Should Govt abusers reimburse "Reparations" back to Taxpayers?

On which issues (A-D) would you support REIMBURSEMENT TO TAXPAYERS (under which conditions 1-3)

  • A

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • C

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • D

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • condition 1 - regardless how reimbursement is paid for

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • condition 2 - reimbursement is charged to wrongdoers responsible not to taxpayers

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • condition 3 - I agree to support the cost of reimbursement using my taxes

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Given the renewed public debate over demands for "Reparations" for slavery,
why not reimburse Taxpayers for other areas of wrongdoing and abuse of govt authority and resources?

Which issues would you
1. agree to collect reimbursement, regardless how this is paid
2. only agree to demand payback from the actual wrongdoers and parties responsible
3. agree to use YOUR TAXES to pay reimbursement

A. Reparations for Black Slavery through property laws endorsed and enforced by Govt
B. Reimbursement to taxpayers for all costs, expenses, losses and payments incurred by the ACA/Obamacare health care reforms, mandates, corporate payouts, costs of litigation, legislation, administration, advertisements, and federal shut down expenses.
C. Reimbursement to taxpayers for abuses of govt authority and resources for
contested investigations and prosecution costs (please specify which cases you want reimbursed)
D. Reimbursement for other abusive or unauthorized spending at taxpayers expense (please specify)
We allowed the govt to blow through quadrillions. That was on the people for not demanding an account. As far as reparations, which is another word in the dem vocabulary for free stuff, no, that bill has been paid.
I bet not a single living black person would undo history and have it be that they were been born in Africa instead. Being enslaved and brought to a first world country is the best thing that ever happened to their family trees. I bet a lot of those slaves were living better than when they were free in Africa.

You're welcome.
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Politicians need to stop the hand outs to people who didn't do anything for them.

If you're not retirement age and want a check from the government and are capable of pushing a broom that's what you will be doing all day instead of watching TV or playing video games.

In other words get a frakking job or the government will hire some retired gunny sergeants as supervisors who can find work for you to do if you sign up for that government money..... Even if it's moving and polishing cannon balls from one side of the cannon to the other out front of the court house and then back again if you still have work to do.


I voted b, c, d, 2.

Money for a wall should come out of the 30+ years of Congress that failed to build one on their watch.
Actually, I would be willing to vote for "A", too, with the stipulation that all of the assets of the Democrat Party (the party of slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws) be seized and applied to reparations until the debt is paid in full (including refunding any "stop-gap" measures funded by the taxpayers, such as welfare).
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I bet not a single living black person would undo history and have it be that they were been born in Africa instead. Being enslaved and brought to a first world country is the best thing that ever happened to their family trees. I bet a lot of those slaves were living better than when they were free in Africa.

You're welcome.

Now, now. Something good coming out of a horrific situation doesn't make the situation any less horrific. Sure, modern day African-Americans have it better than modern day Africans, but can you say the Africans captured and sold into slavery had it better than the Africans that were not?
Now, now. Something good coming out of a horrific situation doesn't make the situation any less horrific.

No, but I'm saying they're better off because of what happened, not worse off. Nothing is owed. Blacks were liberated and now have equal rights. We even had a black president.

Sure, modern day African-Americans have it better than modern day Africans, but can you say the Africans captured and sold into slavery had it better than the Africans that were not?

I would be willing to bet a lot of them lived more comfortable lives as slaves than they did as free people in African tribes. Slave owners didn't have much use for slaves in wretched condition. Generally they were fed and cared for so they could be more productive. Regular meals, medical care when needed and a safe place to sleep is probably more than most of them had in Africa.
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they should thank their lucky stars they are here and not MEGA shithole Africa
Now, now. Something good coming out of a horrific situation doesn't make the situation any less horrific.

No, but I'm saying they're better off because of what happened, not worse off. Nothing is owed. Blacks were liberated and now have equal rights. We even had a black president.

Sure, modern day African-Americans have it better than modern day Africans, but can you say the Africans captured and sold into slavery had it better than the Africans that were not?

I would be willing to bet a lot of them lived more comfortable lives as slaves than they did as free people in African tribes. Slave owners didn't have much use for slaves in wretched condition. Generally they were fed and cared for so they could be more productive.
I hold to the idea that freedom is worth more than creature comforts. A gilded cage is still a cage.

Sure they were fed, then they went into the fields and worked under a whip. They were bred like animals and their families taken from them. No, I do not agree that their lives were better in slavery than free.
Sure they were fed

And clothed, and given a safe place to sleep, and even first world medical attention when needed. Also a lot of slave owners were not as sadistic as what is portrayed in movies. I'd take that over a wretched "free" existence in Africa any day. It's easy to say otherwise when you're not hungry as fuck and don't have to wonder where you'll sleep tonight or when/IF you'll find another meal. I think you might change your tune if you were actually faced with those things.
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Sure they were fed

And clothed, and given a safe place to sleep, and even first world medical attention when needed. Also a lot of slave owners were not as sadistic as what is portrayed in movies. I'd take that over a wretched "free" existence in Africa any day. It's easy to say otherwise when you're not hungry as fuck and don't have to wonder where you'll sleep tonight or when/IF you'll find another meal.
And criminals are housed, fed, clothed, given free medical care in prison, and in the old days were given work to do busting rocks under the watchful eye of an armed man ready to shoot should they try to run.

