Simple Question for Those Who Subscribe to AGW....

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I won’t pat herself on the back. You don’t discuss science, you parrot denial.

Says the guy who doesn't seem to be able to produce any science to the guy who has backed every claim he has made with published science... laughable....and pitiful...

You have provided nothing which will refute what has been established as scientific fact in regard to AGW.

You have not refuted a single fact on the NASA website.

When do you think that will happen?

I addressed your NASA link not long ago, you ignored it. You also ignored a QUESTION I asked you several times about something in that link, you ignored it.

You never did bother to discuss YOUR link at all, you ran away instead, to spread your ignorant spittle in other threads.

You have not proved any argument which convinces anyone (outside the denial bubble) that NASA has it wrong.

Post away

Just the fact that NASA is having to falsify data in order to support their narrative is evidence that they have it wrong....why else falsify data?

Again, what data has been falsified?
Okay deniers, disprove this from NASA.

"The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost an average of 286 billion tons of ice per year between 1993 and 2016, while Antarctica lost about 127 billion tons of ice per year during the same time period. The rate of Antarctica ice mass loss has tripled in the last decade."

News | Ramp-Up in Antarctic Ice Loss Speeds Sea Level Rise
What part of the following NASA statement is wrong in your opinion.

"The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is extremely likely (greater than 95 percent probability) to be the result of human activity since the mid-20th century and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented over decades to millennia.1
The simple fact that gold standard temperature reconstructions according to climate science say that it is not true.

Here...from the GISP2 ice core...the gold standard in temperature reconstruction according to climate science.. As you can see there have been temperature increases over the past 10,000 years that are far greater, and happened far faster than anything we have seen. NASA simply lied.


Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances have enabled scientists to see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale. This body of data, collected over many years, reveals the signals of a changing climate.

Who is arguing that the climate doesn't change...look at the graph above and you can see just how much it help from CO2 needed...

The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century.2 Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA. There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in response.

If CO2 "traps" heat, why is there no tropospheric hot spot as predicted by the climate models? And why is the amount of energy escaping earth at the top of the atmosphere increasing? If CO2 were "trapping" heat, then the tropospheric hot spot would be there, and the amount of energy escaping the earth at the top of the atmosphere would be decreasing instead of increasing.

Ice cores drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical mountain glaciers show that the Earth’s climate responds to changes in greenhouse gas levels. Ancient evidence can also be found in tree rings, ocean sediments, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary rocks. This ancient, or paleoclimate, evidence reveals that current warming is occurring roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming."

Speaking of ice cores drawn from Greenland and Antarctica, take a look at the one above taken from clearly shows that except for the little ice age, which the earth is still warming out of, it is cooler now than it has been for damned near all of the past 10,000 years...take a good look at that graph and tell me where you would expect for the temperature to go with or without humans being present?

Ice cores take from antarctic show much the same thing... this one taken from Vostok in antarctica shows that the temperarue of the present is lower than it has been for most of the past 10,000 years...but NASA is perfectly happy to let you believe that the bit of warming we have seen is unusual, unexpected, and unprecedented...none of which are true.

Says the guy who doesn't seem to be able to produce any science to the guy who has backed every claim he has made with published science... laughable....and pitiful...

You have provided nothing which will refute what has been established as scientific fact in regard to AGW.

You have not refuted a single fact on the NASA website.

When do you think that will happen?

I addressed your NASA link not long ago, you ignored it. You also ignored a QUESTION I asked you several times about something in that link, you ignored it.

You never did bother to discuss YOUR link at all, you ran away instead, to spread your ignorant spittle in other threads.

You have not proved any argument which convinces anyone (outside the denial bubble) that NASA has it wrong.

Post away

Just the fact that NASA is having to falsify data in order to support their narrative is evidence that they have it wrong....why else falsify data?

Again, what data has been falsified?

I just gave you two temperature graphs that have clearly been altered...that is called falsifying data..
Okay deniers, disprove this from NASA.

"The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost an average of 286 billion tons of ice per year between 1993 and 2016, while Antarctica lost about 127 billion tons of ice per year during the same time period. The rate of Antarctica ice mass loss has tripled in the last decade."

News | Ramp-Up in Antarctic Ice Loss Speeds Sea Level Rise

Ok...first that is about antarctica...not greenland...second, note that they say that West Antarctica is where the biggest changes are happening. It is true, West Antarctica is loosing a good deal of ice. I don't guess you know what the article didn't tell you about the ice loss in West Antarctica do you? They sure won't tell you...that article is designed to make you think we are somehow responsible... They didn't bother to tell you that they have discovered some 91 active volcanoes both under the ice and on the sea bed around West Antarctica.

