White House Promotes a New Associate Communications Director

What is sane about voting for a brain dead incestuous pervert like Biden?
Biden is none of those thngs. But you are an idiot who still believes the last election was stolen and anything else thegatewaypundit tells you.
I would agree with you if not for the fact that your presumed nominee is as morally compromised as the current guy. "Trump" and "morality" are about as cohesive as water and oil. You're trading the current clown for another clown with a whole other circus crew trailing behind him.
Name one freak like this that Trump placed in a position of power.

Biden has dozens you simp.
Meet Tyler Cherry, the crossdresser who thinks the police are slave patrols, that Capitalism in America should be brought down, ICE should be abolished, and the Tea Party movement was about white grievance. The Biden administration continues to demonstrate that it is not a serious administration by putting every freak and weirdo it can in high government positions thinking it makes them inclusive or accepting by checking off a bunch of boxes on the grievance and diversity list. We've reached a level of permissiveness in western society where deviant behavior is being celebrated instead of shunned and further encouraging it out in the open. The result has been Senate staffers filming themselves screwing each other in the Senate chambers and a deputy at the Office of Nuclear Energy, who openly dresses like a woman and engages in S&M activities, getting arrested for stealing luggage from airports. Add that to the numerous judicial nominees who have been grilled at Senate hearings over obviously bad judgement that no sane and normal human being would ever engage in.

When the Office of the President has no decency left and makes a continuous mockery of morality what hope is there for the country at large?

Those people have deep mental problems
Meet Tyler Cherry, the crossdresser who thinks the police are slave patrols, that Capitalism in America should be brought down, ICE should be abolished, and the Tea Party movement was about white grievance. The Biden administration continues to demonstrate that it is not a serious administration by putting every freak and weirdo it can in high government positions thinking it makes them inclusive or accepting by checking off a bunch of boxes on the grievance and diversity list. We've reached a level of permissiveness in western society where deviant behavior is being celebrated instead of shunned and further encouraging it out in the open. The result has been Senate staffers filming themselves screwing each other in the Senate chambers and a deputy at the Office of Nuclear Energy, who openly dresses like a woman and engages in S&M activities, getting arrested for stealing luggage from airports. Add that to the numerous judicial nominees who have been grilled at Senate hearings over obviously bad judgement that no sane and normal human being would ever engage in.

When the Office of the President has no decency left and makes a continuous mockery of morality what hope is there for the country at large?


And yet -

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