Should Santorum and Gingrich drop out of this race?

Should Santorum and Gingrich drop out of this race?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 35.9%
  • No

    Votes: 25 64.1%

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Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
It looks like the writing is on the wall on these two candidates. Delegate math says there is no possible way for either of them to win--even if one of them dropped out. They would literally have to win California--and other Romney type states even to get within 200 delegates of Romney.

So the theory in some minds--is take enough delegates from Romney--so he doesn't reach the required 1144 delegates to secure the nomination and then let's have a brokered convention at the end of August-giving us only a little over two months to launch a campaign against Barack Obama.
Even if this went all the way to the convention Santorum nor Gingrich would be picked. I don't believe that the GOP would disenfranchise the overall winner of delegates--so it would be a Romney nominee anyway.

Now while the WAR on WOMEN campaign is running full strength against the likes of Rick Santorum along with Rush Limbaugh's comments--it's more than clear to me that the longer Santorum and Gingrich stay in this race---the less time we have to form a solid base and stand behind a single candidate--the more campaign cash we run out of--and the odds of Santorum and Gingrich saying something that could be used to attack the GOP is much greater--and the LESS time we have to campaign against Barack Obama.

So while I have been a strong supporter of Newt Gingrich--I am throwing in the towel right now--and conceding the nomination to Mitt Romney.

In my opinion the worst thing that could happen is that Rick Santorum stays in this race. EXAMPLE: As some know Santorum has been an almost a continual nightly guest on the Greta Van Sustren (Fox News program). Donald Trump confronted Greta Van Sustren on FOX News about this last night--via telephone. I have never heard Trump raise his voice like this. When she asked him--what he thought of a Santorum nominee. He said you're kidding right? This man does not have any business experience--he has been a legislator all of his life--she interrupted him--and asked why he would lose to Obama--and he interrupted her and said WOMEN WILL NOT VOTE FOR SANTORUM. Greta looked stunned. I couldn't agree more with Trump's comment. Santorum is off the cliff when it comes to his Roman Catholic beliefs on birth control contraception, sonograms for women, etc. --and he is very vocal about it. The longer Santorum stays in this race--the more women voters we lose.

So -(in an effort to defeat Obama in November)--I think Gingrich (who I am a supporter of) and Rick Santorum should drop out of this race at this time.

Your thoughts?
Who knows, I say let it happen naturally... its a healthy process

There is absolutely nothing healthy about going to the end of August with a GOP fight. It will be used against us by the Obama reelection committee.
I prefer they stay in and show everyone just how far the GOP establishment is willing to go to get who they want.
It looks like the writing is on the wall on these two candidates. Delegate math says there is no possible way for either of them to win--even if one of them dropped out. They would literally have to win California--and other Romney type states even to get within 200 delegates of Romney.

So the theory in some minds--is take enough delegates from Romney--so he doesn't reach the required 1144 delegates to secure the nomination and then let's have a brokered convention at the end of August-giving us only a little over two months to launch a campaign against Barack Obama.
Even if this went all the way to the convention Santorum nor Gingrich would be picked. I don't believe that the GOP would disenfranchise the overall winner of delegates--so it would be a Romney nominee anyway.

Now while the WAR on WOMEN campaign is running full strength against the likes of Rick Santorum along with Rush Limbaugh's comments--it's more than clear to me that the longer Santorum and Gingrich stay in this race---the less time we have to form a solid base and stand behind a single candidate--the more campaign cash we run out of--and the odds of Santorum and Gingrich saying something that could be used to attack the GOP is much greater--and the LESS time we have to campaign against Barack Obama.

So while I have been a strong supporter of Newt Gingrich--I am throwing in the towel right now--and conceding the nomination to Mitt Romney.

In my opinion the worst thing that could happen is that Rick Santorum stays in this race. EXAMPLE: As some know Santorum has been an almost a continual nightly guest on the Greta Van Sustren (Fox News program). Donald Trump confronted Greta Van Sustren on FOX News about this last night--via telephone. I have never heard Trump raise his voice like this. When she asked him--what he thought of a Santorum nominee. He said you're kidding right? This man does not have any business experience--he has been a legislator all of his life--she interrupted him--and asked why he would lose to Obama--and he interrupted her and said WOMEN WILL NOT VOTE FOR SANTORUM. Greta looked stunned. I couldn't agree more with Trump's comment. Santorum is off the cliff when it comes to his Roman Catholic beliefs on birth control contraception, sonograms for women, etc. --and he is very vocal about it. The longer Santorum stays in this race--the more women voters we lose.

So -(in an effort to defeat Obama in November)--I think Gingrich (who I am a supporter of) and Rick Santorum should drop out of this race at this time.

Your thoughts?

Should they drop out of the race?

Absolutely not, especially Santorum.

The longer Santorum stays in the race, the more idiotic he makes the GOP look.

For the Democrats, that's a good thing.
I prefer the brokered convention...

What do you expect to gain out of a brokered convention? The last time we had one--we lost in an all out landslide.

I expect the GOP to get their collective ass handed to them, as they so richly deserve. Conservatives want a conservative candidate, not another big government, neocon, warmonger with a hard-on for the Constitution.
It looks like the writing is on the wall on these two candidates. Delegate math says there is no possible way for either of them to win--even if one of them dropped out. They would literally have to win California--and other Romney type states even to get within 200 delegates of Romney.

