CDZ Should the U.S. pass the Birthright Citizenship Act?

So that all babies born on U.S. soil are no longer automatically made citizens.
It's ridiculous The amount of undocumented illegals is sick, they cross the border illegally - which makes them criminals!- just to exploit our 14th amendment.
These unfortunate kids being born here have no right to steal taxes and attend our public schools! This act will certainly help with our border situation!
Such an "act" would be unconstitutional, so no.
Anyone born in the United States is born a U.S. Citizen.
Then the child of illegals must be taken to the orphanage and parents must be deported, right?
That's exactly what's happening.
And who will pay for all of the expenses of these kids if we put them in the orphanage or fema camps? We are not talking 4 or 5 kids. We are talking at minimum of 20 millions.
How about a 17 year old Jose with wife and 2 kids. All 4 of them will also go to orphanage because Jose don't have a job to support his family.
Which we as tax payers never pay a dime to support them to begin with.
Anyone born in the United States is born a U.S. Citizen.
Then the child of illegals must be taken to the orphanage and parents must be deported, right?
That's exactly what's happening.
And who will pay for all of the expenses of these kids if we put them in the orphanage or fema camps? We are not talking 4 or 5 kids. We are talking at minimum of 20 millions.
How about a 17 year old Jose with wife and 2 kids. All 4 of them will also go to orphanage because Jose don't have a job to support his family.
Which we as tax payers never pay a dime to support them to begin with.

Who pays for every other American child put into the system when their parents fail them? Children whose parents are sent to prison, or whose parents are just incapable of caring for their children.

Americans born to illegal aliens are Americans. We can deport their parents- and end up supporting the American citizen kids- or not deport the parents- and let them pay for their own kids.
We have the 14th amendment which guarantees you citizenship if you're born here. No need to re-enforce that with another act.
I like to know how are you going to force any country to take these baby's born on US soil?

Little boys and girls with out a country?

Leave it alone. Its cruel.

Not our responsibility. Whatever country their parents are citizens of, that is the country that should be held responsible for taking these children as citizens.
Just watched Donald Trump push this on Meet the Press.

Republicans can kiss the Hispanic vote goodbye.

Invading foreign criminals aren't entitled to vote anyway. That privilege is reserved to citizens.

Citizens who are of Hispanic heritage ought to take it as a great offense when anyone suggests that they are or should be aligned with invading foreign criminals.

In any event, I think it is quite clear enough why those on the left wrong are so eager to treasonously take the side of these invaders, and also why they are opposed to any measures to protect the electoral system against voter fraud committed by these invaders.
the solution to this problem is not to build a wall or deport everyone. that is worse than kicking the can down the road: it is throwing another can at than can in an attempt to move it down the road. so many people want to just deport isslegal immigrants and be done with it, but that wont solve the problem.
So what is your suggestion? Let them keep coming in or do something?
do something: I don't have a specific suggestion because I focus my intellect on other, more important things, but something should be done to keep them out not by forcing them to stay, but by making them want to stay. the problem is that conditions are bad where they are coming from.if you take away the reason to leave, nobody will leave.

it's good that you are saving your intellect for the important things.

Soooo, you solution is to raise the qualify of life in Mexico, per capita income 17k a year so much that people there have no incentive to move to the US, per capital income 54 k a year?

Problems with that.

1. We have no ability to govern Mexico and solve their problems.

2. If we did, which we don't, it would still take generations for Mexico to catch up to where we are NOW.

Thus, it is a solution that, in effect is do nothing and let the problem grow and grow, while throwing money down the drain to no effect.
now as I said before, I don't have a carefully thought out solution that I am sure would work, but it is possible to be somwhere between isolationist and imperial.
the solution to this problem is not to build a wall or deport everyone. that is worse than kicking the can down the road: it is throwing another can at than can in an attempt to move it down the road. so many people want to just deport isslegal immigrants and be done with it, but that wont solve the problem.
So what is your suggestion? Let them keep coming in or do something?
do something: I don't have a specific suggestion because I focus my intellect on other, more important things, but something should be done to keep them out not by forcing them to stay, but by making them want to stay. the problem is that conditions are bad where they are coming from.if you take away the reason to leave, nobody will leave.
Right on.. Just like dribbling a ball to solve a problem hoping it will go away and keep dribbling some more and more. You keep doing that you will become a GOP law makers.
you do realize that what I am suggesting is the exact opposite of that, right?

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