What does it feel like to be a dupe? What does it feel like when the people you though you could trust leave out a piece of information that important? How does it feel to know that you have been taken advantage of...they let you believe that we were responsible some how for that ice loss and it is actually damned near 100 volcanoes under the ice and on the ocean floor around West Antarctica?


Which set of facts? You post up shit without a clue and runaway like a little bitch... Please be specific as to what you believe is true.

Okay, I believe the scientists at NASA over a troll on the internet.

Unfortunate to be in a position where you feel that you must believe people who have been caught falsifying data....

What data has been falsified? Well, outside of the denial bubble.

Glad to provide you with isn't as if were hard to find....

Here is a fine example...the temperature was adjusted down from the raw data in order to give the appearance of more warming than has actually happened and it completely eliminates the hot period of the 1930's (the dust bowl years) which were warmer than the present and makes them appear much cooler than the present.


Here is another fine example of the "adjustment" happening at NASA.. Want more? There's plenty out there.


Post the source where you pulled these "graphs" from.
and even more you have any physical evidence that says that the change is in any way influencing the climate?

NOAA says there is.

Temperature Change and Carbon Dioxide Change | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) formerly known as National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

You keep showing evidence that the climate is changing...who is disputing that? What you aren't showing is evidence that we are the show evidence that the climate is changing with nothing but an assumption that we must be the cause....That isn't evidence of anything more than that you apparently don't know what evidence that we were causing the change looks like. Your NCEI graph is pretty and all, and they tell you that there is a strong correlation between CO2 and temperature...and then they expect that you will be to ignorant to actually look at the graph and see that what it shows is that increased CO2 follows warming....every ice core ever done shows that increased atmospheric CO2 is the result of warming, not the cause... What is it like to be a useful idiot?


It's determined by process of elimination. Solar and volcanic forcings don't account for the dramatic increase in temperature we've seen in the 20th century. That leaves human caused greenhouse gas as the culprit. If you think it's caused by something else, what is it.
Okay deniers, disprove this from NASA.

"The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost an average of 286 billion tons of ice per year between 1993 and 2016, while Antarctica lost about 127 billion tons of ice per year during the same time period. The rate of Antarctica ice mass loss has tripled in the last decade."

News | Ramp-Up in Antarctic Ice Loss Speeds Sea Level Rise

Ok...first that is about antarctica...not greenland...second, note that they say that West Antarctica is where the biggest changes are happening. It is true, West Antarctica is loosing a good deal of ice. I don't guess you know what the article didn't tell you about the ice loss in West Antarctica do you? They sure won't tell you...that article is designed to make you think we are somehow responsible... They didn't bother to tell you that they have discovered some 91 active volcanoes both under the ice and on the sea bed around West Antarctica.

What does it feel like to be a dupe? What does it feel like when the people you though you could trust leave out a piece of information that important? How does it feel to know that you have been taken advantage of...they let you believe that we were responsible some how for that ice loss and it is actually damned near 100 volcanoes under the ice and on the ocean floor around West Antarctica?


Yeah dupe, I feel for you. The scientists who discovered the volcanoes have an answer for you. They don't support your ignorant assertion that those volcanoes are causing the ice to melt. They do give a reason and can you post it for the thread to see.

Scientists discover 91 volcanoes below Antarctic ice sheet
and even more you have any physical evidence that says that the change is in any way influencing the climate?

NOAA says there is.

Temperature Change and Carbon Dioxide Change | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) formerly known as National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

You keep showing evidence that the climate is changing...who is disputing that? What you aren't showing is evidence that we are the show evidence that the climate is changing with nothing but an assumption that we must be the cause....That isn't evidence of anything more than that you apparently don't know what evidence that we were causing the change looks like. Your NCEI graph is pretty and all, and they tell you that there is a strong correlation between CO2 and temperature...and then they expect that you will be to ignorant to actually look at the graph and see that what it shows is that increased CO2 follows warming....every ice core ever done shows that increased atmospheric CO2 is the result of warming, not the cause... What is it like to be a useful idiot?


It's determined by process of elimination. Solar and volcanic forcings don't account for the dramatic increase in temperature we've seen in the 20th century. That leaves human caused greenhouse gas as the culprit. If you think it's caused by something else, what is it.

