Should pedophiles be chemically castrated? Tucker examines new New Mexico proposed bill to do just that

If it stops child molesters from molesting children, I don't see why it shouldn't be considered.

I'm not sure if it does or not. But when the ACA was passed in 2010, the Democrats voted "nay" to the idea of banning viagra for convicted Chomo-Americans.

Maybe its time to reopen negotiations on O'care and see if we can stop paedophiles from free ED treatments?
Pedos should go directly into general population, and the rest will take care of itself.
Two problems with this theorem.

One, on a lot of yards, Chomos are a pretty significant number. There are just a lot of of those perverts around.

And two, a lot of cons aren't going to mess with the Chomos because they don't want more time.
and why not gouge their eyes out while you're at it!

Dull hedge trimmers to cut off the root of the problem, a stapler, some gauze and a bottle of isopropyl alcohol would do just fine and save on expensive chemicals.
no ignorance is the problem......chemical castration may stop using the penis but does it stop using the fingers..tongues or foreign it does just gives one a sense of security ...again there will never be a decent discussion of this problem...

Should pedophiles be chemically castrated?​

No. I doubt that would do Joe any good now at his age.

Encourage them to take Holy Orders where I am sure that they would walk the straight and narrow .

Or Social Services .

:cool: :cool:
start w/ beijing xiden and the crack head hunter wunter----SCUM demonRATS support pedophiles, so .....

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