Since the hypocritical left is so interested in where money went with Scott walker.....


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Whatever happened to the solyndra money? Were we ever told? Well, there was an FBI raid. What came of that and whatever happened to the hundreds of millions of dollars that the government gave? Hmmmmmm?

I am not home, can someone of like minded ways as me please list all of the mass green failures pushed by the morons on the left?

Research cow fart offsets. That ought to start you off pretty well.
"Green" energy waste in one article:

Since 1973, U.S. government agencies have spent $154.7 billion on “renewable energy”with very little to show for it. Proponents of solar technology claim that their favored technology is on the verge of being competitive with traditional forms of energy, but they have made the same claim since at least the mid-1990s. Billions of dollars in subsidies later, solar still only comprises at most 0.2 percent of U.S. electricity production according to the Energy Information Administration.
Whatever happened to the solyndra money? Were we ever told? Well, there was an FBI raid. What came of that and whatever happened to the hundreds of millions of dollars that the government gave? Hmmmmmm?

I am not home, can someone of like minded ways as me please list all of the mass green failures pushed by the morons on the left?

Research cow fart offsets. That ought to start you off pretty well.

Why don't you mention the Obama administration green energy successes?

Renewable Energy US Success Beyond Solyndra - Pennenergy

Is that because you're a partisan hypocrite of some sort?

cow fart offsets...


Yeah, look it up. Has to with with kangaroo farts not producing harmful methane due to a bacteria.

So, money has been spent to develop this bacteria in their farts.....will not.....melt the ice caps.

Yes, true.

Oh, it is only a matter of time before significant taxes are added to gassy foods like beans. Sort of shocked it has not been already.
they've (democrats/unions and commies) had a big fat HARDON for Walker ever since he kicked their asses out of MILLIONS on their FAKE reasons to recall him

what happens in the STATE he is Governor of is not anyone's BUSINESS unless you live there. And evidently the majority is fine and dandy with him
they've (democrats/unions and commies) had a big fat HARDON for Walker ever since he kicked their asses out of MILLIONS on their FAKE reasons to recall him

what happens in the STATE he is Governor of is not anyone's BUSINESS unless you live there. And evidently the majority is fine and dandy with him

Walker is one of my favorite presidential candidates (I hope he runs). He rolled back moonbatism in WI, and that's exactly what needs to be done at the national level.


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