Should we try to contact aliens debate in the news again


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013

"While politicians quibble over how to deal with illegal immigration, an ominous group of foreigners goes unaddressed: space aliens.

Should humans try to contact creatures from other galaxies? Do we really want that force awakened? For scientists, this isn't some esoteric question. The fate of the planet may be at stake.

In recent years, a fierce debate has erupted over proposals to beam messages toward distant solar systems. Until now, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence – or SETI – has largely been limited to listening for radio signals from other galaxies. Having failed to detect a single peep, some scientists want to turn the tables and begin broadcasting missives from Earth into deep space."

rest at link. Interesting article.
We have been broadcasting radio signals since early 1900s and television since the 1950s what would be faster?
We have been broadcasting radio signals since early 1900s and television since the 1950s what would be faster?

As I read it, it's the different between a flashlight's light, and a laer's light. A laser is much more focused. Further from the source, less difuse a flashlight's light is, or the radio signals radiating away from teh Earth. So any portion of reaching aliens wouldn't be enough to make heads or tails out of. A directed signal like from a radiotelescope would arrive much more whole and be something they could decipher.
Should we? I think so. Just because we make contact doesn't mean they could get here. Same laws of physics bind them as us and there's just no easy way to get around in the universe. Even if they came the slow way taking centuries, by the time they arrived we'd either be dead already or howeveer many more cneturies advanced. So any potential threat to us may be inferior by the time it gets here.
We have been broadcasting radio signals since early 1900s and television since the 1950s what would be faster?

As I read it, it's the different between a flashlight's light, and a laer's light. A laser is much more focused. Further from the source, less difuse a flashlight's light is, or the radio signals radiating away from teh Earth. So any portion of reaching aliens wouldn't be enough to make heads or tails out of. A directed signal like from a radiotelescope would arrive much more whole and be something they could decipher.

Sorry I posted then started to read the link..

Humanity has so much more to overcome amongst ourselves before we can even begin to consider ourselves worthy of participating in some intergalactic community.

good lord

scientist can waste so much money it boggles the mind

in 100 years of focused effort, with trillions spent, we might come up with the technology to send a signal, that can be understood, a light year past Pluto


but hey, we are only $18.5 trillion in debt, lets waste some more money

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