So lets see a published paper that makes that claim....all the actual published papers that I have ever seen say just the opposite...

Which set of facts? You post up shit without a clue and runaway like a little bitch... Please be specific as to what you believe is true.

Okay, I believe the scientists at NASA over a troll on the internet.

Unfortunate to be in a position where you feel that you must believe people who have been caught falsifying data....

What data has been falsified? Well, outside of the denial bubble.

Glad to provide you with isn't as if were hard to find....

Here is a fine example...the temperature was adjusted down from the raw data in order to give the appearance of more warming than has actually happened and it completely eliminates the hot period of the 1930's (the dust bowl years) which were warmer than the present and makes them appear much cooler than the present.


Here is another fine example of the "adjustment" happening at NASA.. Want more? There's plenty out there.


So they changed the scale on the graph. Diabolical.
Okay deniers, disprove this from NASA.

"The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost an average of 286 billion tons of ice per year between 1993 and 2016, while Antarctica lost about 127 billion tons of ice per year during the same time period. The rate of Antarctica ice mass loss has tripled in the last decade."

News | Ramp-Up in Antarctic Ice Loss Speeds Sea Level Rise

Ok...first that is about antarctica...not greenland...second, note that they say that West Antarctica is where the biggest changes are happening. It is true, West Antarctica is loosing a good deal of ice. I don't guess you know what the article didn't tell you about the ice loss in West Antarctica do you? They sure won't tell you...that article is designed to make you think we are somehow responsible... They didn't bother to tell you that they have discovered some 91 active volcanoes both under the ice and on the sea bed around West Antarctica.

What does it feel like to be a dupe? What does it feel like when the people you though you could trust leave out a piece of information that important? How does it feel to know that you have been taken advantage of...they let you believe that we were responsible some how for that ice loss and it is actually damned near 100 volcanoes under the ice and on the ocean floor around West Antarctica?


Yeah dupe, I feel for you. The scientists who discovered the volcanoes have an answer for you. They don't support your ignorant assertion that those volcanoes are causing the ice to melt. They do give a reason and can you post it for the thread to see.

Scientists discover 91 volcanoes below Antarctic ice sheet

You don't think volcanoes under the ice, and on the ocean floor under the sea ice will make ice melt? You really think molten lava won't melt ice? Are you that f'ing stupid?
and even more you have any physical evidence that says that the change is in any way influencing the climate?

NOAA says there is.

Temperature Change and Carbon Dioxide Change | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) formerly known as National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

You keep showing evidence that the climate is changing...who is disputing that? What you aren't showing is evidence that we are the show evidence that the climate is changing with nothing but an assumption that we must be the cause....That isn't evidence of anything more than that you apparently don't know what evidence that we were causing the change looks like. Your NCEI graph is pretty and all, and they tell you that there is a strong correlation between CO2 and temperature...and then they expect that you will be to ignorant to actually look at the graph and see that what it shows is that increased CO2 follows warming....every ice core ever done shows that increased atmospheric CO2 is the result of warming, not the cause... What is it like to be a useful idiot?


It's determined by process of elimination. Solar and volcanic forcings don't account for the dramatic increase in temperature we've seen in the 20th century. That leaves human caused greenhouse gas as the culprit. If you think it's caused by something else, what is it.

So lets see a published paper that makes that claim....all the actual published papers that I have ever seen say just the opposite...

Looking at the relative contributions of these forcings to climate change over the past 1,000 years, scientists have concluded from model simulations that:

  1. Solar and volcanic forcings have been responsible for some of the variations in Northern Hemisphere temperature over the past 1,000 years.
  2. Neither solar nor volcanic forcing can explain the dramatic warming of the 20th century. Changes in these forcings during the 20th century would actually have resulted in a small cooling since 1960.
  3. Only by adding the human-caused increase in greenhouse gas concentrations are the models able to explain the unprecedented warmth we are currently experiencing.

    Climate Model Simulations of the Last 1,000 Years | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) formerly known as National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Which set of facts? You post up shit without a clue and runaway like a little bitch... Please be specific as to what you believe is true.

Okay, I believe the scientists at NASA over a troll on the internet.

Unfortunate to be in a position where you feel that you must believe people who have been caught falsifying data....

What data has been falsified? Well, outside of the denial bubble.

Glad to provide you with isn't as if were hard to find....

Here is a fine example...the temperature was adjusted down from the raw data in order to give the appearance of more warming than has actually happened and it completely eliminates the hot period of the 1930's (the dust bowl years) which were warmer than the present and makes them appear much cooler than the present.


