to Mr. Lester’s door mistakenly thinking it was the address where his younger siblings were waiting to be picked up.
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Then there exists the facts surrounding guns and violence:


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