Should we Erase Columbus or others from the History Books?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
So Columbus, like most of the early world explorers was an exploitationist and at times inhumanely cruel. What are the real ethics we are reaching for here? We already knew most of this. Centuries later the celebration of Columbus Day has about as much to do with Christopher Columbus as a cigar store elephant statue has to do with a Wooley mammoth.

Fact is these things actually happened. Not giving them "press" so to speak isn't going to change that fact.

The idea of the Western Hemisphere being located by European culture...the predominant world culture of the time is a pretty big deal.

Really it's irrelevant who Columbus was
Cad, slaver, exploiter.... It's more important to know what role he played in the process of connecting the two hemispheres. As for Columbus Day why bother to change the name? How does that contribute to the factuality or non factuality of its history? Should all of Latin America now reject the Spanish language as racist and abusive?

I'm all for teaching kids the whole story
But I resist the Idea that removing Columbus's name from the day somehow improves us morally. It is quite impossible for us to reach back and correct the wrongs of History...even pretending that we can is foolish.

Nope, just list the evildoers' genocidal crimes first.

But we should celebrate Columbus more accurately...


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Another handful of years and Columbus Day will be completely gone, but that's ok.
What's important, is European came to this hemisphere and put in motion what would come to be the greatest technological progress in human history.

It doesn't matter whether Columbus was first, or not even close. We simply use him as a figurehead for the beginning of the most glorious time in human history. :clap2:
Another handful of years and Columbus Day will be completely gone, but that's ok.
What's important, is European came to this hemisphere and put in motion what would come to be the greatest technological progress in human history.

It doesn't matter whether Columbus was first, or not even close. We simply use him as a figurehead for the beginning of the most glorious time in human history. :clap2:

About Erickson...anyone familiar at all with Viking exploration knows that they chopped first and asked questions later. It's a pretty fair bet that Erickson killed any indigenous bodies he came in contact with and most likely kidnapped females back to Norse territories.

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Columbus was an agent of the inevitable.

If he hadn't attempted the voyage, another European sailor eventually would have discovered the new world. .... :cool:
Another handful of years and Columbus Day will be completely gone, but that's ok.
What's important, is European came to this hemisphere and put in motion what would come to be the greatest technological progress in human history.

It doesn't matter whether Columbus was first, or not even close. We simply use him as a figurehead for the beginning of the most glorious time in human history. :clap2:

About Erickson...anyone familiar at all with Viking exploration knows that they chopped first and asked questions later. It's a pretty fair bet that Erickson killed any indigenous bodies he came in contact with.

Thats a very narrow view. The Vikings were a lot more than that.
We should erase anything that triggers a snowflake, may cause a hypersensitive neurotic to require a "safe space", or that may be considered a "micro aggression".
Another handful of years and Columbus Day will be completely gone, but that's ok.
What's important, is European came to this hemisphere and put in motion what would come to be the greatest technological progress in human history.

It doesn't matter whether Columbus was first, or not even close. We simply use him as a figurehead for the beginning of the most glorious time in human history. :clap2:

About Erickson...anyone familiar at all with Viking exploration knows that they chopped first and asked questions later. It's a pretty fair bet that Erickson killed any indigenous bodies he came in contact with.

Thats a very narrow view. The Vikings were a lot more than that.

I agree...but they were also that.

We should erase anything that triggers a snowflake, may cause a hypersensitive neurotic to require a "safe space", or that may be considered a "micro aggression".
A1_4_14_01342.JPG the hell is a micro aggression anyway?
We should erase anything that triggers a snowflake, may cause a hypersensitive neurotic to require a "safe space", or that may be considered a "micro aggression".
A1_4_14_01342.JPG the hell is a micro aggression anyway?
I think that's one of those things that is left up to the determination of the individual snowflake.
Columbus was an agent of the inevitable.

If he hadn't attempted the voyage, another European sailor eventually would have discovered the new world. .... :cool:

Exactly, and they would have raped and pillaged just like Columbus or any other conqueror/explorer would have.