Here is another fine example of the "adjustment" happening at NASA.. Want more? There's plenty out there.


So they changed the scale on the graph. Diabolical.

It is far more than changing the is outright fraud...

You are like an abused animal that still licks its master's hand....they lie to you...make you look like a fool, and you apologize for pathetic is that?
An actual CO2 garph.


And that is fakery as don't attach instrumental readings to proxy is fraud and there is no other word for it...and do tell me, what do you think it proves anyway other than that as the earth has warmed, the processes by which the earth produces CO2 have become more efficient?
Okay deniers, disprove this from NASA.

"The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost an average of 286 billion tons of ice per year between 1993 and 2016, while Antarctica lost about 127 billion tons of ice per year during the same time period. The rate of Antarctica ice mass loss has tripled in the last decade."

News | Ramp-Up in Antarctic Ice Loss Speeds Sea Level Rise

Ok...first that is about antarctica...not greenland...second, note that they say that West Antarctica is where the biggest changes are happening. It is true, West Antarctica is loosing a good deal of ice. I don't guess you know what the article didn't tell you about the ice loss in West Antarctica do you? They sure won't tell you...that article is designed to make you think we are somehow responsible... They didn't bother to tell you that they have discovered some 91 active volcanoes both under the ice and on the sea bed around West Antarctica.

What does it feel like to be a dupe? What does it feel like when the people you though you could trust leave out a piece of information that important? How does it feel to know that you have been taken advantage of...they let you believe that we were responsible some how for that ice loss and it is actually damned near 100 volcanoes under the ice and on the ocean floor around West Antarctica?


Yeah dupe, I feel for you. The scientists who discovered the volcanoes have an answer for you. They don't support your ignorant assertion that those volcanoes are causing the ice to melt. They do give a reason and can you post it for the thread to see.

Scientists discover 91 volcanoes below Antarctic ice sheet

You don't think volcanoes under the ice, and on the ocean floor under the sea ice will make ice melt? You really think molten lava won't melt ice? Are you that f'ing stupid?

Is that what the actual scientists found that the volcanoes were melting the ice or not.

You can read their findings in the link that I provided.

Now let's discuss your stupid.
Okay deniers, disprove this from NASA.

"The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost an average of 286 billion tons of ice per year between 1993 and 2016, while Antarctica lost about 127 billion tons of ice per year during the same time period. The rate of Antarctica ice mass loss has tripled in the last decade."

News | Ramp-Up in Antarctic Ice Loss Speeds Sea Level Rise

Ok...first that is about antarctica...not greenland...second, note that they say that West Antarctica is where the biggest changes are happening. It is true, West Antarctica is loosing a good deal of ice. I don't guess you know what the article didn't tell you about the ice loss in West Antarctica do you? They sure won't tell you...that article is designed to make you think we are somehow responsible... They didn't bother to tell you that they have discovered some 91 active volcanoes both under the ice and on the sea bed around West Antarctica.

What does it feel like to be a dupe? What does it feel like when the people you though you could trust leave out a piece of information that important? How does it feel to know that you have been taken advantage of...they let you believe that we were responsible some how for that ice loss and it is actually damned near 100 volcanoes under the ice and on the ocean floor around West Antarctica?


Yeah dupe, I feel for you. The scientists who discovered the volcanoes have an answer for you. They don't support your ignorant assertion that those volcanoes are causing the ice to melt. They do give a reason and can you post it for the thread to see.

Scientists discover 91 volcanoes below Antarctic ice sheet

You don't think volcanoes under the ice, and on the ocean floor under the sea ice will make ice melt? You really think molten lava won't melt ice? Are you that f'ing stupid?

Can't be very active to allow the Antarctic ice sheet to form over the top of them.
and even more you have any physical evidence that says that the change is in any way influencing the climate?

NOAA says there is.

Temperature Change and Carbon Dioxide Change | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) formerly known as National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

You keep showing evidence that the climate is changing...who is disputing that? What you aren't showing is evidence that we are the show evidence that the climate is changing with nothing but an assumption that we must be the cause....That isn't evidence of anything more than that you apparently don't know what evidence that we were causing the change looks like. Your NCEI graph is pretty and all, and they tell you that there is a strong correlation between CO2 and temperature...and then they expect that you will be to ignorant to actually look at the graph and see that what it shows is that increased CO2 follows warming....every ice core ever done shows that increased atmospheric CO2 is the result of warming, not the cause... What is it like to be a useful idiot?


