Silence at Times Square as ultrasound shows 4D baby in utero

Baby killers hate babies and want them killed..and not just killed, but killed in the most horrific, inhumane and painful ways imaginable. With no record of the event, with no medical accountability. They want these things chopped up by people who don't have admitting privileges at hospitals, by people who often aren't even really doctors.

Thousands Pack NYC's Times Square for 'Alive from New York' to Witness Live 4D Ultrasound

Note that youtube will not allow us to easily share anything that shows a live baby in utero.

It goes against the leftist baby killing narrative, which asserts that it's a parasite.

Live Ultrasound at Alive From New York Event
The left is slowly being FORCED to face SCIENCE.
Kicking and Sceaming.
*silence* “uh, wtf are those weirdos over there doing?” *walks away silently hoping they don’t bother me*
Case in point. Leftists are disgusting death cultists. Completely anti-social, criminal, and without any value whatever.
^ walks around with posters of bloody fetus parts, calls others anti-social

No, the anti-social behavior is the behavior that encourages and celebrates chopping up infants.

The people who show the pictures are trying to stop them. They're just sharing the proof of what the butchers do.

Anti-social criminals are all about hiding the proof, and making it illegal, or at least very difficult, to share it.
No one wants to see that weird fetish shit. Makes you look like a nutjob.
Only to your ilk. If you dont like life, you have a solution
First you name one that didn't have Pedophilia, and Rape.
All societies have had all 3. Easy question.
If NAMBLA made enough campaign donations to Democrats, Pelosi would consider raping a 4 year old a personal choice.
Far from the 1st retarded thing you’ve posted
Yet true
If NAMBLA sucked off Trump in the Middle of 5th Avenue he’d still have your vote
I just want to be at the deathbed of some of these zombies who cry " womans rights". Want to stand over them with a wee bit of a wry smile and whisper, " you doin'?":abgg2q.jpg:
Of course....that's very CRC of you.
Baby killers hate babies and want them killed..and not just killed, but killed in the most horrific, inhumane and painful ways imaginable. With no record of the event, with no medical accountability. They want these things chopped up by people who don't have admitting privileges at hospitals, by people who often aren't even really doctors.

Thousands Pack NYC's Times Square for 'Alive from New York' to Witness Live 4D Ultrasound

Note that youtube will not allow us to easily share anything that shows a live baby in utero.

It goes against the leftist baby killing narrative, which asserts that it's a parasite.

Live Ultrasound at Alive From New York Event
The left is slowly being FORCED to face SCIENCE.
Now THERE'S some bigly Irony! :71:
Not as big as you'd like to believe. The left gets lots of science wrong by wrapping up their political ideology inside
a shiny wrapper marked "science" in big gold letters.
Two instances that come to mind are global warming and transgenderism.

According to the Chicken Little Left polar bears should be almost extinct by now and our coastal cities should be inundated by rising ocean levels. Both dire scare tactics were lies informed more by a need to frighten people than science.
Listen to the evidence: polar bears are thriving in current sea ice habitat

Gabby Logan backs athletes who claim transgender women have 'unfair physical advantage' | Daily Mail Online
And it turns out females competing against transgendered women are indeed at a distinct disadvantage despite assurances of LGBTQ friendly scientists.There are many natural physical advantages that people born male will never lose despite blocking testosterone levels.

Female trannies can lower their testosterone levels all they like. It does little to
even the playing field. How Do Men and Women Differ Athletically? |

Your comment wasn't ironic, just uninformed.
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Near the end of Alive From New York - a pro-life event held in New York City May 4, 2019 - a Live ultrasound was performed to reveal a third-trimester baby. The mother of the baby shown in the Live ultrasound is Abby Johnson, Planned Parenthood director turned pro-life advocate.

Before the Live ultrasound, a video explaining how and why the picture appears a certain way plays.

Please share this video, and videos like it, with everyone you know.
who is Abby Johnson.
Johnson revealed in January 2011 that she had had two abortions herself before the birth of her daughter.[6] She lives in Texas with her husband Doug[2] and seven children.
it never fails, who is anti abortion the most , male republicans and women who have had one or more abortions.
She became pro-lfe after she witnessed a baby trying to get away from the tool that was going to kill it. Maybe you should witness that, nevermind you might like that.

That has been debunked on her wiki page. She was also outed as someone who got 2 abortions so she had to admit it. PS: I never had an abortion but I understand why some women do, but 2, I guess she thought it was just a from of birth control.
Backfag is a bode sock, isn't he...I can't believe I didn't notice.
Or if I did, that I forgot.
That has been debunked on her wiki page. She was also outed as someone who got 2 abortions so she had to admit it.
Abby Johnson? Clearly she had two abortions and wound up as a Planned Parenthood supervisor. That's all part of the back story of the movie based on her conversion. Wake the fuck up!

