Should Incest Be Legal?

There's nothing to figure out because it is pure nonsense and what more - it is sick. The once good fathers and grandfathers will ALWAYS stay good fathers and grandfathers regardless of the law... sickos will always stay sickos as well. Once you consider fucking your daughter, keep the fuck away from her and that is also the moment you STOP being a good father, maybe you don't immediately fall into the 'monster' slot, but you certainly need to get yourself a psychiatrist...

THAT is, dude, what I meant.

well,you sound so agitated,did some bad memories got the better of you i suppose.I would believe that your father and grandfather are good if you had not posted this...why get so worked up suddenly?i decline to argue further but i would advice you to see your own psychiatrist:eusa_angel:

Ehm, yeah, I think anyone that doesn't get worked up about child-abuse issues has a problem. What more - what you wrote was actually a bit sick. A position that claims that once you do away with law, people will immediately or 'eventually' behave like animals makes me feel SICK to my stomach - especially when you're speaking of parents taking advantage of their children. Wow... you must have some issues.

You're just naive:lol: for whatever i do,i will have my family's interest in mind...don't be so psycho:cuckoo:
well,you sound so agitated,did some bad memories got the better of you i suppose.I would believe that your father and grandfather are good if you had not posted this...why get so worked up suddenly?i decline to argue further but i would advice you to see your own psychiatrist:eusa_angel:

Ehm, yeah, I think anyone that doesn't get worked up about child-abuse issues has a problem. What more - what you wrote was actually a bit sick. A position that claims that once you do away with law, people will immediately or 'eventually' behave like animals makes me feel SICK to my stomach - especially when you're speaking of parents taking advantage of their children. Wow... you must have some issues.

You're just naive:lol: for whatever i do,i will have my family's interest in mind...don't be so psycho:cuckoo:

I am naive? How am I naive? In my belief that everyone should be up in arms against child-abuse or incest? Or that anyone that considers fucking his/her own daughter/son is a sicko that should be locked up? Or because I think there's much more to human morality than just the use of sticks and carrots?

I don't think that anything that I wrote on the subject can be considered in any way 'psycho', however, calling yourself 'whatisincest' on a discussion forum certainly can be viewed by others as - to say the least - weird.

I really do HOPE that you only have your family's best interest in mind (and not in some sick self-defined way). However, maybe the best way to prevent others viewing you as a bit 'off' would be not to go on discussion boards while calling yourself 'whatisincest'...

Think about it.

And to Agna - Go fuck yourself and your stupid-ass neg-rep. We all already know you're a pedo, so you don't need to feel the pressure to prove it to us over and over again.
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When the Supreme Court struck down Texas's law against sodomy in the summer of 2003, in the landmark gay rights case of Lawrence v. Texas, critics warned that its sweeping support of a powerful doctrine of privacy could lead to challenges of state laws that forbade such things as gay marriage and bigamy. "State laws against bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution, masturbation, adultery, fornication, bestiality, and obscenity are ... called into question by today's decision," wrote Justice Antonin Scalia, in a withering dissent he read aloud page by page from the bench.

Should Incest Be Legal? - TIME

Scalia was in the minority. His dissent is only an opinion and like an asshole everyone including you has one.

Many of Scalia's most ardhent fans would be prosecuted in the laws were upheld. The man is an intelligent moron.

Periodically calling things into question is healthy, and just bexcause a law can be challenged does not equate an overruling of tghose laws.

the above hysteria, of a man of Scalia's station is pathetic
When the Supreme Court struck down Texas's law against sodomy in the summer of 2003, in the landmark gay rights case of Lawrence v. Texas, critics warned that its sweeping support of a powerful doctrine of privacy could lead to challenges of state laws that forbade such things as gay marriage and bigamy. "State laws against bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution, masturbation, adultery, fornication, bestiality, and obscenity are ... called into question by today's decision," wrote Justice Antonin Scalia, in a withering dissent he read aloud page by page from the bench.

Should Incest Be Legal? - TIME

Scalia was in the minority. His dissent is only an opinion and like an asshole everyone including you has one.

Many of Scalia's most ardhent fans would be prosecuted in the laws were upheld. The man is an intelligent moron.

Periodically calling things into question is healthy, and just bexcause a law can be challenged does not equate an overruling of tghose laws.

the above hysteria of a man of Scalia's station is pathetic
Ehm, yeah, I think anyone that doesn't get worked up about child-abuse issues has a problem. What more - what you wrote was actually a bit sick. A position that claims that once you do away with law, people will immediately or 'eventually' behave like animals makes me feel SICK to my stomach - especially when you're speaking of parents taking advantage of their children. Wow... you must have some issues.

You're just naive:lol: for whatever i do,i will have my family's interest in mind...don't be so psycho:cuckoo:

I am naive? How am I naive? In my belief that everyone should be up in arms against child-abuse or incest? Or that anyone that considers fucking his/her own daughter/son is a sicko that should be locked up? Or because I think there's much more to human morality than just the use of sticks and carrots?

I don't think that anything that I wrote on the subject can be considered in any way 'psycho', however, calling yourself 'whatisincest' on a discussion forum certainly can be viewed by others as - to say the least - weird.

I really do HOPE that you only have your family's best interest in mind (and not in some sick self-defined way). However, maybe the best way to prevent others viewing you as a bit 'off' would be not to go on discussion boards while calling yourself 'whatisincest'...

Think about it.

And to Agna - Go fuck yourself and your stupid-ass neg-rep. We all already know you're a pedo, so you don't need to feel the pressure to prove it to us over and over again.

