Sick of the Leftist Illegal Immigration Counter-Arguments


Apr 22, 2007
You hear it from disingenious leftists on this board and you hear it from disingenious leftist in hollywood - from people like Bill Maher.

They say, Republicans are anti-immigrant. They are against immigration. What crap! The debate is about illegal immigration, which is NOT legal immigration. Why can't these disingenious bastards stick to the argument which is against illegal immigration and not immigration in general.

They always go we are a nation of immigrants. True, but we are not a nation of ILLEGAL immigrants. Get your head out of your ass and argument on merits, not on red herring dishonesty.

There next attack, as rdean demostrates it everyday, is to say well the Iraq War caused this and that.

Leftist need to start arguing on merits and not dishonesty!
"America is not a nation of illegal immigrants."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This is the kind of "gems" you get when a super patriotic american clown ON DRUGS decides to post on a Message Board.

I strongly urge the patriotic clowns of the US Message Board to avoid posting in the middle of a bad trip. :D

If Owe Bama is looking for more tax money, why doesn't he put a heavy tax on illegal aliens? You gotta pay to stay!!!
José;2270848 said:
"America is not a nation of illegal immigrants."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This is the kind of "gems" you get when a super patriotic american clown ON DRUGS decides to post on a Message Board.

I strongly urge the patriotic clowns of the US Message Board to avoid posting in the middle of a bad trip. :D


As much as I hate to say it....your right, Jose. Our federal government because of their inactions, and a "wink and a nod" from them has given empowerment to the illegals coming across the border.
This was proven when Reagan gave amnesty to the illegals back in the 80s. The feds were to shut the border after that......but we all know the rest of this story.....
If Owe Bama is looking for more tax money, why doesn't he put a heavy tax on illegal aliens? You gotta pay to stay!!!

This is and isn't about the money, of course the government will bleed the last penny out of anyone if they can just figure out how. But, this is more about a voting block in the future for the liberals. It will ensure party wins for generations to come for them.
The liberals want poor people prone to socialist ideals and used to big government for votes. Republicans want cheap labor! A combo for inaction.
You hear it from disingenious leftists on this board and you hear it from disingenious leftist in hollywood - from people like Bill Maher.

They say, Republicans are anti-immigrant. They are against immigration. What crap! The debate is about illegal immigration, which is NOT legal immigration. Why can't these disingenious bastards stick to the argument which is against illegal immigration and not immigration in general.

They always go we are a nation of immigrants. True, but we are not a nation of ILLEGAL immigrants. Get your head out of your ass and argument on merits, not on red herring dishonesty.

There next attack, as rdean demostrates it everyday, is to say well the Iraq War caused this and that.

Leftist need to start arguing on merits and not dishonesty!

Show me where the right has done a single thing, when they were in office, to stop the mex?
You hear it from disingenious leftists on this board and you hear it from disingenious leftist in hollywood - from people like Bill Maher.

They say, Republicans are anti-immigrant. They are against immigration. What crap! The debate is about illegal immigration, which is NOT legal immigration. Why can't these disingenious bastards stick to the argument which is against illegal immigration and not immigration in general.

They always go we are a nation of immigrants. True, but we are not a nation of ILLEGAL immigrants. Get your head out of your ass and argument on merits, not on red herring dishonesty.

There next attack, as rdean demostrates it everyday, is to say well the Iraq War caused this and that.

Leftist need to start arguing on merits and not dishonesty!

Show me where the right has done a single thing, when they were in office, to stop the mex?

Arizona and Alabama tried and got attacked for it!
They always go we are a nation of immigrants. True, but we are not a nation of ILLEGAL immigrants. Get your head out of your ass and argument on merits, not on red herring dishonesty.

Unfortunately, a few nuts here are actually opposed to LEGAL immigration as well.
They always go we are a nation of immigrants. True, but we are not a nation of ILLEGAL immigrants. Get your head out of your ass and argument on merits, not on red herring dishonesty.

