Since taxes on the rich went up in January 2013, jobless rate went from 8% to 5.5% today


Gold Member
Mar 10, 2013

Can we stop the pity party for the "job creators" :rofl:please?

Why conservatives are so concerned about the living standards of the leisure class and their bloated salaries, I'll never understand. You'd think the rich in America were being shot dead in a basement like the Romanov family, the way the right portrays a few percentage points of higher income tax.

Taxes are UP and joblessness is DOWN. Conservatives, share with us your lame-o, eye-rolling excuses for this fact. Give me something to laugh about.
Well, the biggest middle class by percentage in the history of this country was in the 50's and 60's. The rich paid a hell of a lot more in taxes in those times.

The rich create very little jobs...It really is new businesses that are formed from the middle class that is the main driver of job creation. Sadly, the richer the rich get = the more they destroy small businesses and the middle classes ability to create more jobs.
I'm sure the 94 million out of the workforce are thrilled

Those Americans don't count because Democrats have conveniently forgotten about them. Sure the labor participation rate hasn't been this bad since the 70's but eh, looks good to a Democrat.

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