Should Bernie Vow to Serve Only One Term?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
It's been done before:

Why Bernie Sanders Should Promise to Serve Only One Term as President

"Three American presidents made — and kept — pledges to serve one term at most. Rutherford B. Hayes and James K. Polk made one-term pledges; each served one term.

"William Henry Harrison, our second-oldest president at 68, also took a pledge to serve only one term, a pledge that was in keeping with his Whig Party. That pledge turned out not to matter; he barely served a full month before dying...."

Should Bernie win the nomination and pledge to serve only one term, what special role does that imply for his VP choice?

"So why not put Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee for Georgia governor in 2018, on the ticket — and all but guarantee her the Democratic presidential nomination come 2024?

"She is black (check), a woman (check), progressive (check), and unites the various wings of the Democratic Party like no other politician in the United States."
It's been done before:

Why Bernie Sanders Should Promise to Serve Only One Term as President

"Three American presidents made — and kept — pledges to serve one term at most. Rutherford B. Hayes and James K. Polk made one-term pledges; each served one term.

"William Henry Harrison, our second-oldest president at 68, also took a pledge to serve only one term, a pledge that was in keeping with his Whig Party. That pledge turned out not to matter; he barely served a full month before dying...."

Should Bernie win the nomination and pledge to serve only one term, what special role does that imply for his VP choice?

"So why not put Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee for Georgia governor in 2018, on the ticket — and all but guarantee her the Democratic presidential nomination come 2024?

"She is black (check), a woman (check), progressive (check), and unites the various wings of the Democratic Party like no other politician in the United States."
Bernie will never be president.
We won't see a democrat president for a long while......
It's been done before:

Why Bernie Sanders Should Promise to Serve Only One Term as President

"Three American presidents made — and kept — pledges to serve one term at most. Rutherford B. Hayes and James K. Polk made one-term pledges; each served one term.

"William Henry Harrison, our second-oldest president at 68, also took a pledge to serve only one term, a pledge that was in keeping with his Whig Party. That pledge turned out not to matter; he barely served a full month before dying...."

Should Bernie win the nomination and pledge to serve only one term, what special role does that imply for his VP choice?

"So why not put Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee for Georgia governor in 2018, on the ticket — and all but guarantee her the Democratic presidential nomination come 2024?

"She is black (check), a woman (check), progressive (check), and unites the various wings of the Democratic Party like no other politician in the United States."
Bernie will never be president.
Bernie will never be president.

Will you be backing Hillary in 2020?
No presidential candidate in any situation should make a lame duck of oneself.
It has happened three times in US history.

Why Bernie Sanders Should Promise to Serve Only One Term as President

"Three American presidents made — and kept — pledges to serve one term at most. Rutherford B. Hayes and James K. Polk made one-term pledges; each served one term.

"William Henry Harrison, our second-oldest president at 68, also took a pledge to serve only one term, a pledge that was in keeping with his Whig Party. That pledge turned out not to matter; he barely served a full month before dying...."

"THERE ARE BENEFITS beyond just Sanders’s age. Making such a pledge would be a dramatic and bold move that could shake up the Democratic primaries.

"Whether we like it or not, horse race-obsessed reporters and pundits love dramatic and bold moves.

"The more unconventional, the better.

"Sanders would immediately stand out from a crowded Democratic field, many of whom have adopted his ideas on everything from health care to higher education.

"It would make the Vermont senator look like he is interested only in the issues — in contrast to the naked ambitions of some of his younger rivals.

"In fact, one of Sanders’s biggest selling points has always been that he is an independent and an outsider.

"A one-term pledge would only reinforce that iconoclastic image and boost his anti-establishment appeal with the millions of Americans who loathe the Washington political class."
We won't see a democrat president for a long while......
Trump’s Plausible Reelection Chances | National Review

"We have no idea what the economy or the world abroad will be like in 2020. And no one knows what the country will think of the newly Democrat-controlled Congress in two years.

"The public has been hearing a lot from radical new House representatives such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) and Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.).

"Their pledges to deliver 'Medicare for All,' to phase out fossil fuels, and to abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service are occasionally delivered with snark.

"Tlaib recently used profanity to punctuate her desire to see Trump impeached."

Assuming Trump hasn't been indicted or impeached, I suspect his 2020 chances will hinge on the economy?
Bernie used to be a long distance runner. he's got a lot of endurance. but i remember Trump made fun of him for lacking energy at one point during 2016
No, Americans will never vote for socialism, but 3rd world migrants will. Immigrants and their U.S.-born children now number approximately 86.4 million people, or 27 percent of the overall U.S. population
I look for Bernie to win the nomination. Biden cant get the youth vote and without it your toast. The old democrats will vote for any democrat on the ballet.
The Democratic Party is not going to allow an independent to come in and co-opt the Party Presidential war chest. Bernie isn't a Democrat. He only wants their money and their organizational structure.

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