Sinking Tuvalu fights to keep maritime boundaries as sea levels rise

As though NASA has the sea level increase there all wrong.
Many of the scientists will not get employed unless they buy into the scam. And with the lowering of standards, well you know. Still smarter than me. Just do not trust them.
Many of the scientists will not get employed unless they buy into the scam. And with the lowering of standards, well you know. Still smarter than me. Just do not trust them.

It is religion. The job of the taxpayer funded "climate scientist" is to take data showing no warming and fudge it to show "warming" that does not exist.

Tuvalu, whose mean elevation is just 2 m (6.56 ft), has experienced a sea-level rise of 15 cm (5.91 inches) over the past three decades, one-and-a-half times the global average.
By 2050, NASA scientists project that daily tides will submerge half of the main atoll of Funafuti, home to 60% of Tuvalu's residents, where villages cling to a strip of land as narrow as 20 m in parts.
Life is already changing: Tuvaluans rely on rainwater tanks and a central raised garden for growing vegetables, because saltwater inundation has ruined groundwater, affecting crops.

Interesting thing they are pushing for, being able to retain control of a vast maritime zone with lucrative fishing rights even after the country has sunk under the waves.

Now let's see them enforce it.

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