Should Religion Be Taken Out of Party Platforms? Democrats took the first step.


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
Should specific religions be in Party Platforms?......

This debate was brought up last election on the platform topic, "Jerusalem is and always will be the capital of Israel". The Republicans, Libertarians and Tea Party all slammed Democrats for their inability to get on the same page on the issue also stating, "Democrats are trying to get religion out of politics"

The Bible teaches "Free Will" and never use forced religion.

The Constitution teaches Freedom of Religion which DOES NOT MEAN FREEDOM TO FORCE CHRISTIANITY, it means exactly what it says. Freedom of Religion, all Religions. It was written so people in "the future/current" would not judge other religions like Christianity was judged. Yet, here we are in 2014 acting like the very people we made laws against.

^ Was this a flaw in a party? Or was the flaw in politics long before the debate about it?
It's opportunism.

During the great wars, political parties who would not have invoked G-d would surely have lost in a massive way.

Now that the American public is less religious in nature, political parties are less inclined to invoke G-d.
It's opportunism.

During the great wars, political parties who would not have invoked G-d would surely have lost in a massive way.

Now that the American public is less religious in nature, political parties are less inclined to invoke G-d.

So taking religion away from parties in a Country based on "Freedom of Religion" is opportunism.......I agree. Yet we still haven't done it and the opportunity is up for grabs.
Politics make use of everything seen--and unseen.

The only "flaw" that exist in the politics of a party is the use/misuse of a political theme that leads to their lost. Until they lose, the attempt to suggest a flawed political theme is mostly conjecture.

In other words, I really can't say if the use or refusal to use religion in a platform is flawed. However, the use or refusal to use religion is not a flaw in politics--The argument not to use it is mostly based in the idea not to sully what most Americans consider "sacred". Politics have a tendency to toss dirt on everything.

Now to casually switch topics. T he theme "Should Jerusalem be the capital of Israel" may carry religious overtones, but there is some very dangerous international issues underlining this as well. Not only will this effect the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, it also can undermine the legitimacy of the UN in terms of formal agreements among nations. Think about it, If the UN does not have such authority, then why waste time talking about sovereignty issues in the UN. Just start up your nation, raise an army and tell the UN to "kiss butt"!!
Hmmmm....ISIS comes to mind when I think about this.

They use religion in their politics.

They have established an army and carved out a region for their nation.

and they pretty much told the UN to take a hike.......

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