Should there be a transfer fee to every person sending money to their “home country” if they can’t prove they are here legally?

I am good with this. Hell, would not even bother me if we did it to those here legally
It's a no brainer....
Actually There's more. The money is sent out without being fully exchanged The person received in the money is actually making a profit on the receipt of that money by virtue of the uneven rate of exchange unless you're sending it to Europe. 100 US dollars here probably represents an average of 20 man hours intrinsically. Once that $100 hits Guatemala where It becomes $775 Quetzals it now represents close to 120 man hours intrinsically. It's a wealth bleed.
Nonsense, no companies want homeless workers.

They do not give a fuck as long as they show up for their 10 bucks a day or whatever pay they are illegally giving them.

Why do you need a law to use e-verify in schools?

Because then schools would be required to do so. Right now I am not even sure if they could legally turn away the child of an illegal.

I thought immigration was the government's job

It is. Which is why they need to go after those hiring them.

t expect private companies to do the government's job.

I expect private companies to follow the laws
Bingo. It's not the first time this idea floated, but it sinks on the sea of reality. And not only is it the lady working at wal-mart who'd be responsible for checking ID's, it's the thousands of multi-national bizes (even some family) that routinely send money back and forth over the border.

But if anyone could actually figure out a way to do this, I'm sure most of us would be happy. But workers here legally should not be penalized, and we need more legal immigration, because if anyone noticed, one result of Trump ending legal immigration from Mexico is that we LACK sufficient workers. But of course the gop is more concerned with making sure we have a suffiecient supply of white babies to meet the market for adoptions.
The problem is easily solved simply by making a uniform law that levies all monies sent out of the economy no matter who is sending it.
I’ve taught in a school that had homeless children attending
Two separate issues. Illegals are less likely to bring their kids here if they can't go to school here, sponging off the American taxpayer and slowing down our own kids.
Anybody who knows will tell you what happens when an economy is flooded with dollars compared to one starved of dollars. Think about it, if that is possible.
No proof? Figures, you not one who can ever back your claims.
Illegals aliens sent home $550 billion in 2019. if we were to levy a 30% transfer fee, the approximately $160 billion they and their children cost us would be covered. Shouldn’t illegals cover their own costs rather than saddle honest Americans with the billions of expense associated with them?

Yes. They have skated by long enough.
They need to check e verify
If e verify is wrong, you are clear

If it is right and you hire anyway…..send him to jail
Why do you want to make criminals out of employers who are a necessary part of our economy?

The “off with their heads” attitude towards employers makes no sense

Putting a hispanic roofing contractor who Is just trying to make a living by running a crew of illegals is not the answer

Employers did not create this problem

Government did by not enforcing our immigration laws for over 50 years

And enforcement starts at the ballot box and at the border

Taxing remittances is a good idea

E-verfy is good as long as it does not turn into a radical attack on employers by putting them out of business
If someone can't prove they're here legally, they should be escorted to the border.
The problem is easily solved simply by making a uniform law that levies all monies sent out of the economy no matter who is sending it.
Oh that's gonna work great with paying for energy, cars, food, travel, banking. I'm sure the gop is gonna jump on that bus. LOL
Why do you want to make criminals out of employers who are a necessary part of our economy?

The “off with their heads” attitude towards employers makes no sense

Putting a hispanic roofing contractor who Is just trying to make a living by running a crew of illegals is not the answer

Employers did not create this problem

Government did by not enforcing our immigration laws for over 50 years

And enforcement starts at the ballot box and at the border

Taxing remittances is a good idea

E-verfy is good as long as it does not turn into a radical attack on employers by putting them out of business
Well if you can find a way to make taxing remmitance work. please let everyone know because you really will be the sharpest guy on the block. And btw, the reason immigrtion law wasn't enforced for 50 years, is because employers did not - and DO NOT - want it enforced. You may have noticed Trump didn't deport any of the 12 mil unless they were arrested for some crime, which is how its been for decades
Why do you want to make criminals out of employers who are a necessary part of our economy?

The “off with their heads” attitude towards employers makes no sense

Putting a hispanic roofing contractor who Is just trying to make a living by running a crew of illegals is not the answer

Employers did not create this problem

Government did by not enforcing our immigration laws for over 50 years

And enforcement starts at the ballot box and at the border

Taxing remittances is a good idea

E-verfy is good as long as it does not turn into a radical attack on employers by putting them out of business

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Yea, don’t touch those making a profit off of illegal labor, chase down some guy trying to support his family
Well if you can find a way to make taxing remmitance work. please let everyone know because you really will be the sharpest guy on the block. And btw, the reason immigrtion law wasn't enforced for 50 years, is because employers did not - and DO NOT - want it enforced. You may have noticed Trump didn't deport any of the 12 mil unless they were arrested for some crime, which is how its been for decades
I think trump had the same opposition from employers that bush used as his excuse for doing nothing

Trump was willing to do more but got no support from the swamp rats in washington
No, actually most are hard working and do the menial jobs many Americans refuse to do.
For that they receive low wages and no benefits

In spite of their struggles, they still send home money to less fortunate family

Conservatives want to steal that
Yeah.....I used to work construction and in a plant.....and these fuckers stole our jobs. The plant owners would pay them half what they paid us....and they would undercut our bids on jobs.
They are the reason so many are out of work and wages suck in CA.
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Yeah.....I used to work construction and in a plant.....and these fuckers stole our jobs. The plant owners would pay them half what they paid the illegals....and they would undercut our bids on jobs.
They are the reason so many are out of work and wages suck in CA.

One can't steal what is gave to them.
I think trump had the same opposition from employers that bush used as his excuse for doing nothing

Trump was willing to do more but got no support from the swamp rats in washington
Well, he had majorities for 6 years, so I guess that gop didn't want to deport all those illegals who were working for people voting for gopers. And like this surprises anyone with half a brain ... not.
Well, he had majorities for 6 years, so I guess that gop didn't want to deport all those illegals who were working for people voting for gopers. And like this surprises anyone with half a brain ... not.

And Trump had them for two.

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