Should treat Mexico threat like WW3

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Am not kidding.

The Mexicans with their drug cartels and ilegall immigrations are a far greater- and harder to defend - threats to our way of life than the Germans/Japanese or the Commies during the Cold War.
Unacceptible what is going on in Mexico.

SUB- HUMAN goings on.

They need to take a look at themselves in the mirror.
I watch a short on Turner Classic Movies - where Bette Davis was talkingto her children about buying ing US bonds to support the War Efforts.

There were no liberals or conservatives back then - only Americans.
You have to live near the Mexican border, or be well-informed, to understand just how bad it is (I'm in Tucson). The Mexican invasion is a very real threat, especially with Obama supporting Mexican crime in the US. I am very proud of our governor for standing up to him, even though Arizona's law doesn't go nearly as far as it should.
What a bunch of bullshit.

Change our drug laws to something similiar to Norway or Portugal, and start putting pressure on the Mexican government to clean up their act and redistribute the wealth to where 21 families don't own almost all of Mexico.

And you fellows are just dupes for the very people here that would model the US in Mexico's present image. You rah-rah the hate, and totally ignore the people that are using the illegals from whatever country to lower wages and break unions.
What a bunch of bullshit.

Change our drug laws to something similiar to Norway or Portugal, and start putting pressure on the Mexican government to clean up their act and redistribute the wealth to where 21 families don't own almost all of Mexico.

And you fellows are just dupes for the very people here that would model the US in Mexico's present image. You rah-rah the hate, and totally ignore the people that are using the illegals from whatever country to lower wages and break unions.

You're the dupe. Mexican organizations force employers to pay big bucks to Mexicans in Chicagoland. Check it out. Nobody is planting crops on State Street. What are they doing here?
Am not kidding.

The Mexicans with their drug cartels and ilegall immigrations are a far greater- and harder to defend - threats to our way of life than the Germans/Japanese or the Commies during the Cold War.

Well, if we DID nuke them, we wouldn't have so many coming over the border and those who tried to sneak over at night would glow in the dark so we could see them......
Am not kidding.

The Mexicans with their drug cartels and ilegall immigrations are a far greater- and harder to defend - threats to our way of life than the Germans/Japanese or the Commies during the Cold War.

I agree, but mostly because we are supporting them. Arizona and California have bankrupted themselves on education and health care for illegals, and we should be blaming our government for that.
Am not kidding.

The Mexicans with their drug cartels and ilegall immigrations are a far greater- and harder to defend - threats to our way of life than the Germans/Japanese or the Commies during the Cold War.

Something tells me you're NOT in the military, right? So, you want the US to draft all young people 18 and older into the military to start WWIII?
René Anafoutra;2891803 said:
Am not kidding.

The Mexicans with their drug cartels and ilegall immigrations are a far greater- and harder to defend - threats to our way of life than the Germans/Japanese or the Commies during the Cold War.

I agree, but mostly because we are supporting them. Arizona and California have bankrupted themselves on education and health care for illegals, and we should be blaming our government for that.

If that's the case, why isn't Texas bankrupt? Illegals drop $17 billion more on Texas than they use. AZ wasn't bankrupt until they began chasing the illegals away.
René Anafoutra;2891794 said:
build a fence and deport them

Then teach Americans how Mexican infiltration into the US is just like Germany before WW2. Same tricks. Right out of "Mein Kampf".

Maybe the US needs another Hitler. He did wonders for the economy.

My only problem with the Nazis is that they were socialists.

Hmmmm, interesting and revealing. Just made a mental note about this bozo. :cuckoo:
René Anafoutra;2891803 said:
Am not kidding.

The Mexicans with their drug cartels and ilegall immigrations are a far greater- and harder to defend - threats to our way of life than the Germans/Japanese or the Commies during the Cold War.

I agree, but mostly because we are supporting them. Arizona and California have bankrupted themselves on education and health care for illegals, and we should be blaming our government for that.

If that's the case, why isn't Texas bankrupt? Illegals drop $17 billion more on Texas than they use. AZ wasn't bankrupt until they began chasing the illegals away.

Thats a load of shit. Hospitals were being put out of business in Arizona in the 90s because of illegals.
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