Should I workout during Ramadan?


Aug 5, 2012
Hey, well Muslims have a month known as Ramadan where they fast from sunrise to sunset, no water or food or anything pretty much. And I lift weights currently. I've made good progress and have gotten myself ripped.

Keep in mind in trying to add bulk, I was originally skinny know I've added about 12 pounds since I started and I've gotten more ripped. I've liked my progress but I'm wondering if I should take a month off?

It would be really hard to try to lift weights especially considering the lack of time. Prayers follow dinner by two hours almost. And I would have a full stomach, it would be difficult. I can't work out during the day unless I want to rape myself and dehydrate and kill myself. But I don't wanna do that.

Should I just take the month off? Or is there a way to just maintain where I'm at?

I'm sure you weren't expecting many sensible replies on this board, but must Muslims I know do not work out during Ramadan for the reasons you explain here.

However, I believe that you can drink water during Ramadan, so if dehydration is your only concern, I would have thought that was ok.
You can't drink water during the period from sunrise to sunset. So I can't workout during the day. I'd barely have time during the night either. I'm most likely going to lay off for the month but I also still want to maintain my muscles. If not at least maintain my weight. I don't want to lose any weight.
Depends if you can manage without food for that amount of time. If I wasn't in karate training five nights a week, I would take part in Ramadan, but I haven't because I wouldn't be able to manage with nothing in my belly from sunrise to sunset.

I know there are exceptions if you are elderly, sick, or pregnant, but does personal choice, ie; workouts, come into it? I guess you can decide what you like - prayer each day should suffice.

Besides, Christians will bend the rules for themselves, so why can't we?
There's no bending rules when it comes to Islam. Although if you're trying as a beginner you may be still learning. I recommend if you do have knowledge to follow, Your fasting doesn't count in Ramadan if you don't pray all 5 prayers. Plus at least 8 night prayers. You should also try reading from the Koran. As for your case I wouldn't know what to say, you should ask a scholar though. :)
Ms Rapace -

Are you a practising Muslim? I didn't know that!

Lapsed, not practicing. Not for a long time, unfortunately. My faith is still there, I don't pray, though. I simply try to be a good person. One day I will fully embrace the religion again. If I did, I would bend the rules a bit. I don't believe in following a religion strictly to the letter - if your God can see you, and knows you are a good person with good values and morals, then they should be pleased with you.
Work out after sundown.

I'm trying to see if I could manage that schedule, but I'm also going to be overseas and I wonder if any gyms will be open. If not I'm going so to push ups,sit ups, etc.. At home...:cool:
Does your car run without any fuel?
Neither does your body.
Put the weight lifting off for the month.
You quit for a month say goodbye to all your progress. Granted you will get it back BUT why go through the hassle of having to come back after a long layoff when there are options.

You can do body weight exercise routine to maintain your fitness level or you can remain disciplined and work around the Ramadan schedule. It comes down to priorities and how important it is. I've worked out in some crazy places just so I wouldn't miss my workout.

As a fellow weightlifter I'm telling you to not take a month off. Discipline son :) do it at night. No offense to you at all but your reasons are nothing but excuses. I've been in worse circumstances and soldiered on. I've worked out at 3 in the morning and run down gyms in the hood (Rocky Style) I could have easily made an excuses. If its in your blood you do whatever it takes.
You quit for a month say goodbye to all your progress. Granted you will get it back BUT why go through the hassle of having to come back after a long layoff when there are options.

You can do body weight exercise routine to maintain your fitness level or you can remain disciplined and work around the Ramadan schedule. It comes down to priorities and how important it is. I've worked out in some crazy places just so I wouldn't miss my workout.

As a fellow weightlifter I'm telling you to not take a month off. Discipline son :) do it at night. No offense to you at all but your reasons are nothing but excuses. I've been in worse circumstances and soldiered on. I've worked out at 3 in the morning and run down gyms in the hood (Rocky Style) I could have easily made an excuses. If its in your blood you do whatever it takes.

I'm going to try, but the hard part would be getting enough protein for the day. But I'm also going to be a in a Islamic city so I don't know if they close their gyms during Ramadan.
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Back on topic: Body weight then. Push ups, sit ups, squats, lunges, pull ups (palms facing body and palms facing out) etc etc

Full body workout
Ms Rapace -

Are you a practising Muslim? I didn't know that!

Lapsed, not practicing. Not for a long time, unfortunately. My faith is still there, I don't pray, though. I simply try to be a good person. One day I will fully embrace the religion again. If I did, I would bend the rules a bit. I don't believe in following a religion strictly to the letter - if your God can see you, and knows you are a good person with good values and morals, then they should be pleased with you.

Trouble with that is you're deciding how God SHOULD feel. Doesn't mean that's how He DOES feel. He may want you to toe the line. But if that's a risk you feel comfortable with, so be it.

Just had to point that out, I'm not meaning to judge you or anything. I am certainly in no position to judge others.
Ms Rapace -

Are you a practising Muslim? I didn't know that!

Lapsed, not practicing. Not for a long time, unfortunately. My faith is still there, I don't pray, though. I simply try to be a good person. One day I will fully embrace the religion again. If I did, I would bend the rules a bit. I don't believe in following a religion strictly to the letter - if your God can see you, and knows you are a good person with good values and morals, then they should be pleased with you.

Trouble with that is you're deciding how God SHOULD feel. Doesn't mean that's how He DOES feel. He may want you to toe the line. But if that's a risk you feel comfortable with, so be it.

Just had to point that out, I'm not meaning to judge you or anything. I am certainly in no position to judge others.

You are right, and I guess I will find out how pleased He is with me when I die. I am willing to take that chance, though. No one is perfect, and even God knows that.
Lapsed, not practicing. Not for a long time, unfortunately. My faith is still there, I don't pray, though. I simply try to be a good person. One day I will fully embrace the religion again. If I did, I would bend the rules a bit. I don't believe in following a religion strictly to the letter - if your God can see you, and knows you are a good person with good values and morals, then they should be pleased with you.

Trouble with that is you're deciding how God SHOULD feel. Doesn't mean that's how He DOES feel. He may want you to toe the line. But if that's a risk you feel comfortable with, so be it.

Just had to point that out, I'm not meaning to judge you or anything. I am certainly in no position to judge others.

You are right, and I guess I will find out how pleased He is with me when I die. I am willing to take that chance, though. No one is perfect, and even God knows that.

It's actually a chance I take, too. :)
Is it Ramadan?...

... cool!...

... Granny gonna serve up a ham...

... fer dinner to celebrate.
You can't drink water during the period from sunrise to sunset. So I can't workout during the day. I'd barely have time during the night either. I'm most likely going to lay off for the month but I also still want to maintain my muscles. If not at least maintain my weight. I don't want to lose any weight.
take the month off of weight lifting.but be sure to stuff yourself with high protein and high carb foods when you eat !!you should be back where you left off in less three weeks .and remember to take it easy the 1st week you start working out again !!you are not in a race !!taking your time and using proper form will ensure you are not injured !!remember no matter how advanced you are injuries can take you out of the game for months or yrs !!when you start back lifting lower the weights 10 lbs from where you left off !!you will be back to full strength in less than a month ,and taking a break is good for your ligaments and joints.
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