It's determined by process of elimination. Solar and volcanic forcings don't account for the dramatic increase in temperature we've seen in the 20th century. That leaves human caused greenhouse gas as the culprit. If you think it's caused by something else, what is it.

So lets see a published paper that makes that claim....all the actual published papers that I have ever seen say just the opposite...

Looking at the relative contributions of these forcings to climate change over the past 1,000 years, scientists have concluded from model simulations that:

  1. Solar and volcanic forcings have been responsible for some of the variations in Northern Hemisphere temperature over the past 1,000 years.
  2. Neither solar nor volcanic forcing can explain the dramatic warming of the 20th century. Changes in these forcings during the 20th century would actually have resulted in a small cooling since 1960.
  3. Only by adding the human-caused increase in greenhouse gas concentrations are the models able to explain the unprecedented warmth we are currently experiencing.

    Climate Model Simulations of the Last 1,000 Years | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) formerly known as National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

What is so dramatic about the warming of the 20th century...I already provided you with a gold standard temperature reconstruction derived from the GISP2 ice cores from greenland which showed temperature changes far greater than any we have seen in a shorter period of time than we have seen...what exactly is dramatic about 20th century warming when compared to the past 10,000 years?
An actual CO2 garph.


And that is fakery as don't attach instrumental readings to proxy is fraud and there is no other word for it...and do tell me, what do you think it proves anyway other than that as the earth has warmed, the processes by which the earth produces CO2 have become more efficient?

Show your "evidence" that the graph is factually wrong.
Okay deniers, disprove this from NASA.

"The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost an average of 286 billion tons of ice per year between 1993 and 2016, while Antarctica lost about 127 billion tons of ice per year during the same time period. The rate of Antarctica ice mass loss has tripled in the last decade."

News | Ramp-Up in Antarctic Ice Loss Speeds Sea Level Rise

Ok...first that is about antarctica...not greenland...second, note that they say that West Antarctica is where the biggest changes are happening. It is true, West Antarctica is loosing a good deal of ice. I don't guess you know what the article didn't tell you about the ice loss in West Antarctica do you? They sure won't tell you...that article is designed to make you think we are somehow responsible... They didn't bother to tell you that they have discovered some 91 active volcanoes both under the ice and on the sea bed around West Antarctica.

What does it feel like to be a dupe? What does it feel like when the people you though you could trust leave out a piece of information that important? How does it feel to know that you have been taken advantage of...they let you believe that we were responsible some how for that ice loss and it is actually damned near 100 volcanoes under the ice and on the ocean floor around West Antarctica?


Yeah dupe, I feel for you. The scientists who discovered the volcanoes have an answer for you. They don't support your ignorant assertion that those volcanoes are causing the ice to melt. They do give a reason and can you post it for the thread to see.

Scientists discover 91 volcanoes below Antarctic ice sheet

You don't think volcanoes under the ice, and on the ocean floor under the sea ice will make ice melt? You really think molten lava won't melt ice? Are you that f'ing stupid?

Is that what the actual scientists found that the volcanoes were melting the ice or not.

You can read their findings in the link that I provided.

Now let's discuss your stupid.

You are unbelievably stupid....but here...from actual scientists... How ignorant must you be to not think that f'ing active volcanoes....giant volcanoes according to those who discovered them wouldn't be melting ice..?

Hidden Volcanoes Melt Antarctic Glaciers from Below

Antarctica is a land of ice. But dive below the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, and you'll find fire as well, in the form of subglacial volcanoes.

Now, a new study finds that these subglacial volcanoes and other geothermal "hotspots" are contributing to the melting of Thwaites Glacier, a major river of ice that flows into Antarctica's Pine Island Bay. Areas of the glacier that sit near geologic features thought to be volcanic are melting faster than regions farther away from hotspots, said Dustin Schroeder, the study's lead author and a geophysicist at the University of Texas at Austin.

NASA discovers mantle plume almost as hot as Yellowstone that's melting Antarctica from below

A mantle plume producing almost as much heat as Yellowstone supervolcano appears to be melting part of West Antarctica from beneath.

Researchers at NASA have discovered a huge upwelling of hot rock under Marie Byrd Land, which lies between the Ross Ice Shelf and the Ross Sea, is creating vast lakes and rivers under the ice sheet. The presence of a huge mantle plume could explain why the region is so unstable today, and why it collapsed so quickly at the end of the last Ice Age, 11,000 years ago.
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