Side by side recruiting videos for militaries. One the Russian military and the others The US military put out by the biden administration

The Russians are recruiting out of prisons and getting bunch of thieves, rapists and other assorted war criminals. Why would you want trash like that wearing our nation's uniform?
This is the wrong approach man. During the Vietnam war the United States took on violent offenders. Yes Americans who got into bar fights were given a chance hey you can go to jail or you can go serve in the Vietnam war. I have a few poker friends who served in the Vietnam war at least one of them had a situation where they got into a little bit of trouble at a younger age but a judge gave him a chance …you’re gonna go to jail or you gotta go put on a uniform and fight for your country.

But the way this is spun by the anti-Russian racists and by these satanic people in the media is to imagine history as something where prisoners were never given a second chance. As if Jesus our Lord never came to this world saying that people could redeem themselves.

Throughout history many societies have found it appropriate to give prisoners a second chance and that includes having them go fight for their country to serve their society and to regain the confidence of their country and the community once again. And there’s so many examples that the US military made men into better people because they went into the military because the judge give them a chance to do that instead of having to go to jail because they made a mistake.

You see brother that’s the liberal Christian perspective right there. That’s a Democratic perspective and I hope that you can see this this is how our party used to be. Compassionate and filled with common sense. Russia is an an unpopular war doesn’t make them bad. We here in America have gone to unpopular wars like in Vietnam in the Middle East doesn’t make us bad …it’s part of world history… Time will tell how this war shapes out for Russia
This is the wrong approach man. During the Vietnam war the United States took on violent offenders. Yes Americans who got into bar fights were given a chance hey you can go to jail or you can go serve in the Vietnam war. I have a few poker friends who served in the Vietnam war at least one of them had a situation where they got into a little bit of trouble at a younger age but a judge gave him a chance …you’re gonna go to jail or you gotta go put on a uniform and fight for your country.

But the way this is spun by the anti-Russian racists and by these satanic people in the media is to imagine history as something where prisoners were never given a second chance. As if Jesus our Lord never came to this world saying that people could redeem themselves.

Throughout history many societies have found it appropriate to give prisoners a second chance and that includes having them go fight for their country to serve their society and to regain the confidence of their country and the community once again. And there’s so many examples that the US military made men into better people because they went into the military because the judge give them a chance to do that instead of having to go to jail because they made a mistake.

You see brother that’s the liberal Christian perspective right there. That’s a Democratic perspective and I hope that you can see this this is how our party used to be. Compassionate and filled with common sense. Russia is an an unpopular war doesn’t make them bad. We here in America have gone to unpopular wars like in Vietnam in the Middle East doesn’t make us bad …it’s part of world history… Time will tell how this war shapes out for Russia
The war in Ukraine is a giant Russian crime against humanity. Their soldiers are a collection of riff-raff and badly trained conscripts. They have continually targeted the civilian population who have every right to resist an invasion.
What is your point? We have the greatest military in the world and would literally smoke the Russians. Why do you want to be like them?

We have the greatest military in the world and would literally smoke the Afghanis, er I mean the Iraqis, er I mean the Ruskies. $lava Zelen$ky!
The war in Ukraine is a giant Russian crime against humanity. Their soldiers are a collection of riff-raff and badly trained conscripts. They have continually targeted the civilian population who have every right to resist an invasion.

But its OK for Ukrainian Nazis to target civilians and for Zelen$ky to outlaw his political opponents?
The war in Ukraine is a giant Russian crime against humanity. Their soldiers are a collection of riff-raff and badly trained conscripts. They have continually targeted the civilian population who have every right to resist an invasion.
Been said about a lot of wars. We have had volunteer forces in the United States. You know sometimes volunteers can fight better than non-volunteers. In the Russia Ukraine war there’s reports of war crimes in both sides.

We are Americans it’s especially important for us to not throw stones in glass houses. What do you think people in Iraq and Afghanistan have to say to some American politician on a moral high horse trying to claim that Russia is evil but we’re angels …

No I refuse to do so Russians are my fellow Christians.

What do you say to the Russian 95-year-old man proud of his country today who liberated the concentration camps during World War II?
We have the greatest military in the world and would literally smoke the Afghanis, er I mean the Iraqis, er

Yep, we did smoke both of those. It was the peace part that came afterwards that we sucked at.
Yet they are getting their asses kicked by Ukraine of all places.
that’s according to Ukraine’s media outlets. War reporting is a major issue in and of itself there’s propaganda from both sides when it comes to many wars.

The interesting thing is there’s quite a few similarities between Ukrainians and Russians. They have Ukrainian oligarchs to there’s corruption in Ukraine. Just as in Russian

USA: Emma was raised by 2 moms.

USSR: Yuri was raised by 2 bears and motherland.

