Signs of fentanyl overdose

And of course you're simply making up that bullshit.

Look, I thought the cops killed him too when I first saw the snippets of video that were on the news. And I vehemently expressed that hasty opinion in this very forum. I called them murderers.

However, after the toxicology report and the full bodycam videos were released, I had to eat my words and admit that I was 100% wrong. He obviously died from a drug overdose.
Had I now seen LOTS OF VIOLENT arrests---(because I worked in inner city hospitals for YEARS) ---I would have jumped to the conclusion that the cop was at fault, too. The FLOYD thing, was
a commonplace event-----it is a WONDER that there are not MORE
I cant breath: signs of a fentanyl overdose: Fentanyl induced similar oxygen decreases in the basolateral amygdala, indicating that brain hypoxia could be a generalized phenomenon. We used oxygen recordings in the subcutaneous space to confirm that fentanyl-induced brain hypoxia results from decreases in blood oxygen levels caused by drug-induced respiratory depression. So, the coroner and the prosecution as well as the defense should have known this. George Floyd died of a self induced fentanyl overdose.

This is the correct motorcycle.
A white racist copper with his knee on his neck for 9 minutes would have nothing to do with it??? You have to be joking.
Would he have died if he had not been choked to death?
Why are you defending that copper?
Chauvin was convicted of 1st degree murder but you still blame Floyd.
You've got to be mentally challenged to think like that. Or a white racist supremeist like chauvin.
Chauvin was innocent...a good cop getting a violent criminal off the streets but the racist race pimps and our corrupt pols sacrificed him over a violent criminal who died over his own drug abuse. '

It's not everyone else fault if people are so stupid and so racist that they would go after a cop for being white accusing him of strangling a 6'6 or 6'7 violent criminal when the evidence clearly shows that this wasn't the case. Floyd wasn't choke to death, its retarded to claim that he was.
And of course you're simply making up that bullshit.

Look, I thought the cops killed him too when I first saw the snippets of video that were on the news. And I vehemently expressed that hasty opinion in this very forum. I called them murderers.

However, after the toxicology report and the full bodycam videos were released, I had to eat my words and admit that I was 100% wrong. He obviously died from a drug overdose.
I am not making up anything. I'm going by the testimony.

At the very best, proper protocal would have required Chauvin to call medical sevices as soon as he thought Floyd was on drugs (which was pretty immediate) NOT continue to sit on his neck for nine minutes. His actions absolutely were against and led to an unnecessary death.
Anyone who defends Chauvin's conviction while giving Donald Byrd a pass for murdering Ashli is a hypocrite.
I am not making up anything. I'm going by the testimony.

At the very best, proper protocal would have required Chauvin to call medical sevices as soon as he thought Floyd was on drugs (which was pretty immediate) NOT continue to sit on his neck for nine minutes. His actions absolutely were against and led to an unnecessary death.
You're lying to the USMB forum.

EMS was called at 8:20. That's within a minute of when they laid him on the ground at his request.

George Floyd said that he wasn't doing any drugs. And on top of that, his so-called friends also refused to say what he was on.

If the cops knew what he was on, they probably could have saved his life with a shot of naloxone. Every MPD unit has it in their car.

Usually, when someone is overdosing on fentanyl, they don't behave all fucking crazy, resist arrest and display superhuman strength like Floyd was doing. They act the opposite of that. Usually they just sort of nod off.

However, Floyd was not merely on fentanyl, he was also on meth. The meth was temporarily masking the effects of his fentanyl overdose.

The cops had absolutely no way of knowing that Floyd was on fentanyl until the meth rush wore off and he stopped breathing. And by then it was too late.

Nothing those cops did caused Floyd's death. He died from an overdose.

Officer Thao said it best. "This is why you don't do drugs, kids."
Chauvin was innocent...a good cop getting a violent criminal off the streets but the racist race pimps and our corrupt pols sacrificed him over a violent criminal who died over his own drug abuse. '

It's not everyone else fault if people are so stupid and so racist that they would go after a cop for being white accusing him of strangling a 6'6 or 6'7 violent criminal when the evidence clearly shows that this wasn't the case. Floyd wasn't choke to death, its retarded to claim that he was.

Stop your lying. Floyd was cuffed and offered no resistance. He was murdered by a racist white supremeist copper. He was convicted of murder and should be reamed by every black in the prison.
If Biden was sentenced to life by the same court, would you bellow about him being innocent? That's your hypocrisy.
Yes you can. My husband has anaphylactic allergies. When he reacts to something his throat closes up and increasingly cannot breathe, but he has enough awareness and time to call out for his epi pen.

That is a totally different situation. Having your throat gradually close allergically to make breathing harder is not the kind of strangulation we were talking about where someone is deliberately, mechanically crushing your windpipe to make you unable to breathe!

Also, officer Chauvin weighed only 154 pounds. That means that at worse, if he wasn't trying to shift his weight a little, that kneeling on both knees and feet, the very most weight that could have been on Floyd's neck would have only been about 50-60 pounds, and being that his right knee was elevated on Floyd's body, probably left only about 40 pounds on his neck shifting more weight to the left, which seems not hardly enough to kill someone.
Officer Chuvin's conviction was an injustice.
It was a political conviction.
The Left has no shame because they do not have a conscience.
The trial was a piece of shit. Can you answer yes or no in front of the other readers watching this thread whether Floyd’s SARS-CoV-2 infection was mentioned during the trial?
Was he Covid Positive when the policeman choked him out while people begged him not to kill that man, instead of handcuffing him and putting him in the car, like normal law enforcement are paid to do?
They prevented him from bucking out in front of traffic and promptly called for EMT. Chauvin even helped lift him into the rescue vehicle.
YES, they did.
Chauvin's knee saved Floyd's life for another 8 minutes.
And of course you're simply making up that bullshit.

Look, I thought the cops killed him too when I first saw the snippets of video that were on the news. And I vehemently expressed that hasty opinion in this very forum. I called them murderers.

However, after the toxicology report and the full bodycam videos were released, I had to eat my words and admit that I was 100% wrong. He obviously died from a drug overdose.
Chauvin was trying to give Floyd, knee to neck, 'resuscitation'.
A method still in the works.

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