Should the people of Chicago be allow to recall the Mayor of Chicago?

It seem Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago might be recalled if the State of Illinois passes a bill allowing the people of Chicago to recall him.

So should they be allow to do this?

I say yes, but what do you say?

Illinois lawmakers consider allowing Chicago mayor recall

It would depend on if the Illinois constitution allows for this. Local Control flows from the State Constitutions. Its a question of the State level lawmakers having the ability to impose a recall for a local office.
It seem Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago might be recalled if the State of Illinois passes a bill allowing the people of Chicago to recall him.

So should they be allow to do this?

I say yes, but what do you say?

Illinois lawmakers consider allowing Chicago mayor recall

I say let the people of that state decide.

From Chi-Town but now live in Tejas and believe the people of the state will allow the people of Chicago the right to recall the Mayor...
It seem Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago might be recalled if the State of Illinois passes a bill allowing the people of Chicago to recall him.

So should they be allow to do this?

I say yes, but what do you say?

Illinois lawmakers consider allowing Chicago mayor recall

While it is the Right of any citizen to push for the removal of any incompetent or corrupt (Rahm qualifies on both counts) I almost want them to be forced to suffer through more of his rule so that they might finally wake the hell up.
There should be recall machinations for ANY elected public servant.

See the last word in that statement. They serve at the people's pleasure.

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