should the electoral college be done away with ?

is the electoral be done away with ?

  • yes.... its outdated and no longer needed .

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • no... it was a system set up by the founding fathers to prevent mob rule and give smaller States

    Votes: 31 83.8%

  • Total voters
You just don't get that all countries that have elections use a popular vote with the exception of the U.S.

You Just dont get what he just tried to convey to you. WhY is it so difficult?
That is just ridiculous to not abolish the college. I'm a Republican that sees it to be abolished.
Interesting… what part of the country do you live in? If it’s anywhere other than the East Cosst, West Coast or a Najor Metropolitan Area the loss of the Electoral College would mean no national candidate ever has to campaign for your vote ever again, because it won’t matter.
It should be abolished as no other country uses an electoral college. They elect leaders by popular vote.
No other country has our unique need for the electoral college because of their styles of government are adapted for their country's structure.

Edited to add: How is great Britain's Prime Minister elected? How about Israel's Prime Minister? How about the President of France?

None of these are elected by popular vote.
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No!... they should stop counting the popular vote....

The popular vote is meaningless above the state level and decides nothing across multi-state lines because that would really give voice only to the people in four states with the other 46 left to the whims of those four.

And it is a lot harder to corruptly sway 50 states in how they vote than just a mere four.
should the electoral college be abolished ? if Trump loses the popular vote but wins the electoral college to become POTUS will Dems call for an end to the electoral college .. Walz called for ending the electoral college at a recent fundraiser ..

I'm for keeping the electoral college, but equally distributing the number of electoral votes each state gets to 1 per each 100,000 citizens of the state. Or at least, determined by 2 plus the state's population divided by 1,000,000 to get rid of the mathematical deviation caused when in the 20th century they limited the number of House seats to 435.
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Give the Senators and Representatives who win an electoral vote each. No all state winners.
George Washington won twice because there was no other candidate. It makes you wonder why they bother voting,

Joe Biden Election was the largest turnout percentage (67%) in the last 24 elections

The last one which was higher was in the 1900 election with 74%

yeah , I am on board with abolishing the Electoral College as it does sound pretty manipulative When it should be majority vote if majority do rule.

To have city states ruin the country like they do in the states where they are located? Fuck that noise.

Yeah I totally agree now... I didn't actually remember what the difference was. 😆
I'm for keeping the electoral college, but equally distributing the number of electoral votes each state gets to 1 per each 100,000 citizens of the state. Or at least, determined by 2 plus the state's population divided by 1,000,000 to get rid of the mathematical deviation caused when in the 20th century they limited the number of House seats to 435.
Here’s a scary question for you…Should illegals be counted for the apportionment of House seats?
Without the electoral college Texas, Florida, New York, and California would be the only States that choose all presidents. Therefore it has to remain in place.
Its the only elected office in the nation where the constituency of the office holder doesn’t get to elect their representative. And at one time, that probably made sense. Today? No it doesn’t. Information flies at the speed of light and we can have the vote totals known within a week

If that sounds like I am for the direct election of the President by the total number of votes cast; my apologies but I am not. I say we take what has served us so well for so long--the electoral college where you have 270 to win AND ADD the stipulation that the President Elect has to also have the plurality of the votes cast in her name. So If you don’t have both hurdles cleared, I think its the 12th amendment that would take over and determine the President and VP.

Given today’s politicial climate, a direct election of the Presidenty by the voters would most certainly favor the democrats and liberals. So why am I against it? As the OP said in a later post, if we get rid of the electoral collge, the large cities on the coasts will determine every election. You wouldn’t see any campaigning like in Altoona, WI or Detroit, MI or Erie, PA.

Having an even number of electoral votes is crazy though. We should award the PVwinner one additional electoral vote just to remedy any tie situation. Never in this century have we awarded electoral votes to a third party. And we did it only 3 out of the 25 times last century. Time to make it 539 to avoid a 269/269 tie.
should the electoral college be abolished ? if Trump loses the popular vote but wins the electoral college to become POTUS will Dems call for an end to the electoral college .. Walz called for ending the electoral college at a recent fundraiser ..

False dichotomy.
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