US army in the 80': RAMBO
US army now: RAINBOW

It's over folks. The only delight we'll take in the misery we will face is watching the left wing socialist middle class wail out loud at the shit they created for themselves.

Is that why the Ruskies suck as soldiers?
The comments should be about the recruiting videos and of course left are so impressed by the recruiting video of the girl with two mommies and somehow think....ohhhhh I don't know......that is an accurate portrayal of you know.....SERVING IN THE FUCKING ARMED FORCES WHERE YOU WILL BE TRAINING FOR FUCKING WAAAAAR!!!!!!

Get help.
Been said about a lot of wars.

Where Americans it’s especially important for us to not throw stones in glass houses. What do you think people in Iraq and Afghanistan have to say to some American politician and a moral high horse trying to clean that Russia is evil but we’re angels …

No I refuse to do so Russians are my fellow Christians. What do you say to the Russian 95-year-old man proud of his country today who liberated the concentration camps during World War II
I criticized our stupid invasions and occupations quite harshly. I see nothing Christian about Russia at all.
Oh you mean like we did during the Vietnam war?

Maybe not felons but many a jailbird in my AO was given a choice between lock-up and the service.....LOL, I know one guy in town that was caught jack-lighting deer in the Shenandoah National Park and he ended-up in Vietnam over it.
Oh you mean like we did during the Vietnam war?

Maybe not felons but many a jailbird in my AO was given a choice between lock-up and the service.....LOL, I know one guy in town that was caught jack-lighting deer in the Shenandoah National Park and he ended-up in Vietnam over it.
This ^ and brother some of these were serious crimes up to four years in prison some of these guys were facing. It included getting into violent fights.

——Vietnam veteran Joe West told us back during the war, military service instead of jail was a fairly common option for judges to provide.

“And they were not any different than my other brothers,” West said.

He said in his experience, those who took military service were better off than those who didn’t.

“It made a lot of good people out of people that may have gone a different path had they not had that option,” West said.——-

This is yet another example of stunning hypocrisy from Democrats from liberals and even Republicans who keep on using this line of “Russia is using prisoners”.

All it takes is a cursory glance at history to see that so many nations, empires and kingdoms have used prisoners for combat. And in many cases it makes the prisoner into a better person. But we’re talking about here actually exchanging a would be criminal into a man. So that is what happened in Vietnam when American men would make a mistake back home including getting in violent altercations…. A judge would give them a chance to go serve in Vietnam or go to jail.

The nuance here is with regards to folks who commit even more serious crimes like sexual assault or murder. Should they ever be given a chance to join the military to get a pardon. I think the answer is no but again throughout history it’s been done by numerous countries.

And really what is evermore interesting we have a prison industry in America where we’re basically using prisoners for affective free labor. So there’s that that’s going on all over the world too.

USA: Emma was raised by 2 moms.

USSR: Yuri was raised by 2 bears and motherland.

US army in the 80': RAMBO
US army now: RAINBOW

It's over folks. The only delight we'll take in the misery we will face is watching the left wing socialist middle class wail out loud at the shit they created for themselves.

Meanwhile back in reality, the USSR can't handle a country about the size of Texas. I don't think Yuri is getting much utility out of being raised by 2 bears.

I do think that you had way more than 2 beers before this latest drunk post of yours.

USA: Emma was raised by 2 moms.

USSR: Yuri was raised by 2 bears and motherland.

US army in the 80': RAMBO
US army now: RAINBOW

It's over folks. The only delight we'll take in the misery we will face is watching the left wing socialist middle class wail out loud at the shit they created for themselves.

Posting Russian propaganda AGAIN, Owl???? How much is Putin paying you?
And really what is evermore interesting we have a prison industry in America where we’re basically using prisoners for affective free labor. So there’s that that’s going on all over the world too.
Captive labor maybe but hardly free.

Regular convicts (levels 2-4) did stuff like working in the kitchen/cellhouse/maintenance and such....Level 5 just stayed in their cells 23 hours a day.....The next level was death row.

Convicts that have a low security level (Level 1) can be hired by industries that operate both inside and outside prison walls. They start at whatever the prevailing street wage is and it goes up from there.

One of the prisons I worked at had a optical lab (the ground eyeglass lens for the discount eyeglass stores) and AC Delco where they refurbished automotive starters and generators.

The last prison I worked at before I retired (called a diversion center) we had convicts with less than a year left working at all kinds of industrial jobs in the local community.

LOL....Thing was after discharge many opted to stay/work in the area at those jobs so we were always on the look-out for more places for them to work.

Their discharge checks were in the many thousands. Many that still had a valid driver's license would buy a vehicle and simply drive off on their discharge day. Best prison to work program I was ever was around.

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