:confused: :cuckoo: how many here are like you?
Stupidity is rampant, unfortunately. However Behemoth has an ability to stand out from the crowd as a result of posts that make you wonder how many times she's been bludgeoned in the head with a heavy shovel. ;)
No it shouldn't be legal. that's sick. i don't care if you are a person of faith or not it's disgusting and immoral. can you imagine now all those male family members who lust and rape their female relatives now can say in the court of law that it was consensual and the there has to be proof that she didn't have sex against her will.

And I know some people will "but gays are allowed to have sex now so what's the problem". Although I don't really agree with homosexuality. But being gay is totally different from committing incest. Gay people are not going around having sex with people who are blood related to them.

And can you imagine the increase of mentally ill children we would have. and not just mentally but physically the children will be messed up. Inbreeding is something dangerous.

I can't believe people are even bringing up this discussion. Before you know it we will be discussing whether it's OK to have sex with you dog or cat.
I thought that incest has been legal in the US for centuries already.
And Jews have been doing it forever.
I thought that incest has been legal in the US for centuries already.
And Jews have been doing it forever.

I love that you said that because for anyone religious you have to realize that no matter who you are with, it is incest if we all come from the same two people. ^_^
No it shouldn't be legal. that's sick. i don't care if you are a person of faith or not it's disgusting and immoral. can you imagine now all those male family members who lust and rape their female relatives now can say in the court of law that it was consensual and the there has to be proof that she didn't have sex against her will.
Why do you think incestuous rape would be treated any different than any other kind of rape?

Your reasoning would lead me to think you think all sex should be banned because it might be rape.

If you don't like the idea of two related adults having consensual sex, then don't have it.

Incest does not appeal to me and I don't understand why some people would engage in it, but who am I to impose my preferences on others?

It sometimes happens that half and full brothers and sisters who have been raised apart and do not know they are genetically closely related fall in love, and/or have sex. I have heard of a case where a couple did not discover they were brother and sister till after a few years of marriage.

In my eyes, this is not incest.
When the Supreme Court struck down Texas's law against sodomy in the summer of 2003, in the landmark gay rights case of Lawrence v. Texas, critics warned that its sweeping support of a powerful doctrine of privacy could lead to challenges of state laws that forbade such things as gay marriage and bigamy. "State laws against bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution, masturbation, adultery, fornication, bestiality, and obscenity are ... called into question by today's decision," wrote Justice Antonin Scalia, in a withering dissent he read aloud page by page from the bench.

Should Incest Be Legal? - TIME

Let say you and your sister or you and your brother want to bump uglies--why should I care?
When the Supreme Court struck down Texas's law against sodomy in the summer of 2003, in the landmark gay rights case of Lawrence v. Texas, critics warned that its sweeping support of a powerful doctrine of privacy could lead to challenges of state laws that forbade such things as gay marriage and bigamy. "State laws against bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution, masturbation, adultery, fornication, bestiality, and obscenity are ... called into question by today's decision," wrote Justice Antonin Scalia, in a withering dissent he read aloud page by page from the bench.

Should Incest Be Legal? - TIME

Consentual incest of adults IS legal in most places to a degree. The only real punishable offense involving incest is when it is shown that one of the partners was a child when it started.

I just threw up. Grrrrooosssssss!
My message to those fathers who are lusting after your own daughter, please think thrice because you're destroying their life. Unless your daughter loves you so much so that she seduces you, then i got nothing to say. I rather my daughter being grateful to me for bring her up and respect me for my teachings. I will let her be proud of me and proud of our family. We should never betray their trust upon us. Self respect is the word.

I shall be a role model or even an idol to them :)

PS: immoral sex like incest weakens the mind and body, this negative cycle feeds upon itself. They are so many flashers, molesters and rapists around, legalizing incest will surely be subject to abuse and this group of sex predators will have a good excuse to legitimize their pervert thoughts. Even if the age of consent is 18,the perverted father will tell his 13 year old daughter:" look, age is just a number, most important is you consent ".Countries that legalize incest should review the law.

PSS: Once a good and caring father, due to the change of law, he may think "Wow, i can now fuck my daughter". This good father may initially seek her consent. But after being rejected, he will apply tremendous pressure on her. Due to him being the main authority or sole bread winner, the daughter will be in a very vulnerable position and will give in to his demands eventually in return for "better treatment". This good father of the past will turn into a perverted monster.

Eventually, all fathers and grandfathers will turn into perverts.

Conclusion: Therefore i strongly condemn any countries legalizing incest. This violates human rights and is immoral. However, i support the maximum penalty for consensual incest to be half that of non consensual (eg.6 years versus 12 years).Hence, the evidence given by both parties will determine whether its consensual or not. If its consensual, the daughter will be punished according to the law too. This will make both parties responsible for their deeds.

As fathers, we can only disciple our children successfully by setting a good example. If we were to engage in indecent acts with our "flesh and blood", we will soon lost their respect.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

After thinking about it over again,and despite my earlier stand,i still feel that incest is ok provided that its consensual,no pregnancy,no HIV.If both parties enjoy it,then they shouldn't be dealt with by law.
whatisincest is lusting after his daughter. Have you banged her yet? What are you waiting for? For her to make the first pass? I bet you can't wait to get your paws on her budding bosom and her tight little pussy.
PS you need help, please get it.

Hey **stard,your nick is even better than mine,and your description is near perfection,you got the kind of "mindset" long ago right?I suppose you've already bang your own daughter right?What a bas**** :clap2:

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