As usual butthurt liberals of today who have had their minds twisted by nutjob professors, look through history with todays politically correct lenses.
Columbus was an agent of the inevitable.

If he hadn't attempted the voyage, another European sailor eventually would have discovered the new world. .... :cool:

I knew about some of his shenanigans..
I have to admit to being surprised at the extent of his inhumanity....but he was no different than Pizzaro or Cortez.

Elizabeth Warren wants to abolish Columbus Day.
She is pandering to the racist anti-Anglo Troglocrats who want open borders.
About Erickson...anyone familiar at all with Viking exploration knows that they chopped first and asked questions later. It's a pretty fair bet that Erickson killed any indigenous bodies he came in contact with and most likely kidnapped females back to Norse territories.

You are making statements not in evidence. Vikings were great traders and merchants and encountered many non Nordic cultures in the course of their business dealings. To state as fact that the Vikings just hacked away at whoever they encountered is a presumption not supported by facts. On the contrary....Vikings as Traders - History
So Columbus, like most of the early world explorers was an exploitationist and at times inhumanely cruel. What are the real ethics we are reaching for here? We already knew most of this. Centuries later the celebration of Columbus Day has about as much to do with Christopher Columbus as a cigar store elephant statue has to do with a Wooley mammoth.

Fact is these things actually happened. Not giving them "press" so to speak isn't going to change that fact.

The idea of the Western Hemisphere being located by European culture...the predominant world culture of the time is a pretty big deal.

Really it's irrelevant who Columbus was
Cad, slaver, exploiter.... It's more important to know what role he played in the process of connecting the two hemispheres. As for Columbus Day why bother to change the name? How does that contribute to the factuality or non factuality of its history? Should all of Latin America now reject the Spanish language as racist and abusive?

I'm all for teaching kids the whole story
But I resist the Idea that removing Columbus's name from the day somehow improves us morally. It is quite impossible for us to reach back and correct the wrongs of History...even pretending that we can is foolish.

Preppies' Pets, Pawns, Puppets, and Pitbulls

The spoiled feralphile degenerates, being unfit themselves despite their elevated positions, jealously want to discredit the fittest, whose duty it is to take that upper class down and make sure the unfittest do no harm.
We should erase anything that triggers a snowflake, may cause a hypersensitive neurotic to require a "safe space", or that may be considered a "micro aggression".
A1_4_14_01342.JPG the hell is a micro aggression anyway?
Preppy Progue Motto: PRETEND THEY OFFEND

A pitifully petty complaint made by a spoiled brat used to having Mommy and Daddy always cater to his every whining whim. He is also the chorus director for all other crybully communities.
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About Erickson...anyone familiar at all with Viking exploration knows that they chopped first and asked questions later. It's a pretty fair bet that Erickson killed any indigenous bodies he came in contact with and most likely kidnapped females back to Norse territories.

You are making statements not in evidence. Vikings were great traders and merchants and encountered many non Nordic cultures in the course of their business dealings. To state as fact that the Vikings just hacked away at whoever they encountered is a presumption not supported by facts. On the contrary....Vikings as Traders - History

They had a well known reputation:

Parts of the tactics and warfare of the Vikings were driven by their cultural belief, themselves rooted in Norse culture and religion, and vividly recalled in the later Icelandic sagas. In the early Viking Age, during the late 8th century and most of the 9th, Vikings consisted of smaller tribal bands with a lack of any clear central authority, governance being rooted in tribal assemblies. Rooted in honour – a vital concept in Nordic pagantradition – violence was used as a measure to moderate disputes with other tribal groups. This emphasis on violence as a decisive tool regarding disputes was not limited to a man, but extended to his kin.[5] Violence was seen as a measure to defend honor. Honor was extremely important to Norsemen, and the sense of shaming one's honor extended beyond physical and material injuries. Honor could be shamed from mere insults, where Norsemen were expected to react with violence often resulting in death. With this prevalence of violence came the expectation of fearlessness.

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