Should Gender Reassignment Surgery (GRS) Be Banned or Severely Curtailed?

What if one of them decides to identify as a man”, undergoes all the relevant hormone treatments, surgeries, and other quasi-medical Frankensteinery?

If “he” is now really a man, then “he”, along with the woman who chooses to remain a woman, should now be able to produce a child together, right?
Does he make sperm?
It doesn't . But ignorance of science and conservativism go hand in hand

Let's check:


Not that difficulat to prove you both a moron and a liar, huh?

Must occur quite a bit.
Well, you do know that if they didn't have their double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.
False equivalency logical fallacy
And honestly with the left getting all crazy about gun ownership under 21, why should someone under 21 be allowed to cut off their twig and berries, or their boobs and remove their uterus?
False equivalency logical fallacy. Transitioning is a medical and psychological imperative. The later is neither
Do you have anything to actually contribute to the topic or do you just want to have a pissing contest?

I admit that it is an enjoyment wiping up the floor with you.....I feel that way whenever I see ignorance.

But....being generous to a fault....I will provide the sort of education you have clearly missed out on:

There is no reality in transgenderism.

It is merely one more attempt by the Left/Democrats/Progressive to destroy what made Western Civilization successful.

Jot this down:
Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Male and Female are biological categories. People lie; DNA doesn’t.

Gender dysphoria, a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/ claims to identify, is a mental illness.

Demanding that other people participate in the delusion is not a right.

They deserve therapy, not credence. this you?

I admit that it is an enjoyment wiping up the floor with you.....I feel that way whenever I see ignorance.

But....being generous to a fault....I will provide the sort of education you have clearly missed out on:

There is no reality in transgenderism.

It is merely one more attempt by the Left/Democrats/Progressive to destroy what made Western Civilization successful.

Jot this down:
Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Male and Female are biological categories. People lie; DNA doesn’t.

Gender dysphoria, a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/ claims to identify, is a mental illness.

Demanding that other people participate in the delusion is not a right.

They deserve therapy, not credence. this you?

View attachment 653564
In a different thread, the miscreant listed 2 as the appropriate age at which to start conditioning boys to see themselves as girls.
In a different thread, the miscreant listed 2 as the appropriate age at which to start conditioning boys to see themselves as girls.


These are very sick people......

There is neither a cure for the indelibly indocrinated, nor enough housing for all of them to be committed.

When the Democrats under JFK closed the mental institutions, this is the legacy they left us.
I admit that it is an enjoyment wiping up the floor with you.....I feel that way whenever I see ignorance.

But....being generous to a fault....I will provide the sort of education you have clearly missed out on:

There is no reality in transgenderism.

It is merely one more attempt by the Left/Democrats/Progressive to destroy what made Western Civilization successful.

Jot this down:
Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Male and Female are biological categories. People lie; DNA doesn’t.

Gender dysphoria, a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/ claims to identify, is a mental illness.

Demanding that other people participate in the delusion is not a right.

They deserve therapy, not credence. this you?

View attachment 653564
Give it a fucking rest. It is only your own delusions that cause you to think that you are winning anything here. You are also deluding yourself into believing that being trans is nothing more than a delusion. You are either very stupid, or, for whatever reason blinded by fear and the fact that-for whatever reason- you are highly threatened by the very existence of trans people.

You should really consider what your own issues are that cause you to freak out over trans people and also educate yourself. However, I fear that you will be highly threatened by any information that undermines the justification for your bigotry and will either just dismiss it or ignore it


The development of gender is a process that starts before birth. In fact, it begins at conception, when one sperm succeeds in fertilizing the egg. Your genetic makeup is determined at that point, and it may have a bearing on your future gender identity. During and after birth, hormones continue the process of gender development. But hormones are often quite variable, depending on many biological factors. All these differences are part of what makes you the gender you are inside.
Yes there are environmental and social factors, but biology definatly plays a role

Researchers at the Hudson Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne, Australia, have discovered that gender dysphoria may have a biological basis.

The study examined the genetic variations of 380 transgender women and compared them to those of non-transgender men.

Within the transgender women, they found a significant over-representation of four genes that are involved in processing sex hormones. This variation suggests a potential biological reason why certain people experience gender dysphoria.
Then there is the issue of intersexed people. While different from trans people, it is thought that some people who experience gender dysphoria are intersexed and misgendered at birth in the hast to assign a binary label to them, a practice that is no longer considered a best practice.
The concepts of “transgender” and “intersex” are easy to confuse, but these terms refer to very different identities. To review, transgender people experience a social process of gender change, while intersex people have biological characteristics that do not fit with the dominant sex/gender system.
Author: Miliann Kang, Donovan Lessard, Laura Heston
Publish Year: 2017

Gender and Sex – Transgender and Intersex – Introduction to Wo…

It time you smarten up Chick and stop being such an arrogant know it all ass. Damn! it is so easy to wipe the floor with you!
Give it a fucking rest. It is only your own delusions that cause you to think that you are winning anything here. You are also deluding yourself into believing that being trans is nothing more than a delusion. You are either very stupid, or, for whatever reason blinded by fear and the fact that-for whatever reason- you are highly threatened by the very existence of trans people.

You should really consider what your own issues are that cause you to freak out over trans people and also educate yourself. However, I fear that you will be highly threatened by any information that undermines the justification for your bigotry and will either just dismiss it or ignore it


Yes there are environmental and social factors, but biology definatly plays a role

Then there is the issue of intersexed people. While different from trans people, it is thought that some people who experience gender dysphoria are intersexed and misgendered at birth in the hast to assign a binary label to them, a practice that is no longer considered a best practice.

It time you smarten up Chick and stop being such an arrogant know it all ass. Damn! it is so easy to wipe the floor with you!

I generally stop reading when I get to vulgarity.

If you have something to say, and need me to eviscerate you sans the juvenile vulgarity.

And......I will.

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