Should Thanksgiving be abolished to satisfy Liberals?

You asdsuckls want to celebrate our forefathets being welcomed when they immigrated here bit now demand others can no longer do the same. You celebrate the slaughter of the Native Americans & you assfucks tried to block Native Americans from voting in ND.

Oh also: some school admin diversity nut in North Carolina got triggered about little kids making "Indian" headdresses with feathers and tweeted about it.

Meanwhile, when I do a Native-American unit in November, I do not have my students make feather headdresses. But I do show them images of actual Native-Americans.

And they are wearing.....feathers.

So, you know. Sue me.

God Bless You...
Ya'll get that nobody takes any of these fringes idiots even remotely serious, right? It's great for getting folks on blogs or message boards all worked up, but reasonable people pay it little, if any mind at all.
I didn't listen to the vid, but I don't understand why Thanksgiving is celebrating the annihilation of the Native Americans? I thought it was about being happy to have something to eat...and the Native Americans joined them and brought the venison, and a good time was had by all.

I'm confused.

Right but you can't think about that one incident according to the hard Leftists see, you must think about the overall genocide and etc. Also, you must pretend that America is THE ONLY LAND on the face of the earth where one group of people took land from another.

Which is pretending so hard it hurts my head, really. I find this especially difficult when Brits foist Thanksgiving in our faces--those who colonized pretty much the known world. ("The sun never sets on the British Empire", an actual boast of the colonists, for any British leftists who might stumble along...)

Whatever, I'm off to enjoy it. The stuffy ones can be miserable all by themselves. They usually are.
Put the olives and the green bean casserole next to me, and I'm a happy clam.
I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving, Sue.

Same to you! And I too LOVE olives. Hope you have a great day with family and friends!
If they don't want to celebrate the holiday, they don't have to, but what they don't seem to get is that the rest of us still have the freedom to keep it going if we want to.

God bless you always!!!

Ya'll get that nobody takes any of these fringes idiots even remotely serious, right? It's great for getting folks on blogs or message boards all worked up, but reasonable people pay it little, if any mind at all.

That's the problem, people have been ignoring the regressive agenda because it sounds so ridiculous.

The next thing you know we have people getting sued and losing their businesses because they don't want to cater a gathering of freaks, queers and deviants who claim to be celebrating a "marriage".
Liberal/Progressives are CONTROL FREAKS, and masters of PROJECTION. They want to project their insecurities, prejudices, and flaws onto YOU. Leave my T-Day alone, and leave my Columbus Day alone!
Ya'll get that nobody takes any of these fringes idiots even remotely serious, right? It's great for getting folks on blogs or message boards all worked up, but reasonable people pay it little, if any mind at all.

That's the problem, people have been ignoring the regressive agenda because it sounds so ridiculous.

The next thing you know we have people getting sued and losing their businesses because they don't want to cater a gathering of freaks, queers and deviants who claim to be celebrating a "marriage".

The focus is all wrong. Thanksgiving isn’t in much peril from regressives, its in danger of being gobbled up by Black Friday.

No one seemed to give a shit about public accommodations laws for decades until a small handful of states passed laws that covered homos.
I didn't listen to the vid, but I don't understand why Thanksgiving is celebrating the annihilation of the Native Americans? I thought it was about being happy to have something to eat...and the Native Americans joined them and brought the venison, and a good time was had by all.

I'm confused.
Green Party, doesn't like the Turkey's being killed I suppose, if you read the Pic shown....

but more than likely it was just a doctored gif anyway....
The really strange thing about the crazy liberal bigots who hate Thanksgiving is that they are enjoying the benefits of living in America.
Mayim Bialik would be unknown in any other country.
How come we never see a Left Wingers handing the deed to their house and keys to their cars to an Indian and then going back to whatever country that their ancestors came from?

OH FFS! I'm as liberal as they come and if I hate Thanksgiving then why am I spending today and all day tomorrow cooking a Thanksgiving dinner? What I do hate is that places like WalMart won't even close on Christmas, so never mind Thanksgiving. And like someone pointed out, Black Friday starts on Thursday at most stores. JC Penny announced they would be opening at 2 PM tomorrow. There isn't anything I want bad enough to ever make me get out either on Thanksgiving day or wait in line overnight in the freezing cold on Friday morning.

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