So the theory in some minds--is take enough delegates from Romney--so he doesn't reach the required 1144 delegates to secure the nomination and then let's have a brokered convention at the end of August-giving us only a little over two months to launch a campaign against Barack Obama.
Even if this went all the way to the convention Santorum nor Gingrich would be picked. I don't believe that the GOP would disenfranchise the overall winner of delegates--so it would be a Romney nominee anyway.

Now while the WAR on WOMEN campaign is running full strength against the likes of Rick Santorum along with Rush Limbaugh's comments--it's more than clear to me that the longer Santorum and Gingrich stay in this race---the less time we have to form a solid base and stand behind a single candidate--the more campaign cash we run out of--and the odds of Santorum and Gingrich saying something that could be used to attack the GOP is much greater--and the LESS time we have to campaign against Barack Obama.

So while I have been a strong supporter of Newt Gingrich--I am throwing in the towel right now--and conceding the nomination to Mitt Romney.

In my opinion the worst thing that could happen is that Rick Santorum stays in this race. EXAMPLE: As some know Santorum has been an almost a continual nightly guest on the Greta Van Sustren (Fox News program). Donald Trump confronted Greta Van Sustren on FOX News about this last night--via telephone. I have never heard Trump raise his voice like this. When she asked him--what he thought of a Santorum nominee. He said you're kidding right? This man does not have any business experience--he has been a legislator all of his life--she interrupted him--and asked why he would lose to Obama--and he interrupted her and said WOMEN WILL NOT VOTE FOR SANTORUM. Greta looked stunned. I couldn't agree more with Trump's comment. Santorum is off the cliff when it comes to his Roman Catholic beliefs on birth control contraception, sonograms for women, etc. --and he is very vocal about it. The longer Santorum stays in this race--the more women voters we lose.

So -(in an effort to defeat Obama in November)--I think Gingrich (who I am a supporter of) and Rick Santorum should drop out of this race at this time.

Your thoughts?

My thoughts.

1) If Santorum is pissing off the life support system for that hairpiece, he must being doing something right. Seriously? Donald Trump as an expert on women?

2) If you think Romney is going to get a pass on the "War on Women" tact by the democrats, you are delusional. In fact, his weasel-wording flip-flops will probably dig him in deeper. At least Santorum has been consistant.

3) As an atheist, I'd rather have crazy Catholic beliefs than Crazier Mormon ones.

4) If Romney is counting on "winning the delegates" to carry him over without becoming a candidate everyone can get behind, then he should already be drafting his concession speech to Obama.
Should Santorum and Gingrich drop out of this race?

Both of em prayed and God told em to run. They have no choice in the matter.
Who knows, I say let it happen naturally... its a healthy process

There is absolutely nothing healthy about going to the end of August with a GOP fight. It will be used against us by the Obama reelection committee.
Yes, but it would be the first convention in over 20 years that might actually be of some interest. Conventions today are nothing more than a week long party coupled with campaigning.
If they want a brokered convention, they need to stay in. However, I don't see either of them being the right choice. As a Dem, I'd be scared of Jeb Bush. He's the only "name" that can do it, IMO.
I prefer the brokered convention...

What do you expect to gain out of a brokered convention? The last time we had one--we lost in an all out landslide.

WHich one was that? How do you define a brokered convention.

One could argue that the 1976 convention was "brokered", but fact is, Gerald Ford was doomed by the fact he pardoned Nixon. If the convention had done the smart thing and nominated Reagan, they'd have probably won.

If you are referring to 1964 as a "landslide", that assumes that you are actually pretty ignorant of the 1964 election in general.

Barry Goldwater got more votes than anyone else and a bigger percentage of them than Romney has now. There was never a real doubt that he was going to be the nominee, just the last gasp of the Moderate Wing.

But the fact was, in the general election, he was running against an incumbant president carrying the mantled of a martyred hero. Unemployment was nominal, the country was at peace, we were putting men into space, and really, everything was good in America.
Should Santorum and Gingrich drop out of this race?

Both of em prayed and God told em to run. They have no choice in the matter.

BUt God told Romney he'd get extra Spirit children on his own planet in the afterlife if he ran.

I think God is just punking these guys...
Your thoughts?

Speaking as an Obama supporter, Santorum needs to stay in as long as possible. It not only hurts the GOP but on the off chance he gets the nomination, Obama wins in a landslide.

Speaking (trying to) as a Republican voter, Santorum needs to stay in as he is making a solid case for at least the VP spot. If he secures a sizable number of delegates, but less than Romney, then the logical conclusion would be the two join forces as a Romney-Santorum ticket, unify the party and go forward. That ticket would have it all for the GOP. Big business. Religion. Tea Party street cred.

Having said all that, I can't think of any reason for Gingrich to stay in. None. Other than the fact I enjoy laughing at him.
Should Santorum and Gingrich drop out of this race?

Obviously democrats don't think so.

There is absolutely nothing healthy about going to the end of August with a GOP fight. It will be used against us by the Obama reelection committee.

Don’t attempt to cast blame elsewhere, take personal responsibility for a change – this election was lost by republicans alone, they have only themselves to blame for this mess.

Rather than addressing jobs and the economy, you decided instead to talk about teleprompters and birth certificates, contraception and pornography – issues either idiotic or settled.


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