We call that rightful punishment for evil doers. Would you take that over a free existence in poor America? Not me.
And criminals are housed, fed, clothed, given free medical care in prison

That's why some homeless people go to prison on purpose. Some of them decide that it beats the hell out of their "freedom."

Would you take that over a free existence in poor America? Not me.

You're moving the goal posts. I'm comparing a life of first world slavery to a life of third world freedom.
Hod did Rep. Cummings manage to spend literally billions of federal aid in his 25 year span representing Baltimore while conditions worsened?
Actually, I would be willing to vote for "A", too, with the stipulation that all of the assets of the Democrat Party (the party of slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws) be seized and applied to reparations until the debt is paid in full (including refunding any "stop-gap" measures funded by the taxpayers, such as welfare).

Yes, sorry I didn't construct the options better Obiwan

As a Democrat, I would also agree to invest my own labor and taxes into MICROLENDING
to build Black ownership in communities to become self-sustaining. With the system of
paying back investments through viable business plans, so it isn't handouts but it's still getting
assistance to break the poverty cycle by mentoring Black leaders and communities in
managing their own districts, including schools and health care programs instead of the prison complex.
Given the renewed public debate over demands for "Reparations" for slavery,
why not reimburse Taxpayers for other areas of wrongdoing and abuse of govt authority and resources?

Which issues would you
1. agree to collect reimbursement, regardless how this is paid
2. only agree to demand payback from the actual wrongdoers and parties responsible
3. agree to use YOUR TAXES to pay reimbursement

A. Reparations for Black Slavery through property laws endorsed and enforced by Govt
B. Reimbursement to taxpayers for all costs, expenses, losses and payments incurred by the ACA/Obamacare health care reforms, mandates, corporate payouts, costs of litigation, legislation, administration, advertisements, and federal shut down expenses.
C. Reimbursement to taxpayers for abuses of govt authority and resources for
contested investigations and prosecution costs (please specify which cases you want reimbursed)
D. Reimbursement for other abusive or unauthorized spending at taxpayers expense (please specify)
but the gvt would have to tax, the tax payer more, in order to reimburse and pay the same tax payer for the tax abuse that you suggest occurred, like with the ACA, and to me that makes no sense??
And criminals are housed, fed, clothed, given free medical care in prison

That's why some homeless people go to prison on purpose. Some of them decide that it beats the hell out of their "freedom."

Would you take that over a free existence in poor America? Not me.

You're moving the goal posts. I'm comparing a life of first world slavery to a life of third world freedom.

Only if they're truly desperate do people deliberately go to prison. Where's the evidence that the Africans were truly desperate? Tell you what, do a few years in prison then tell us that you would prefer that to freedom. And, ultimately, use the door test. Open the doors and see which way the prisoners, and slaves, go.
And criminals are housed, fed, clothed, given free medical care in prison

That's why some homeless people go to prison on purpose. Some of them decide that it beats the hell out of their "freedom."

Would you take that over a free existence in poor America? Not me.

You're moving the goal posts. I'm comparing a life of first world slavery to a life of third world freedom.

Only if they're truly desperate do people deliberately go to prison. Where's the evidence that the Africans were truly desperate? Tell you what, do a few years in prison then tell us that you would prefer that to freedom. And, ultimately, use the door test. Open the doors and see which way the prisoners, and slaves, go.

You really think people that were in a position to be sold into slavery might have been living comfortable lives generally? A lot of them were captured in battles between tribes and sold by Africans to white people, so they weren't even free already. You're still attempting to move the goal posts to talking about prison vs freedom in a first world country. We are talking about transitioning from being a third world tribal African to a first world farm hand slave. It was definitely a quality of life improvement to many of them in many ways, and it certainly benefited their descendants.
And criminals are housed, fed, clothed, given free medical care in prison

That's why some homeless people go to prison on purpose. Some of them decide that it beats the hell out of their "freedom."

Would you take that over a free existence in poor America? Not me.

You're moving the goal posts. I'm comparing a life of first world slavery to a life of third world freedom.

Only if they're truly desperate do people deliberately go to prison. Where's the evidence that the Africans were truly desperate? Tell you what, do a few years in prison then tell us that you would prefer that to freedom. And, ultimately, use the door test. Open the doors and see which way the prisoners, and slaves, go.

You really think people that were in a position to be sold into slavery might have been living comfortable lives generally? A lot of them were captured in battles between tribes and sold by Africans to white people, so they weren't even free already. You're still attempting to move the goal posts to talking about prison vs freedom in a first world country. We are talking about transitioning from being a third world tribal African to a first world farm hand slave. It was definitely a quality of life improvement to many of them in many ways, and it certainly benefited their descendants.

You keep insisting that comfort is more important than freedom. For most, it is not, and they would not agree that prison is preferable to even a poor life. If it were, there would be a lot fewer homeless and a lot more inmates.
You keep insisting that comfort is more important than freedom. For most, it is not, and they would not agree that prison is preferable to even a poor life. If it were, there would be a lot fewer homeless and a lot more inmates.

Other than rare cases with special circumstances nobody starves in the U.S. If those homeless people were starving and in more constant danger I guarantee they'd be lining up for 3 hots and a cot with armed protection a lot more often than they already do. You would too. It's really easy to talk and talk and talk when you're sitting in a relatively safe air conditioned home with food in the fridge.

Anyway, again, you're diverting. Being a captured tribal prisoner in Africa was very likely not better than being a first world farm hand slave.

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