Zone1 Should Politics Stay Out Of The Classroom?

Spare me your immature rants child. In 20 years you will probably be a liberal. The fact is that kids are taught civics and government. That's politics. What we don't need in this country re any more right wong extremists in positions of authority. We damn sure should not be educating children to grow up and turn into you.
Unlikely. Conservatives don’t turn into liberals, it’s the other way around. There is an old truism: “ a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged”. Or as Winston Churchill said: if you aren’t a liberal when you are young, you have no heart, if you aren’t a conservative as you age, you have no brain”.
I agree with the guy in the video when he says that no student should be able to tell the political leanings of their teacher. That is crucial.

I also agree with IM2 and others who point out that it is school's job to teach the students about politics. School is where they learn what liberal and conservative, left- and right-wing, socialism and capitalism, Democrat and Republican, democracy and autocracy, and so on all mean. In order to do that, the teacher needs to be able to say "Liberals believe this" and "Conservatives believe this," and so on. So they have to talk about it.

School also must teach how to identify bias, fallacies, hidden agendas, statistical manipulation, confirmation bias, echo chambers, appeal to emotion, and a bombardment of other manipulations that the students absolutely will encoutner once they join the electorate. This has never been more apparent than it is now.

Which is where Video Guy's basic mistake comes. He thinks that the teacher including that cartoon demonstrates that the teacher had an anti-Trump bias. It does not. Political cartoons have played a central role in our electoral system dating back to the beginning, and to avoid showing a contemporary example would be leaving a big hole in the curriculum.

Good teachers have the ability to present information without endorsing it, and it sounds like this teacher made it very clear that that is what they were doing. It doesn't seem like Video Guy thinks that way, though. Also, he's a random guy on his own YouTube channel. He is under no obligation to present the full story; there is no reason to think the teacher didn't also circulate a Biden cartoon, which Video Guy simply ignored.

Without any actual evidence, I don't think the teacher has much to worry about, except of course to have an argumentative helicopter parent making their life more difficult.
Teachers aren't promoting a political bias. It's time that lie stopped. People took politics to the classroom when conservatives started telling teachers what they could teach.

That's not true in universities. At least where I was blatant. :dunno:
I believe that they absolutely should. Clearly there is an agenda going on here. I think that this is completely unacceptable.

Yes it should. But what is politics?

For example, should schools foster tolerance of other people? Yes. I is it politics? Some would claim so, others not.

Religion is politics. Kids can learn about politics and about religion from an outside perspective, but not actively be pursuing one form or another.
Teachers aren't promoting a political bias. It's time that lie stopped. People took politics to the classroom when conservatives started telling teachers what they could teach.
The hell they ain't! I've been out of school for some decades now, and I remember a few teachers having their ideology come through. It's even worse now. A few teachers I am friends with on social media platforms. They leverage those mediums to engage in politics with current students All the time.

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