As far as the other claim I don't think your skeptical doubting counts as "debunking" of anything. Your crayon box is missing more than a few colors.
Near the end of Alive From New York - a pro-life event held in New York City May 4, 2019 - a Live ultrasound was performed to reveal a third-trimester baby. The mother of the baby shown in the Live ultrasound is Abby Johnson, Planned Parenthood director turned pro-life advocate.

Before the Live ultrasound, a video explaining how and why the picture appears a certain way plays.

Please share this video, and videos like it, with everyone you know.
who is Abby Johnson.
Johnson revealed in January 2011 that she had had two abortions herself before the birth of her daughter.[6] She lives in Texas with her husband Doug[2] and seven children.
it never fails, who is anti abortion the most , male republicans and women who have had one or more abortions.
She became pro-lfe after she witnessed a baby trying to get away from the tool that was going to kill it. Maybe you should witness that, nevermind you might like that.

That has been debunked on her wiki page. She was also outed as someone who got 2 abortions so she had to admit it. PS: I never had an abortion but I understand why some women do, but 2, I guess she thought it was just a from of birth control.
And she regrets it.
Near the end of Alive From New York - a pro-life event held in New York City May 4, 2019 - a Live ultrasound was performed to reveal a third-trimester baby. The mother of the baby shown in the Live ultrasound is Abby Johnson, Planned Parenthood director turned pro-life advocate.

Before the Live ultrasound, a video explaining how and why the picture appears a certain way plays.

Please share this video, and videos like it, with everyone you know.
who is Abby Johnson.
Johnson revealed in January 2011 that she had had two abortions herself before the birth of her daughter.[6] She lives in Texas with her husband Doug[2] and seven children.
it never fails, who is anti abortion the most , male republicans and women who have had one or more abortions.
She became pro-lfe after she witnessed a baby trying to get away from the tool that was going to kill it. Maybe you should witness that, nevermind you might like that.

That has been debunked on her wiki page. She was also outed as someone who got 2 abortions so she had to admit it. PS: I never had an abortion but I understand why some women do, but 2, I guess she thought it was just a from of birth control.
And she regrets it.

So she says. She is Ceo of a business now, non profit mind you, kind of like a ministry, wrote books and has a movie. I am leery of people that find God, as most of them lose him as quick as they find him.
It takes extreme re-education for someone to think killing the baby is cool
Lol get a hold of yourself, nutjob
Yeah.. Human Rights is so nutty.
You cheer your President as he covers up murders to keep selling weapons to militaries that are killing babies. Then you falsely claim people you disagree with think killing babies is cool. So I ask myself, why am I engaging a total nutjob? can always identify the board members who never quite connected the dots correctly in college classes. Moral equivalence that makes as much sense as ketchup on a big pretzel. Knee jerk rote responses are Jimmy Carter who based his foreign policy on human rights but crashed and burned in spectacular fashion. Or Soetero who funded the Iranian military with taxpayer $.

Zero correlation to the OP''s topic.:cul2::cul2::deal:
Baby killers hate babies and want them killed..and not just killed, but killed in the most horrific, inhumane and painful ways imaginable. With no record of the event, with no medical accountability. They want these things chopped up by people who don't have admitting privileges at hospitals, by people who often aren't even really doctors.

Thousands Pack NYC's Times Square for 'Alive from New York' to Witness Live 4D Ultrasound

Note that youtube will not allow us to easily share anything that shows a live baby in utero.

It goes against the leftist baby killing narrative, which asserts that it's a parasite.

Live Ultrasound at Alive From New York Event
Don't sugar-coat it, call those baby killers what they really are: mothers.
*silence* “uh, wtf are those weirdos over there doing?” *walks away silently hoping they don’t bother me*
Case in point. Leftists are disgusting death cultists. Completely anti-social, criminal, and without any value whatever.

Dude, time to move on from the Dark Ages.
All death cultists think they're *progressive* and *modern*...*evolved* and *civilized*.

The spartans..who threw their 8 year old children into the wilderness to sink or swim...also left children out in the cold, if they were deformed, unwanted, or otherwise undesirable.

The point being, your understanding of what is primitive, and what is evolved, is skewed.
It takes extreme re-education for someone to think killing the baby is cool
Lol get a hold of yourself, nutjob
Yeah.. Human Rights is so nutty.
You cheer your President as he covers up murders to keep selling weapons to militaries that are killing babies. Then you falsely claim people you disagree with think killing babies is cool. So I ask myself, why am I engaging a total nutjob? can always identify the board members who never quite connected the dots correctly in college classes. Moral equivalence that makes as much sense as ketchup on a big pretzel. Knee jerk rote responses are Jimmy Carter who based his foreign policy on human rights but crashed and burned in spectacular fashion. Or Soetero who funded the Iranian military with taxpayer $.

Zero correlation to the OP''s topic.:cul2::cul2::deal:
yeah bode does that too.

backfag is a bode sock.

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