Unfortunately, a few nuts here are actually opposed to LEGAL immigration as well.
Let's close the door until we sort everyone out. And keep it closed for welfare muslims and beaners.
You hear it from disingenious leftists on this board and you hear it from disingenious leftist in hollywood - from people like Bill Maher.

They say, Republicans are anti-immigrant. They are against immigration. What crap! The debate is about illegal immigration, which is NOT legal immigration. Why can't these disingenious bastards stick to the argument which is against illegal immigration and not immigration in general.

They always go we are a nation of immigrants. True, but we are not a nation of ILLEGAL immigrants. Get your head out of your ass and argument on merits, not on red herring dishonesty.

There next attack, as rdean demostrates it everyday, is to say well the Iraq War caused this and that.

Leftist need to start arguing on merits and not dishonesty!

Poor GHook, incapable of offering an interesting and provocative thead he(?), s/he, defaults to an ad hominem attack.

GHook isn't very bright (that's a compliment) and once again defaults to the talking points of right wing talking heads. Sad.
If Owe Bama is looking for more tax money, why doesn't he put a heavy tax on illegal aliens? You gotta pay to stay!!!

They already do pay to stay.

And, they already pay taxes.

And, Obama continues to deport and Obama continues having a record number of Border Patrol on our southern border and the racist right continues to ignore our other borders while believing the slop they're spoon fed by idiots like Graham and McCain - both of whom continue to fight against stopping illegals.

OTOH, since the number of illegals coming here to stay has dwindled down to almost nothing, one wonders why RWs continue to feed into this senseless hysteria.

Hint: Its about DRUGS, not tomatoes.
You hear it from disingenious leftists on this board and you hear it from disingenious leftist in hollywood - from people like Bill Maher.

They say, Republicans are anti-immigrant. They are against immigration. What crap! The debate is about illegal immigration, which is NOT legal immigration. Why can't these disingenious bastards stick to the argument which is against illegal immigration and not immigration in general.

They always go we are a nation of immigrants. True, but we are not a nation of ILLEGAL immigrants. Get your head out of your ass and argument on merits, not on red herring dishonesty.

There next attack, as rdean demostrates it everyday, is to say well the Iraq War caused this and that.

Leftist need to start arguing on merits and not dishonesty!

Show me where the right has done a single thing, when they were in office, to stop the mex?

They have fought every attempt at increasing border security. Going all the way back to when Napolitano was governor, McCain and Kyl and Bush refused any funds to AZ.

The only time McCain and Kyl would even talk about it was during election years and then they'd disappear once elected.

It was not until Obama was elected that there were any deportations and increased Border Patrol and he has put the right to shame.

Arpaio, sheriff of Maricopa county and gay, skinhead, Babeau of Pinal county, neither of which is even on the border, constantly run on illegal immigration actually do almost nothing. Both are good at self-aggrandizement but not much else. Besides, Arpaio is so busy pretending to have proof that Obama isn't a citizen, he doesn't have time to actually do his own job.

Meanwhile, the bipartisan bill the Repubs agreed to is still sitting on Boehner's desk while he guzzles booze and plays golf.
Sick of the Leftist Illegal Immigration Counter-Arguments

Too bad.

The 5th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution afford all persons in the United States due process of law, including those undocumented – where someone is not 'illegal' until such time a court of law determines that to be the case.

Once in the United States undocumented immigrants are allowed up to 30 days to file a claim as a refugee or asylee, they are allowed to remain in the United States until that claim is processed, and they are entitled to basic accommodations while waiting, such as a place to live and children to attend public school.

This has nothing to do with 'liberal' or 'conservative,' it has to do with fundamental, settled, and accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence, it has to do with the fact that in America one is innocent until proved guilty, and it has to do with the fact that those who exhibit hatred toward immigrants may not seek to codify their hatred of immigrants.
We need to cut off all immigration! We have been accepting a million per year.

If we ever allow anymore in... They have to be adaptable towards our culture.
The NEW Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to learning English and adapting to the common culture,
one nation under anything but Islam, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all.
We all know that with the exception of entering and remaining here illegally, these invaders are otherwise law abiding citizens.

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